My Tama Journal


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Lyra turned 6 yesterday!! So I set the clock to 6:59 and at 7:00, the matchmaker came! And for all you people out there wondering who she married... SHE MARRIED KEVIN! He was a very handsome Mukimukitchi! She was so happy to see him again. Then Lyra got a baby boy and Kevin must have got the girl. I named the baby boy Dylan. Kevin named his baby girl Beth. They would like to say a few words-

Lyra: Hi all you viewers! This will probably be the last thing I say to you.

Dylan: Hi...

Lyra: Dylan's a little shy... the complete opposite of me.

Beth: Mommy, Daddy, I wanna go shopping!

Kevin: Not right now, sweetheart, we're talking to the people!

Beth: You mean those ugly two-legged things?

Lyra: Kevin, I think Beth needs a nap.

Kevin: Yeah... bye people!

Beth: But I don't want a nap!

Dylan: Then you need an attitude ajustment.

Beth: Woah he talks!

Lyra: I think you both need a nap. Everybody say good-bye!

All: Bye!

I'll post more later! Bye!!


Ok, I'm sorry to all you people out there (yes, all five of you!) who expected me to write more. So here I am, writing more, a few weeks later....


Well, Dylan grew up and became a handsome Celebtchi. Then he got married my the matchmaker at the age of 5 (Kinda weird... that's never happened to me before). His baby is name Hanna, and here she is-

Hanna: Hey people! I'm a Hitodetchi! You know, one of those star fish things.

Beautiful Hanna, beautiful. Here are her stats:


Age: 0yrs

Weight: 12 lb

Training: 1 bar

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Funny: 37

Gorgeous: 42

Spiritual: 32

Gotchi Points: 98,399


So I'm going camping tomorrow and might not be able to go on TamaTalk for a week.


Anyway, my birthday is coming up (July 31) and the Celebrity Familitchi Tamagotchis just came out. So I was thinking why not get them for my b-day? My dad promised me he would buy me one from Walmart, if not, then we would order them off of Yup, THEM. I can get two! I'm really excited.


So yup, I'm done. THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


Back from my camping trip!! And I didn't get a v5 Celebrity for my b-day... But if I convince my dad to buy one off of Amazon I might get it by Monday!! So if you guys could PM me some good family names that would help a lot.


Well, Hanna is now an Ura Memetchi and she has a little baby girl by her side. I'm going to call her Lily. Hannah and Lily. You guys just won't believe who Hanna married. Seriously, you'd NEVER believe it.


She married the matchmaker.


Yup. When the matchmaker showed the "husband" it was an Otokitchi. Hanna has some issues...


Here are Hanna and Lily talking-

Hanna- Lily, this place is called TamaTalk.

Lily- Cool. Mommy, who's my daddy?

Hanna- Um... You're daddy... died.

Lily- What?! MY DADDY DIED?! Then what happened to my brother?

Hanna- You're... great aunt Mary is taking care of him.

Lily- You mean that old Otokitchi who you were sleeping next to last night-

Hanna- OK LILY! I think it's time for you're nap. Say bye to TamaTalk!

Lily- Bye!!

Hanna definately has issues. She's leaving tonight and for that I'm going to be very sad. I'm heading into my 5th generation wish me luck with Lily! THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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So Hanna and Lily are in bed. GOOD BYE HANNA! I'm going to miss her so much... Moving on. B)


My dad agreed to order a Celebrity v5 TOMORROW. :( Oh well, it will come by August 5. And I went to Best Buy today. And guess what I bought? A Nintendo DS Lite! My other DS Lite got lost in my room :wacko: so my mom said I could get another one. And if I find it, I have two!




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I did it. I finally did it. I got my dad to buy me a V5 Celebrity Familitchi off of Amazon. The bad news- it's coming in 4 to 5 business days. :D Whatever. At least it's coming at all.


In other news, Lily was officially named this morning. But I put her on pause. I'm just not in the mood to play with my v4.5 today. Still looking for a last name for my future v5. Come on guys, I know you're reading this but you're just too lazy to click PM and say, "How bout this for a family name?" I've been think of the Honey family cause I can say my Honeys are gonna go shopping.


