My story...


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Just to say, I don't like my story. I'm expecting bad comments because it's pretty bad. I'm only posting some of it here to see what I can do to improve it because a lot of you Tamatalkers are VERY good writers while generally I'm well...not a good writer. Compared to me, Stephanie Meyer's books seem to be well written, exciting, well plotted with great characters and satisfying endings. Yeah I'm overdoing it now, so I'll stop.

Chapter one's really short btw, so's chapter two but chapter three is quite long

So...Here goes nothing.

[SIZE=14pt]Chapter one[/SIZE]

I’m Abhijeet the King Cobra. That’s right everyone, I’m a venomous snake. Pretty much all my life I’ve had bad luck, maybe it’s some sort of curse. Or I just seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, which really, really sucks. Some people think it’s a real la-de-da being a King Cobra. They think clue’s in the name, they lie around doing nothing all day, eat other snakes and poison people and stuff. Really it isn’t. There’s problems such as humans cutting down the tree we’re happily sitting on, people thinking we’re all homicidal maniacs or, of course, falling on top of another King Cobra twice their size. And guess who did.

So it started of as when I was lying on a tree minding my own business and I’d gotten a little too relaxed and fell off and with my luck I landed on Baldev. Baldev was probably how people would imagine a King Cobra. Tough and homicidal and if you messed with him you were falcon food. Or Maybe his food. Any normal Cobra eats a big meal occasionally, once or maybe twice a year. But Baldev seemed to prefer smaller food, so he needed more meals. Not as much as humans, of course. Three meals a day is downright greedy.

“Hey, if that’s not a female on top of me, some one is in some serious trouble,” said Baldev, he looked up at me, “Oh, Abhijeet. The little guy. And the little guy has a lot of explaining to do.”

“I fell off the tree,” I said, “No hard feelings?”

Obviously there was going to be very hard feelings. He’d let me off with things before, but I’d gotten more death threats from him than I thought was possible, even for a cobra.

“Get off, now,” said Baldev, “Then we can talk.”

I slid off. I think my guardian angel had decided to take a day off. Either that or snakes didn’t have guardian angels.

“Explain yourself,” said Baldev.

“I fell of the tree, end of,” I said.

Baldev hissed, "Watch it kid, I eat pieces of crap like you for breakfast," he sneered.

"You eat pieces of crap for breakfast?" I asked.

"No, but you're a little piece of crap. The little egg,” said Baldev.

“Well it’s my birthday next week, I’m planning to grow six feet longer. Bigger than you, even,” I said.

“You’re not going to make it to your birthday,” said Baldev, “It’s dinner time.”

I leaned back, “I had nothing for lunch, what did you have?” I asked.

“Well I had a-Hey, stop stalling,” said Baldev.

“Yeah. Stallings annoying. When I ate a rat snake it was stalling for about twenty minutes. He was telling me about the hot Queen Cobra Vijayalakshmi.”

“Vijayalakshmi’s my mate, you little runt!”

“Awww, shame. I always thought I could bag her. Guess I can’t. An even more strong and handsome snake got her instead. Well, better move on. Maybe I’ll try Dayita instead. She’s got a nice hood. Big and dark, just the way I like hoods.”

“Dayita’s my mate as well!”

“Oh dear. Two timing rat, are you? I don’t even have a mate yet, can I have one of yours? I’d quite like Vijayalakshmi, but Dayita will do.”

“Abhijeet, this is all besides the point.”

“Awww poor point. I was having a nice conversation with my favourite snake, but it’s not the point. The point might as well not even be the point. In fact it should be a beside-point Instead of a real point. The real point has had it's time and now the beside's point is having it's time. Maybe if it became a beside point it would have a good job, but then maybe a better job will suit the point. Annoying little sister, a lizard or maybe a two timing King Cobra like you.”

Baldev spat. I managed to dodge, “I’ve got a request for you. It might come in handy,” he said.

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“Get yourself ready to run like hell,” he said.

“But I’m a snake I can’t ru-” I began but I was interrupted by a loud hiss so I slithered as fast as I could. I looked behind and Baldev was chasing me. Then I smacked into a tree. Trees hadn’t done much for me today. Actually it was they’re fault I was going to be eaten alive.

“Hey, this is my tree,” said a Speckled Cobra as I slithered up it.

“Not any more, I’m a King Cobra, I rule you,” I said. I went on a branch above them.

“King Cobra? At you’re size you can hardly pass as a Prince Cobra,” said Baldev.

“Can one of you creatures of royalty tell me what the heck is going on?” asked the Speckled Cobra.

“Shut it, Specky two eyes,” I said.

“Abhijeet! Get you’re stinking butt down here!” Baldev yelled.

“My butt doesn’t stink, I was just in the stream this morning,” I said.

“Come on, I’m only going to eat you alive. I’m too fat to get up there,” said Baldev.

“Fatso!” I yelled.

He hissed at me, “Alright you win this time. But think before you fall on top of me next time,” he said and he slithered away, muttering stuff.

The Speckled Cobra shyed away from me. He was lucky I weren’t hungry. I stayed on the tree for about half an hour to make sure he was gone then I jumped down.

On to a human.

Wow you've actually read it? Thanks! Please be honest about it. I'll post chapter two soon. Oh yeah and if crap's considered an innapropiete word (it isn't where I live) a guide can remove it.

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I didnt really like it.

Short, choppy, and fast moving- there were some grammar mistakes that im to tired to point out, as well as spelling mistake.

Take your time, spread things out a little. Give your characters world some detail, and not all at once. Let it develop around him.

Maybe you should try writing in third person?

I always had sort of a hard time reading in first, unless the persons way of writing in first was beautiful, unique, or in some way, the person made it work.

It's okay.
Not as good as it could be, to be honest.
Thanks for being honest. How can I improve it?

@Self Pity: Yeah, I'm not the best at spelling and grammar. I'll try to post an improved version and use the spell checker for once in my life lol.

I know the writing style isn't beautiful or anything, it's written from a sarcastic snake's point of view lol.

EDIT: Ok make that I AM posting an improved version. I just read over it again and if I hadn't been the one who wrote it, I don't think I would quite understand most of it. So I'm doing an extended version that goes less quickly and I'm using a little thing called a spell checker. The snake's encountering humans near the beginning though (chapter two maybe) because the story is actually the snake being in captivity. So anyways I'll post it by 12PM tommorrow (in Britain time)

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Thanks for being honest. How can I improve it?
@Self Pity: Yeah, I'm not the best at spelling and grammar. I'll try to post an improved version and use the spell checker for once in my life lol.

I know the writing style isn't beautiful or anything, it's written from a sarcastic snake's point of view lol.

EDIT: Ok make that I AM posting an improved version. I just read over it again and if I hadn't been the one who wrote it, I don't think I would quite understand most of it. So I'm doing an extended version that goes less quickly and I'm using a little thing called a spell checker. The snake's encountering humans near the beginning though (chapter two maybe) because the story is actually the snake being in captivity. So anyways I'll post it by 12PM tommorrow (in Britain time)
I don't know,

it just doesn't completely capture my interest.

You're a good writer, I'll give you that. :huh:

Dang, I was hoping this topic would just like...disappear. I've written the new version but by the looks of the comments I don't think I'll post it.

topic closed at request of topic starter

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