My Tama Problem


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Dec 13, 2009
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Well, I've been going on about this for a while now, and up until now I've blamed it on my parents. However, it's more to do with me, it's my problem and it's my fault.

When I first got into Tamas, I had 2 V4s, a purple one and a white one. Even though I was only five, I got excited when they evolved, got sad when they lost hearts, and loved the cute animations and the simple games. I forgot Tamas when I was 6 and, in the excitement of my sixth birthday party, my first Tama died of neglection. I found them a couple of years later in a drawer when I was eight. I found that after that, I could never really see Tamas as pets anymore. I've tried to quit Tamas a lot of times before, and I always failed. So I seem to be addicted to them, but I don't even see them as pets! It's a consistent problem of mine, I see pixels on the screen instead of my beloved pet. I'm tried almost too hard sometimes; setting up an extremely detailed log which was also very unpopular for a reason I didn't understand; writing paragraphs about my Tamas and making them talk in my log; and none of it had any effect on my problem.

So what I'm asking is: How can I fix this, once and for all?

~ Dazzmina ~

So, what? You don't want to run Tamagotchis at all now?

You want to just give them up?

If that's the case, I suggest you give them to your parents and tell them not to give them back to you under any circumstance. It will be agony, I'm sure, but you'll eventually forget about them. I'd also suggest deleting any Tama accounts, like this one, that you have so that you are unable to continue the "dream" if you will, of having one and conversing about them.

If you don't want to get rid of them or rid yourself of this so called addiction - then don't. Just deal with it, be happy, be a child at heart and go about your day feeling loved by this little pet in a toy that you have to take care of.

Don't over-think it. If anything you do (whatever that may be...this can apply to anything) negatively interferes with your day-to-day living, that might be an issue to be improved upon but other than that, just view Tamagotchis however you'd like to view them: machine, actual pet, or anything in between.

No, I don't want to quit Tamas any more! No way! It was me being silly when I was eight. What I want to do is see Tamas as pets, but the problem is, I can't! It would be immature to just quit Tamas for no reason, and I would never forget about them. A child of six might, but not a ten-year-old who owns 21 Tamas and is planning to buy more. The situation is: I want to see Tamas as pets, but I just can't. I can't explain it. I'm asking, what can fix this?

~ Dazzmina ~

If you don't want to get rid of them or rid yourself of this so called addiction - then don't. Just deal with it, be happy, be a child at heart and go about your day feeling loved by this little pet in a toy that you have to take care of.
I want to do just that. But I can't. And that's why I'm posting this topic; I want to feel loved by this little pet in a toy I have to take care of. But I just see cold hard pixels, not my beloved pet. That's my problem.

~ Dazzmina ~

I want to do just that. But I can't. And that's why I'm posting this topic; I want to feel loved by this little pet in a toy I have to take care of. But I just see cold hard pixels, not my beloved pet. That's my problem.


~ Dazzmina ~
Ah okay. I can understand that.

I found myself doing that at one point, and I got fed up and angry with the poor little device; I am not entirely sure how I overcame it, perhaps I matured, or just decided it was easier on my psyche to think of it in the loving, kind, cutesy childish way of actually having the pet.

My thing is that I am allergic to just about everything on this earth, including animals, even though I have a cat; still allergic - that being said, the Tama is a perfect pet for me to be able to take with me, as well as love and care for. It doesn't really give me love, perse, but I feel needed by it, as we literally are the only way it survives lol.

Now that having been said - I manage to kind of get myself into the mindframe of it, like how Ra does his videos and logs - makes a story out of it, an adventure, which is what I do. And when my Tama goes to bed, either when I'm at home or at work, I let myself breathe a sigh of relief and say to myself that I'm happy he's asleep, because as a "mom" (I'm not a mother to anything but my cat and my Tama) I can focus on other things, but when it is sleeping, I also find myself wanting to mess with the time so that I can actually take care of it, take it places, to the park and such, just to see how happy it gets, because in turn that makes me foolishly happy.

It's all mind-frame for me at this point; I get how it is for you but you're lacking that, I wish I knew what to tell you - that's just how I deal with it.

Maybe if you take a break for a day, and then start up your tamagotchi again it might help. A day's break could change that problem.


Actually, that's a good idea. Without Tamas for a day, you'll realize how much you want them, and then when you come back you'll say "Oh yes, I missed you so much! Let's do all the stuff we havent' done in a while! We can go to the park, play a ton of games even though you're happy, buy you tons of food..." ect. and then you'll find yourself loving them more than usual, maybe even thinking of them as a pet.

Like I've said before (to you, actually ;) ) it helps if you're running a color Tama. They're already so cute and look like 'real' animals that it's not hard to imagine them as an actual pet. It's also easier if you try the fun narrating in your log (pm me if you want help ;) ) and if you only run one.

But, like FullBlownWitch said, sometimes it's just... you. You may not be the type of person that CAN imagine them as pets. Do you take them with you wherever you go? Do you make them accessories? (Cases, bean bag chairs, clothes, ect.) Are you always on the lookout for something you could use for them? If not, try those.