So, I'm really bored. I'll update some more later. And when I get my Celebrity thing, I promise to spend every minute opening it while typing a reply to this log. Well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


I checked Amazon and it said my Tamagotchi should arrive at my house August 8 (Friday).


Other news- Lily's been on pause for a while. Sometimes you just need a break from constantly taking care of a Tamagotchi for a while, you know? So I've been playing with my DS and my brother's Wii but I still have that empty feeling knowing that Lily is waiting for me to unpause her...


Still looking for name ideas. I think I'm gonna go with the Honey family but if one of you guys suggest something really good, then what the heck, I'll try it.





This morning I unpaused Lily. She is now a Hitodetchi, just like her mother... :( Who passed away.... Here are Lily's stats:


Name: Lily

Gender: Girl

Weight: 10 lb

Generation: 5 (woohoo!)

Skill Points-

Funny: 47

Gorgeous: 41

Spiritual: 33

Training Bars: 1

Gotchi Points: 95,399p

And of course her Happy and Hungry bars are filled. My goal by the end of the day is to get all of Lily's skill points over 50. Lily wants to say something to you guys-

Lily: Hi... Uh... Ketchup?

I think Lily's a little shy. In other news, my Tamagotchi V5 Celebrity is in transit (which means its shipping to my house this very second!!)!! Counting down the days till it gets here! And still looking for name ideas.




[SIZE=14pt]Welcome to the log, the Honey Family![/SIZE]

Yup, you heard it. A half an hour ago, my Tamagotchi V5 Celebrity came in the mail!! It came early too (and I'm not complaining about it!).


So I ripped it out of the case, and pulled the tab. Three eggs appeared on the screen. The eggs each had stripes. The middle one hatched first, followed by the one of the right, then the one on the left (or the other way around, I'm always forgetting things!). The middle one is a Futabatchi(son). The right one is a Omututchi(son). And the left one is a Mimifuwatchi(daughter). Haven't figured out names yet... I'll have to get back to that. *EDIT* The Mimifuwatchi (daughter) was born before the Omututchi (son).*EDIT*


The first thing I noticed when playing with the Tamagotchi is the beep is different, sorta high pitched. The second thing I noticed was the pixels were harder to see. Whatever, I can live.


Omg, they are just soo cute when they bop around the screen like that! Anyway, I've played some games with them and have a total of 2,400 Gotchi Points. My favorite game is Tama Fans. Still VERY new to the V5 so I have no idea how to work the whole Bonding thing. I figured out the time they call for bonding, but am still very confused.


Well, I'm gonna go find some cheats for them (maybe some bonding cheats). THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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Well, the Honeys have transformed in toddlers (or children)! And I named them!


The first born son who was a Futabatchi is now a Mattaritichi name Allen. The second born daughter who was a Mimifuwatchi is now a Sakuramotchi named Allie. And the third born son who was a Omututchi is now a Ahirukutchi named Sam.


Here they are talking-

Allie: Amanda's gonna choose me to marry, not you guys, cause I'm the bestest daughter in this family.

Sam: No she's not, and you're not the bestest! I am!

Allen: Guys, chill. Obviously none of us are the bestest cause we're all equal... Except me.

Sam: Fine, you can be the bestest, but I'm gonna get married!

Allie: Hey!! I'm getting married!

I guess they fight like this when their Bonding Percent is 0. I soo need to get it higher...





Well, I should start off with something I should have said yesterday- The shell design is called "Purple With Hearts". And if you guessed it's purple with hearts, congrats! You guessed right!


Anyway, the Honey family has gotten their bonds up to 80% because of the time cheat. And when I press the C button, all their faces zoom in, its so cute! They're also not fighting anymore! Check it out-

Sam: Hey guys, wanna share some ice cream with me?

Allie: Sure Sam!

Allen: Ok. But you guys get the bigger piece, I'l get the smaller one.

Allie: Allen, that's so sweet, but no. We all get equal pieces.

Sam: Well let's get eating!

Aww. They're sharing, how cute. So either they become teens today or tomorrow, I don't care, I have a bigger problem up ahead.


Who the heck's gonna get married?


I think I'll solve that problem when they're adults. Although I don't want to be unfair if I choose Allie to get married, but then choose Sam to get married instead because he turns into a Mametchi or something. Choosing is a lot harder than I thought...


