My Tama Log!


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Well they can now go to the dating show but i am waiting for a Memetchi because i want the Meme family. I have already been three times so now i am going to have to wait till the morning. I only have Geb and Soph awake now so i will let them speak for a bit.

Soph: Hey, i have been really buisy lately because me and Geb have just had two little kids yesterday.

Geb: You bet we did, if you have red my story then you know how i feel about them. :blink:

Soph: I was the first to read it actually. It is so beautiful. I know you are going to miss them hun but you will still have me.

Geb: Yeah i know and that will be great to have all the time in the world with you but i will still miss them loads. We have only been with them for a day.

Soph: I know and i will miss them as well but i will love being with you.

Geb: Yeah and i will love being with you, well lets stop talking about the future and tell the viewers out there about the present.

Soph; What present! There's a present! WHERE!

Geb: No not a present as in a gift. The present as in the time we are in.

Soph: Oh...... i was getting all excited then.

Geb: I will get you a present but um... i dont i have one yet.

Soph: YAY!!

Geb: Why dont you go check on the kids.

Soph: Ok. -walks out the room-

Geb: -panics- What am i going to get her?! Any suggestions? PM my mum (Tamanug)

Soph: -walks in- Hun, we are going to have to go. The twins need a bath, they got hold of the baby oil -sighs-.

Geb: Ok, i wil be there in a minute.

Soph: Ok see you in a minute. -skips away-

Geb: I need help! Please PM me what to get her! Any help is greatly appreciated and Tamanug will give the most helpful person all the credit they deserve. Thank you and Good bye. -walks away-

Tamanug: Thank you for that guys. Indeed, please send and advice you have to me and i will give the most helpful person all the credit and will PM you what happens even before i post it on the log. Thank you.

Good Night TT! I will have the V6 on TUESDAY (hopefully)!


I know i said good night but we are onto the 7th PAGE! WOOOOOO

Post in the morning!

Tamanug and Sleeping Tama's.

End, Geb, Soph and Tip left thier babies last night :) They woke up crying and i had to name them,i called Ends girl Sugar and Tip's Girl Candy. The other two babies havent wolken up yet. I will let you know what i call them when they do. Also i have already used the three goes on the dating show for the Ele family. I will only marry a Memetchi.


I FOUND A MEMETCHI, i cant believe i dont have the Meme Family! What happened?! Oh well i will name them and post later.


Ok i will tell you what has happened with them while i was out:

Tips Little Girl: Name: Candy, she is now a toddler and is a Mohitamatchi and hasn't really done much since i left.

Ends Little Girl: Sugar, she is now a toddler and is a Kinakomotchi. Again hasn't done much since i left.

Soph's Little Girl: Elle, is now a toddler and is a Mizutamatchi. Nothing has been done.

Geb's Little Girl: Belle, is not a toddler and is a Puchitchi. Nothing has been done.

The Candy Family: Tawnie has had babies with a Mumutchi and had 2 boys which are Omutuchi and a Mimifuwatchi, the other girl is an Omutuchi.

The Ele Family: Aj had babies with a Memetchi but didnt get the Meme family?! They had 2 girls which are now a Belltchi and a Tororotchi, the boy is a Ahirukutchi.

I haven't thought of names for the V5 kids yet but when i do i will post them. Thank you for reading this. By the way, Geb's Stories will now be carried on by Belle and Elle. They will each write a part of a story, one following on from the other, to post on here for you.


Well the Candy family are now toddlers and are:

Boy: Mousetchi.


Boy: Ahirukutchi

I ahve had all of these loads but i am only using the middle option when training to get the Meme Family.

I will post later.


There is going to be a bit of a change to this Log, if you dont want it to happen just PM

me, i think i am going to take the batteries out of all my tama's and only running my V6 when i get it. I will continue the others on when i think it will be for the best. This change will take place when i get my V6. I think that will be tomorrow so if you dont want the change to happen then PM me as fast as you can and give me a good reason not to remove the batteries.


Ok, the Music Star just came and i think i am still going to deactivate the others. I will run them again soon for all you out there but for now i need to focus on just one.

All Tamas: Thank you for reading the log and please continue. Bye for now.


Ok, all the other Tama's are now not running and i only have the Music Star going.


Name: Steve

Gender: Boy

Hungry: ||||

Happy: ||||

Weight: 5Lb

Stress: 15

Tone: 126

Rhythm: 99

Original: 155

Favourite Music: Classical

Type: Petitchi

Gen. 1

Gotchi Points: 2650

He has been to Music City and we played a few games. He cant really talk but i will let him try:

His colour is blue and mine is black.

Steve: Hewwo peopwles. I am a wittle Petitchi and i wuv Cwasical Muwsic. I will be writing in my diawy later an, my mummy will post it on hewe for uses to wead. Fank You.

Tamanug: You are so cute Steve, yes i will be posting his diary on here and you will be welcome to comment on it. Thank you,


YAY! Steve evolved into a Kuchitamatchi but he hasnt been accepted into preschool yet. I am waiting for someone to come to the door (preschool teacher) so he can get more skill points.


Sorry i have stop posting as much but with school coming up i have been a bit buissy. I will update you on Steve's progress now. He is still a toddler but his favourite genre has changed like five times but now it is Jazz. he has finally been accepted into Preschool and has been quite a few times getting his skills up and playing jump rope. A letter arrived a while ago which contained a love heart :eek: ! I am going to go on Music City soon because i need to get my CDs' level up. My name on it is ND3101 so if you see me feel free to add me as a friend. Steve has two toys at the moments: a Robot and a Pirate Ship. He loves them both. Does any one know when the Gotchi King will come because i wish to buy Steve some more food.

I need to get his Music Skills up because they are all only in the 200's. I will post when i have some updates for you.

PM me with your views and comments about this Log. Please.


Tamanug: Ok Steve calm down i think they get it.

Steve: Oh, ok then :) Bye! -walks off very fast-


He still really like Jazz music and i am going on Music City now so if you want to join me i will be there.

Steve: me too!

Tamanug: They know Steve, if i am there so are you.

Steve: Ok then. Bye

Tamanug: Yes, Bye.


He changed his fav music loads and now it is r&b. He is sleeping and i am going to now aswell. Night TT


Well, were both up now and we have been playing all the games trying to get the skils up now they are:

Tone: 290

Rhythm: 296

Original: 308

It is quite hard to get them all up to the same level but i have done reasonable. I am going to go to Music City soon, if you want to join me PM me where and when you want to meet.

Tamanug + Steve

He has been to preschool loads now, i think he likes his teacher :rolleyes:

Steve: I do not! -blushes-

Tamanug: Its ok Steve i understand.

Steve: -walks off in a hurry-

Tamanug: Any way, i am going to go get breakfast now, bye bye

Dont forget to PM me, i like mail.

Tamanug + Steve

Again, he changed his favourite music again! Now it is Jazz music but i bet in a few minutes it will be something different. Post soon.


I was right, he changed it like 5 times since i last posted. I wonder if any one out there knows why they do this, if you have any ideas please PM me.


I think Steve will evolve soon. I want him to turn out as a Kuromametchi when he is an Adult. I dont know what he wants to be when he is older but he will be something cool because he is one of the best Tama's i have had.


YAY he evolved into a Kikatchi. Also the music teacher came round and accepted Steve into Music School! He is going to get a band now bye.

