My tama has a baby...


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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My house.
My tamagotchi has a baby, and I want the adult one to die. I think it was: Change the time to 11:59pm, and wait one minute. I tried that, but it didn't work. How do I do it?

PS: It's a :lol: with a baby girl!

PSS: Today is my Birthday. :D :eek:

Happy b-day and it will die in a few days but why do u wont it to die keep it alive for as long as u can mine died to soon so my baby died to

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It doesn't die, it goes to Tamatown but on other versions it goes away to Tama-Planet. The parent leaves after two or three days so just wait a little longer.

Happy B-DAY!

the parent leaves in 2 midnights. you can set the time to 11:59 PM after one midnight and it might work because i did that after one night and it worked
That works on my V3. At mid-night of the second day* the parent will wake up, but the baby will remain sleeping in bed. The parent will just stand there for about 3 minutes, then jump up and disappear off the screen.

(* example: if your Tamagotchi character mated and had a baby at 10:30 AM Thursday, then the parent will leave the baby at midnight as Friday becomes Saturday.)

Edit: Note - if you didn't stay up until midnight to watch this, but rather, changed the clock, don't forget to change the clock back to the real time.

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yea it'll leave for tamatown in about 24 hours! :lol:

;) :wacko: :( :wacko:


:wacko: :D :wacko: :D

how old are you?

ps I 12

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