Keep PMing me people for some advice if you have it. Well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


I got some mail from Allie--x!


Heyy! I'm Allie I've just been reading your log and saw you were online lol xD So I thought I'd say hi and I love your blog =D started one on blogagotchi, but can't carry on untill my tama gets here. I ordered a versoin 4.5 PC pack b/c theyy look so cool xD Should be here in about 2-3 days b/c it is from the US and I'm english lol. pm back




:p   -- Its lyra lol btw love Lyra's name.

Now here are the stars off the log.... ALLEN, ALLIE AND SAM!

Allie: Thanks for the big intro!

Allen: Well, we are the stars.

Sam: Does that mean we get to star in our own movie?

Allie: And meet the Jonas Brothers?

Allen: And get rich and famous?

Allie: And meet the Jonas Brothers?

Sam: I think we should call our movie, "Three Tamagotchis".

Allen: Cool! Let's go eat some more ice cream!

Allie: What about the Jonas Brothers?

Aren't they adorable? Bonds are now 90%! They are still not teenagers, so that just makes me more anxious to find out who they're gonna be as adults.


My mom accidentally dropped my Tamagotchi on HARD WOOD FLOOR. I checked to make sure everythings ok, but I don't know what goes on inside a Tamagotchi.


Nothing else to say but THAT'S ALL FOLKS!



The Olympics started today! Woohoo!


Anyway, you guys are probably wondering what happened to Lily. All of a sudden I get a V5 and Lily just seems to disappear. I just put her on pause so I could spend some quality time with the Honeys. Well I unpaused her and here she is! Let's check out her stats:


Name: Lily

Gender: Girl

Generation: 5

Gotchi Points: 96,599p

Age: 0 years

Weight: 11 lb.

Training: 1 bar

Skill Points-

Funny: 53

Gorgeous: 59

Spiritual: 33

And her Happy and Hungry hearts are filled up. And here are the Honey Family stats!


Name: Honey Family

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 54,050p

Family Members: Allen the Mattaritchi, Allie the Sakuramotchi and Sam the Ahirukutchi

Bonds: 100%

Active Family

And their Happy and Hungry hearts are filled up too. So now I've got 4 toddlers who just wanna turn into teenagers. Here are my wonderful, beautiful, amazing toddlers talking-

Sam: Who the heck are you?

Lily: Uh... My n-name is L-lily.

Allie: Don't mind him Lily. He can be like that sometimes, but usually he pretty nice. Hi, I'm Allie and he's Sam.

Lily: Hi.

Allen: I'm Allen, the OLDEST of the Honey Family. So, where are your brothers and sisters?

Lily: I d-don't have a-any.

Allen: Oh, you're an only child. Your bonding percentage must have been really low.

Sam: Ours is 100%! Nobody can beat that!

Lily: Oh, n-no, I'm not a V-

Allie: Guys give her a break, maybe Amanda was just busy.

Allen: Yeah, taking care of us!

Allie: We probably weren't even born yet!

Sam: Ok, I'm gonna stop being a snot. So Lily, what generation are you in?

Lily: I'm in the f-fith generation. But g-guys, I'm not a V5.

Sam: Huh?

Allen: What are you talking about?

Lily: I'm a V-V4.5. I d-don't have any b-brothers or sisters c-cause of my v-version.

Allen: That's weird!

Allie: That's so cool!

Sam: That's... interesting... You mean with the jobs and stuff?

Lily: Yeah!

Allie: And the mail?

Lily: Yeah!

Allen: I take it back. You're not weird, you're actually kinda cool!

Lily: R-really?

Sam: Yeah, tell us more about being a V4.5 Tamagotchi.

Lily: Ok.

Wow. Something sour can turn sweet very quickly. And if you haven't noticed, Lily stutters when she's nervous or shy. I have a feeling these Tamagotchis are going to be great friends. Well, that's all I have today, so...




[SIZE=14pt]Guess who turned into TEENAGERS!!! The Honey Family![/SIZE]

The Honey's have officially turn into teenagers. Allen is a Kikitchi. Allie is an Ichigotchi. And Sam is a Mamekatchi. Poor Lily, the only toddler in the house. And things are starting to heat up as we get closer to adult-hood...

