My Tama isn't Getting Full...


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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
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Ok So my Music Star is a Teenager and of course the food hasn't changed to match the level of maturity.When I feed it the baby food it's hungry hearts don't go up.

There are no Meals in the shop of course....

Help? :D

I'm not certain, but it sounds to me like a glitch.

I would try reseting and downloading, or reseting altogether.

However, if someone else knows that this is not a glitch, please disregard this post :D

Ok So my Music Star is a Teenager and of course the food hasn't changed to match the level of maturity.When I feed it the baby food it's hungry hearts don't go up.There are no Meals in the shop of course....

Help? :huh:
Baby food isn't an ideal food for tamagotchi pets that are not babies. They do not find them appetising and they don't fill hearts. Now, I don't think Bandai should have put those in, but try to buy food, wait and hour or 2 and you shop will be refilled.

Oh, sorry, I misread this question I think, after reading TamagotchiCheerleader's post, I understand your question fully x]

Ignore my post above ^^

How about this! I don't have money to buy food! What do i do? i haven't gotten any money other than what it started with

it wont FULL the hunger meter but it wont let it starve.

its like, you have the trial version of the food, if you want the full version food you need to pay for it.

blacksax- I don't have a Music Star, but apparently you get some sort of allowance every day.

I think that when you feed it the baby food a few times, it fills up maybe 1 heart. Keep trying to feed it that, and see if the hearts get filled.

I remember, when I found this out, I tried to feed my teen baby food 3 times, since it wouldn't fill any hearts.And after a while, some of them got filled.

P.S. Did you already spend all your money that your tama got when it was born? :)

when your tama becomes a teenager the hunger hearts won't fill up when you feed it baby food. try getting some food from the store. if it doesn't have any food there wait a while. also, the gotchi king can come and give you food. each food item is a one-use only, so it's best to buy multiple food items.


No daily allowance, and i used all the money it started with bc i set the time so i could play with it all night and not let it sleep. but it turned into an adult today so i now have those 2 jobs i can do for money. but i was flipping out last night! thanks anyways guys

I keep on feeding mine baby food but that is becuz it is a toddler. I don't understand how to get money.

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