My story


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Jul 20, 2007
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Here you go! It's kinda big:

[SIZE=14pt]Flying Dreams[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Chapter One[/SIZE]

Flying across the beautiful blue sky with just the right amount of clouds felt great to Catherine. Smiling she couldn’t find a single word to say to the love of her life, Seth Brown, who was next to her, holding he hand to keep from falling. “Wow this is amazing!!” He exclaimed “I have something to tell you and if I am gonna tell you any time soon, it would be now. I- I have always had a crush on you. Ever since 3rd grade when you walked through that door.” Dumbstruck, she looked at him. He was getting closer and closer, and she could see deeper and deeper into his beautiful light brown eyes. He was so close. “CATHERINE!!!”

[SIZE=14pt]Chapter Two[/SIZE]

Catherine jumped in her seat as her teacher, Mrs. Witherspoon, hit her yard long ruler on her desk. “Get your head out of clouds! We don’t need anymore daydreamers! I catch you daydreaming one more time, and I will have to move you up front, in the middle.” Catherine had been staring out into the sky, daydreaming in class again. Embarrassed, she bit her lip and pulled her left pigtail. Reluctantly, she peered over to Seth, three desks away. He was obviously not noticing, to busy paying attention to his work. That was just like him. He always was paying attention and doing his work. He was a very intelligent kid. She was beginning to stare when something hit her in the back of the head. Startled, she looked behind her. Her best friend, Elizabeth Creswell, had thrown a crumpled up note at the back of her head. Catherine picked it up and read it. It said: What are you doing? You know Seth hates it when people stare! And you’ll get in trouble again. Why did WE have to get the sternest 5th grade teacher? Which daydream was it now? The one where you MARRY Seth? Hahaha…….Catherine rolled her eyes as she wrote her reply: HEY! That was once ok? Anyway I forgot that he hates it. I mean his handsome brown hair and eyes….. I don’t know why we got Mrs.WitherWrinkles but I am glad Seth got her too… I was daydreaming about flying again. Seth was with me but he was holding on to my hand, apparently so that he wouldn’t fall. He almost kissed me but then Mrs.Uglyspoon woke me up…..grrr…..She tossed it back. It was going to be a loooooong day.

After school, on the playground when she was daydreaming again, the bullies, Sergio, Michael and Taz, walked up. “Whatcha daydreamin about? Flowers, rainbows and ponies?!” laughed Taz, sounding as stupid as ever. That was it!! Catherine was fed up with the bullies. They had teased her ever since the 4th grade because she started wearing pigtails. She stood up and said “No, I am daydreaming about what is about to become reality!” And after that she punched Taz’s nose! He screamed clutching his now broken nose. Sergio and Michael, very stunned by the performance began to back away. Wide-eyed, unwilling to believe what she had just done, Catherine ran across the field, through the shortcut to her house and didn’t stop running until she got there.

At home she yelled a quick hi to her older brother Max, who was, as always, playing video games. When in her room she pounced on her bed. After a while she needed to tell someone so she decided to call Elizabeth. She picked up her purple phone and dialed in the number.

“You broke his nose?! I can’t wait to see what it looks like tomorrow!” Elizabeth exclaimed happily, as she too, was bullied by Taz and his gang. “Well you’re probably not gonna! He is either gonna be at home recovering, or he will have one of those huge bandages on his nose.” “Oh well!” she replied sarcastically, “I still can’t believe that you actually punched him! If it wasn’t for you, we probably would have been bullied by them till we’re seniors. I’m sayin gray-haired, wheelchair usin’, mitten knittin’ seniors! Nobody would have the bravery to do that kind of thing! And anyway-” “Hey! You’re talking too much again. CONTROL YOURSELF WOMAN! I just punched him; it’s not that big a deal!” “It will be when you go to school. Everybody will love you. Even Seth!” She said those last two words in a sing-song voice. “Catherine! I just got a phone call from school! Get down here this instant!” Catherine’s mom was calling. “Oh no, mom got a phone call from school. I am in so much trouble. I gotta go.” “You gotta face the music sometime! Take the heat. It will be worth it tomorrow!” They both hung up and Catherine cautiously walked downstairs, preparing for the volcano to erupt.

“You broke his nose Catherine Susan McWood!” “But mom! He has been bullying me since I started pigtails! And he teases the rest of the class!” “That is hardly an excuse. You say the same thing about your brother. Now since I know that he does bully you at school, much more than your brother. Also about your wonderful love to daydream. So I will shorten your grounding to a week. No TV and no sleepovers.” “Aww….” “Well I know how big of a bully that boy is, so you are very lucky that I only made the punishment a week.”

After that Catherine walked upstairs to her room to find their Jack Russell Terrier puppy, Oaky (Oh-ck-ee), on her bed. They had named him that because when Catherine and Max found him, he was under an Oak tree. “Hey boy. Wanna keep me company? I’ve had a rough day.” Catherine said, while flopping on her bed and began to pet Oaky. Oaky lay down and licked her hand affectionately.

That night, after a long, silent dinner, Catherine went out to their property which looked like a large meadow, but with scattered trees. Catherine always went out to the meadow with Oaky for about 15 minutes for some nice, peaceful alone time where Catherine can release her feelings. As she lay down in the grass, Oaky lay down next to her. Catherine looked up at the starry night sky. There was a full moon out and that was Catherine's favorite kind of night. “I wish I could fly. So I could just fly away from all this pressure. School…..and home.” Catherine felt herself falling asleep so she went inside to go to bed.