Allie: I'm an Ichigotchi! I'm an Ichigotchi!

Sam: Yay! That means we can eat you!

Allen: Yeah, and then we can eat you some more!

Allie: I don't taste that good... I'm just good looking.

Allen: Yup. Whatever, we'll save you for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Sam: Anyway, what do you guys wanna turn into?

Allie: I wanna turn into Princess Tamako cause she's a princess.

Sam: I wanna turn into Kuromametchi cause girls totally dig him.

Allie: Don't worry hon, you're getting there!

Allen: You children and your silly games! I wanna turn into Mametchi because Mametchi rules all Tamagotchis!

Sam: You know Mametchi's smart and all...

Allen: Yeah, so?

Sam: You ain't that smart.

Allie: And you're only older than us by what, 15, 20 seconds?

Allen: Doesn't matter, I'm still older than you.

Allie: You know what? Just because you're older than us, doesn't mean you're the boss!

Sam: Yeah! Come on Allie! Let's over throw him!

Allie: Let's go Sam!

Allen: Uh, guys? I was just kidding!

How cute. Anyway, I've noticed some animations. Allen looks at a suit/tuxedo, Allen watches tea being poured into a cup, and right now they're watching some flowers with faces. And an hour or so before they go to bed, they take a bath! These animations are sooo cute!


I won't be adding any more replys in this log for about 2 weeks because me and my family (and the Honeys and Lily) are going on a vacation, so THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


Hey everybody! We're back and with some good news too!


The Honeys are now on their 3rd generation. I have 2 daughters (Cassey and Lizzie) and a son (Noah). Cassey is the oldest, and then Noah, and finally Lizzie. If you're wondering what happened to Allen, Allie and Sam, I'll tell you.


Allen turned into a tooth thing I forgot the name of and don't really feel like looking it up right now. Allie turned into Princess Tamako (like she wanted) and Sam turned into the prince! I decided to marry Sam to try to get the royal family. I married him to Princess Tamako and what do I get?! Nothing. Zippo. Nada. Just another blended family. Which I was really mad at cause I had 100% bonding and everything, but oh well. Sam's wife was named... oh man I forgot! Then they got three kids and their names were Nick, Olivia and Chris. I'm not gonna go into a lot of details, about what they turned into and stuff, but Olivia got married to a Mametchi named Tommy. They had three beautiful kids and that's where I am now.


Cassey is a Gypystchi, Noah is a Prince Tamahiko and Lizzie is a Megamitchi. I'm so proud!


And Lily did not die. I put her on pause. I just felt like it, ok? I'll get back to her later. But for now, I'm gonna go eat some ice cream!




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Today the Honey family and I went to the Tama and Earth Expo. If anyone wants to go on it too, who doesn't have a V5, here's a Login Code: 59070 43321.


So tonight somebody's gonna get married!

Cassey: Well obviously it's gonna be me cause I'm the youngest!

Lizzie: No, it's gonna be me cause I'm the prettiest!

Noah: You guys are so ridiculous. It's totally gonna be me cause I'm the only son in the family. And I'm a PRINCE.

Lizzie: But you're also an idiot.

Me: Guys! Lizzie, you do not call people names. And Noah, you do not brag because you're a prince. And Cassey you started this!

Cassey: Sorry...

Lizzie: We really are sorry...

Noah: Please forgive us.

Me: I expected more of you guys. Now please excuse me while I talk to your parents about this.

Tommy: So who's getting married?

Me: I've chosen Noah because he's the only boy in this family and the girls always make him feel left out.

Olivia: That's a very good choice, Amanda.

Tommy: And you also want to try for the Royal Family again, don't ya.

Me: Well... yeah.

Tommy: Good luck with that.

Olivia: Time to break it to the kids.

Me: I hope they take it well.

Me: Guys, your parents and I have made a decision.

Cassey: Who is it?

Lizzie: Tell us, tell us!

Noah: We're not getting any younger!

Me: Noah is going to get married while Cassey and Lizzie go back up to Tama Town with your parents.


Lizzie: Aw man!

Cassey: I'm gonna miss you Noah. Find a good mate!

Me: You guys took it well. Let's go eat some ice cream!

All: Yay!

Lol, that was so cheesey. THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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Well yesterday Noah got married at around 7:30 to a Rosetchi! And I got the ROYAL FAMILY!! Poor Cassey, Lizzie, Tommy and Olivia had to go back up to Tama Planet, but I think they'll be happier there.


Here are the details: Noah got married to a beautiful Rosetchi named Kaitlin. Noah said good-bye to his family and hello to a new one. Noah turned into the Gotchi King and Kaitlin turned into the Gotchi Queen. Then two eggs lay on the screen waiting to hatch. They bothed turned out to be girl Omututchis. The oldest is now Princess Tamako named Mary and the youngest is Princess Tamakoko named Sarah.


I am just so proud of them. A royal family... wow. They're bonds are already up to 80% thanks to the time cheat and the girls look as happy as ever. Here is the royal Honey family talking to each other:

Sarah: Mommy, who do you love more, me or Mary?

Kaitlin: I love you both the same amount.

Mary: But deep inside, *whispers into Sarah's ear* she loves me more.

Sarah: What?! Mommy, you love Mary more than me?!

Kaitlin: Of course not! Who told you that?

Sarah: Mary did.

Noah: Mary, we do not tell lies in this family. Now go to your room to think about what you have done.

Mary: It's not a lie...

Noah: GO!

Sarah: How bout you Daddy? Who do you love more?

Kaitlin: How bout we go eat some ice cream?

Noah: Good idea.

So much for 80% bonds... Well, I've got nothing else to say in this post but THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


Sorry I didn't reply yesterday, it was really busy. First I had my school Orientation thing, then I went shopping for school supplies and then I got a hair cut (which looks fabulous!).


So, in Tama news, Mary got married last night. I didn't want to continue to have a Royal Family, it's fun and the animations are cute, but I miss having toddlers and teenagers. So I married Mary to a Magltchi (or however you spell it). His name was Stephen.


Mary said good-bye to her parents and her very close sister (I think she cried the most saying good-bye to her). Then Mary and Stephen got married! It was so beautiful... Mary turned into a Jyooubatchi and Stephen turned into a Maharajatchi. Finally, three egss lay bopping around on the screen.


The first one to hatch as a female Omututchi, which I named Athena. The second one to hatch was a male Omututchi named Poseidon. And the third one to hatch was a female Futabatchi which I name Calypso. As you can see, they all have names that have something to do with Greek Mythology.


Athena turned into a Belltchi, Poseidon turned into a Ahirukutchi, and Calypso turned into a Tororotchi. And even though their bonding is still 0%, they get along great!

Poseidon: Athena, I think you look great as a Belltchi!

Athena: Thanks Poseidon!

Calypso: Poseidon, you're zippers down.

Poseidon: Oh man... *turns around and zips up zipper*

Athena: Nice catch.

Calypso: Why thank you!

Poseidon: Yeah, that could have been a problem considering we're going to the Tama and Earth Expo in five minutes!

Me: Guys, ready to go?

All: Yup!

So we're off to the Tama Expo, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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Hey everybody I'm back! Yeah I know, it's kinda been a while... *cough* 5 months *cough* But it doesn't matter. So anyway... so before school started I realized I couldn't take care of my tamas and do sports and homework at the same time, it would get crazy. So I'm gonna try to take care of my tamas... but only in between all of that stuff.


When I was looking through some stuff in my room I found a box full of all of my tamas. I thought "Why not try them for a little why?" and so I pulled out my V5 and tried to download the Honey family... but I guess I pressed a button while I was screwing in the screw on the back so it didn't work and now I'm stuck with the new Honey family! I guess I just can't let go...


Anyway, so here they are! Massie, Derrington and Kristen (I'm gonna steal all the names from the Clique series and use them on my tamas :huh: )! Massie is a girl Mimifuwatchi, Derrington is a boy Omututchi, and Kristen is a girl Futabatchi! As you've probably noticed they're still babies.


And here are their first stats!


Name: Honey Family (blended family)

Generation: 1st

Bonds: 0% :huh:

Gotchi Points: 2000

Daughter: Massie, Mimifiwatchi

Son: Derrington, Omututchi

Daughter: Kristen, Futabatchi


Oh my gosh they just evolved into toddlers right when I was typing this! Massie is now a Sakuramotchi, Derrington is a Ahirukutchi and Kristen is a Tororotchi! Yay I'm so happy and proud of my little darlings!