[SIZE=14pt]Sorry about the first chapter!!! I had to start it out like that.[/SIZE]

EDIT: The italics

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Its great! You just gave me an idea for a story I am going to start writing ^^ YAY, I daydream alot too. And my best friends name is Katherine elizambeth >.< Thats wired

Thanks! I am going to keep writing everyday (as if I don't do that already XD)

thats kinda weird.....I was just using my BFF's name and my dream name. (Creswell is a different BF's name)

Weirdness. SO totally weirdness... Good luck! I will ost my story once i get teh first chapter up and running ^^

Here is the third chapter.

Chapter 3

Catherine awoke that morning to Oaky licking her face. “Oaky! Get off. I wanna keep sleeping.” “Catherine I sent Oaky up there to wake you up. Don’t make me send up Max with the water bucket!” her mom yelled from downstairs. Catherine sat up. “She wouldn’t.” Oaky looked over at the door and Catherine followed his gaze. Max stood there, with a bucket full of cold water. “Yeah she would!” He said gleefully “Now why don’t you go on back to sleep?” Catherine narrowed her eyes and shut the door in his giggling face. 20 minutes later she came out wearing her light blue tee with a picture of Oaky on it saying ‘Don’t make me release the dog’ and a pair of jeans. After breakfast she grabbed her backpack, brushed her hair and put it in pigtails, brushed her teeth and walked to school.

She sighed as she was about to enter through the school doors. Scared, yet excited, she pushed open the doors and walked in, eyes tightly shut. The sound of applause rippled in her ears, and as she bravely opened her eyes, she saw that everyone was applauding (except of course Michael and Sergio), even the teacher. She smiled and approached Elizabeth. “I told ya so! I told ya so!” She sang. “Alright, so everybody is happy.”

“Yeah even Seth!”

“Really?” She turned around and saw Seth smiling at her and applauding. Catherine looked back at Elizabeth “I love this!” she said, grinning.

“Oh Mr. Haug, we didn’t expect you here.” The teacher said in the middle of a grammar lesson, when the principal came in. “Well, not to interrupt but I do think I have some business to take care of in here.” Catherine’s eyes went from relieved, because she hates grammar, to scared, because the principal was probably referring to her. Mr. Haug went to the front of the room. “Yesterday, after school, a very mortifying event happened. Catherine McWood broke Taz’s nose when he was teasing her about her daydreaming. We do NOT accept teasing, or punching in this school. So I have to say this one thing. Thank you very much, Catherine. Congratulations on getting the courage.” “What?!” Sergio said in disbelief as Michael was obviously speechless. “You’re not going to expel her?!” “You’re not going to expel me?!” Catherine asked, as she too, was in disbelief. “Why on earth would I expel her? Because of her I found out he has been bullying since 3rd grade. Also, I was getting pretty sick of the kid, always getting in my office, wasting the time I needed to write the bulletins, the events etc. I just really thought it was necessary to thank her. But don’t ever punch anybody again, ok?” “’K” Catherine said weakly. After Mr. Haug left, everybody cheered, and didn’t have to do the grammar.

At recess, Seth was playing basketball again. Usually when Catherine passed the court with Elizabeth she would say a shy ‘hello.’ And he would give a head nod. Today was different. When she said her ‘hello’ he made the time-out sign and went up to her. “Hey, that took pure guts to punch Taz. It was really cool. Nice work.” He smiled, shook her hand comically, like those people on TV when somebody won the big contest, and went back to his game. Catherine turned to Elizabeth, seeing her ‘I told you so!’ look. Catherine rolled her eyes and laughed. Everything was going smoothly.

At home, Catherine did her homework and then began to play with Oaky outside. “Catherine!” Max called from the doorway. He walked up to them. “Wow, you actually stopped playing video games.” Catherine said in sarcastic amazement. “Ha ha ha. Very funny. Mom wanted me to tell you that the dog need to come in for dinner. Oh yeah, and so does Oaky.” He turned and left. “Ugh.” Catherine groaned. “Come on Oaky, time for dinner.” Oaky followed her obediently inside.

“How was school?” Catherine's dad, Dan, asked at the dinner table. “Bo-ring!” Max replied. Catherine sniggered then said “It was AWESOME!!! Everybody loved me! And the principal didn’t expel me! He thanked me and congratulated me! And now, we are having my favorite dinner! Spaghetti with cheese! I think this is the best day of my life.” “That’s great, Cat. By the way, your mom is going to have to work late tonight. She will be back in early morning. Are you finished?” Dan asked. “Yeah. Is it time for dessert?” “Yes. Tonight we are having chocolate pops. “Yay! Now I get my favorite dessert!” Catherine cheered, giving Dan her dish and began to eat her chocolate pop.

After dessert, she went out for her 15 minutes outside. Lying on her back she looked at the night sky. “Thanks for this great day.” She said to the night sky. “It was so awesome. I owe you one. No, I owe you one hundred. You made it so I didn’t get expelled. More importantly, you made it so Seth actually talked to me! And shook my hand!” She sighed happily and stared at the stars until her dad called her in to go to bed.

I liked it a lot. I'm working on my own novel. It is called: Cats Can Fly: The Chosen Five. It may sound gay to some of you, but mind you, it gives me something to do during school, like draw the characters and day dream about sequelles (how do you spell that? lol). I haven't made much progress this summer; been working on my website.

Anyway, I love yours. Are you turning it into a novel?


I like it. It seems very interesting so far. ^^

Heheh. Right now I've switched from writing to drawing... Nothing big. I'm making a comic of something hilarious that happened between my sister and I earlier...

So my sister is reading about Nemesis in her Resident Evil game guide, and started talking about it to me..

Kirsten: He can talk! But he only says ONE word..


Me: BRAINS!!!! *Freaking out*

Kirsten: Stars, you idiot, STARS! ><'

It was hilarious... We were both laughing really hard..

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