So more news later, and maybe Massie, Derrington and Kristen can say a few words! Well THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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Hey everybody! I have some good news!


The Honey family has turned into teenagers! Look below at the stats to see who turned into who. They're so adorable I feel so proud!


And also, the bonds are really low (10%) because you can only get Mametchis and Kuchipatchis on a V5 Celebrity if the bonds are below 30%. Once they turn into those, I'm gonna use the time cheat to get the bonds back up to 100%.



Name: Honey Family (blended)

Daughter: Massie, Ichigotchi :angry:

Son: Derrington, Kikitchi (he kinda looks like a cute little monkey!)

Daughter: Kristen, Chamametchi

Bonds: 10%

Gotchi Points: 9550

1st generation

all hearts full


Anyway, since the Honeys didn't get to speak last time, they're gonna say something this time!

Massie: Hi! I'm Massie! Derrington might say something mean about me but don't listen to him, he's stupid.

Derrington: Do you see what I mean? She is so vicious!

Massie: Blah blah blah. Oh yeah, and that's my lil' sis, Kristen.

Kristen: Hello... um... I really don't know what to say...

Derrington: Kristen is a little shy sometimes.

Massie: Shush that was my line! Geez little brothers can be so annoying.

Derrington: Little? We have like what? A 15 second age difference?

Me: Guys, people are watching you.... You're kinda causing a scene...

Kristen: Yeah guys. Massie, Derrington, you need to stop.

Derrington: She's also a suck-up to Amanda.

Kristen: Well excuse me for agreeing with Amanda about you guys fighting in public!

Wow they're very loud. Anyway, I'll probably update this log tomorrow when they become adults! I'm so excited! I wonder what they'll turn into! Well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!



p.s. If you guys have any tips on a Celebrity V5, just PM and I'll be very grateful!

p.p.s. I might also put it in my log too!

p.p.p.s. And if you just wanna PM me saying hi, that's great too!

Helloooo everybody! I have a lot of good news for all of you!


First, the Honey family is now all adults yay! And tomorrow then can finally get married double yay! So Massie is a Hotteatchi, Derrington is a Kuchipatchi :lol: , and Kristen is a Chantotchi!


And I need some help on deciding who's gonna get married tomorrow. I was thinking of marrying Kristen to a Mametchi but I'm not sure... Somebody please help! Send me a PM on who you think should get married! Please and thanks!


And now it's stat time!



Name: Honey Family (artistic family)

Daughter: Massie, Hotteatchi

Son: Derrington, Kuchipatchi

Daughter: Kristen, Chantotchi

Bonds: 80% (yay!)

Gotchi Points: 30950

1st Generation

All hearts full

Derrington: Look at me! I'm a Kuchipatchi!

Massie: And I'm a Hotteatchi!

Kristen: And I'm a Chantotchi!

Derrington: I bet Amanda's gonna let me stay here and raise a family.

Kristen: Yeah right. Amanda has always been planning to marry me to a Mametchi.

Massie: Hey what about me? I bet since I'm the oldest Amanda will definately let me stay.

Derrington: *cough* Like that will happen....

Massie: I mean, who wouldn't marry a cute little Tamagotchi that looks like a teacup like me?

Kristen: I wouldn't...

Massie: Good, because you shouldn't either.

Derrington: It doesn't matter because we all know I'm getting married.

Me: All right guys stop bickering.

Kristen: We will when you tell us who's gonna get married!

Massie: Yeah! Tell them it's gonna be me!

Derrington: No! Tell them it's gonna be meeee!

Me: I haven't decided yet. Give me a break! You still have one more day till you guys get married so hold your horses.

Derrington: What horses? I don't have any horses....

Massie: Wow...

Me: Guys! Anyway, I'll let you know tomorrow. And if you keep fighting about this then I'm going to hold off the marriage for another two days!

Kristen: All right we'll stop! Right guys?

Massie+Derrington: Right.

Me: Good. Now just hang on tight for another 24 hours all right?

All: All right.

Ugh this is probably going to be the most difficult decision I'll ever have to make... So that's why I'm asking you guys, my viewers, to help me!