Yeah, i agree, i think your really addicted and you need a break. Just pause your tamagotchi, and go to the park without it, or maybe even a picnic, or just going into your garden, you know? Stuff they do in the holidays! Then like Violetchilluvr3 said, you'll miss it. If you look at a colour screen to much it may hurt and maybe that's why u just see pixels. That's why a break would be good.


Actually, that's a good idea. Without Tamas for a day, you'll realize how much you want them, and then when you come back you'll say "Oh yes, I missed you so much! Let's do all the stuff we havent' done in a while! We can go to the park, play a ton of games even though you're happy, buy you tons of food..." ect. and then you'll find yourself loving them more than usual, maybe even thinking of them as a pet.

Like I've said before (to you, actually ;) ) it helps if you're running a color Tama. They're already so cute and look like 'real' animals that it's not hard to imagine them as an actual pet. It's also easier if you try the fun narrating in your log (pm me if you want help ;) ) and if you only run one.

But, like FullBlownWitch said, sometimes it's just... you. You may not be the type of person that CAN imagine them as pets. Do you take them with you wherever you go? Do you make them accessories? (Cases, bean bag chairs, clothes, ect.) Are you always on the lookout for something you could use for them? If not, try those.
I take them everywhere except rock climbing and ice skating and stuff like that that my family does very rarely. And as for accessories, I think I must have about four Tama room and five cushions by now! And when our school was having a clear-out and my parents volunteered to go and help, me and my brother were there. The teachers doing the clearout offered us these little bits and pieces like empty cartons, cardboard tubes and the like, and I picked out stuff with Tama accessories in mind.

Well, I've already tried a (forced) break, scheduled by my mom, that involved a lot of tears and yelling. Well, it was more my brother who was in tears, understandably since my mom was snatching his unpaused V4, attempting to take it away for a week and totally not realising she would kill it. (In the end, I explained to her why my brother was screaming at her and saved the poor V4's life). All THAT break did was make me and my brother get really sneaky, find the Tamas in a rubbish bag and play with them in secret. Somehow I don't think all that sudden fuss was a great way to start a Tama break, so I've tried different things. Sometimes, I just feel I'm overloading with math practice, logging and Tamagotchi care so I take a break from everything, perhaps even for a day.

I know running a colour Tama helps. It was fine when I first got my iD L. But then when I got Perotchi twice or something, I paused it for ages. By the time I ran it again, everyone else was way ahead of me and I just got frustrated and cross with myself for not running it in the first place; I could have one of the highest iD L generations on TT if I did, after all I think I was the second or third person here to get one! So now, I'm trying to get a Princess Spacy iD L so I can get the same generation as everyone else and not have to be cross with myself every time I read some amazing iD L log.

I know that's a bit silly, but I can sometimes be competitive and that's just an instinct that's good in school but not on TamaTalk.

Anyway, I DO try breaks, and they make me get this weird feeling I can't even imagine when I'm running a Tama. It's a bad feeling. Sort of empty, unsatisfied. But I'll try what you said, once I get my Princess Spacy iD L. With the V2 I'm currently running, it would be no use since there's not really much to do on it and I'm useless at all the games.

~ Dazzmina ~

Do you even have time for your tamagotchi? You know, everyday homework, after school, those busy times.

I do have time. I'm pretty good at schoolwork and homework, so I don't get extra homework or spelling re-tests or anything. And I'm only 10, it's not like I'm studying for an exam or something.

~ Dazzmina ~

If you want to love your tama,talk to it. Just like a real pet. Let your pets talk to it. Give them personalities. You don't necessarily need accesories for your tama to love it.

This is just my opinion though on loving a tama. If you have any problems,give me a ring. (Or messaging thingy. Or comment)

I feel like a much better parent after taking this test and doing things from it.
Oh, that test! Actually, I've taken it a load of times before. My scores have improved a lot, and I think I got score 25 originally, then score 73 on my most recent try! I've been taking that test about every week since I started collecting Tamas, which is why my scores have improved so much! :)

Problem is, I'm not allowed to do some of those things. True, I can do most of them in secret, but here are some examples of the ones I can't do:

Run more than 2 Tamas at once - actual rule

Pass up a family event for Tamas - not official rule but family wouldn't approve of it

Never pause Tamas - forced Tama breaks, adventurous events e.g. ice skating, abseiling

Main hobby - parents wouldn't like it

Make an enemy because of Tamagotchi - parents would definitely not like it

Win someone over about fake Tama - parents wouldn't like it, they'd say other people can buy what toy they like

Dress up Tama/dress up as Tama - family would think it was dumb, especially brother

Visit Tama chat room - banned from TamaCHAT by parents due to Internet safety

Visit Tama chat room for more than 3 hours - 2 hours computer time per day limit

Research Tamas on search engines - not allowed to surf the Internet

Etcetra. You get the idea XD. And if I said I was actually TRYING to do those things, that would be worse than all the other things put together, because I'm not supposed to want to see Tamas as pets. You see, I used to lie about half of everything I thought, including my perspective about Tamas. The later I leave it, the harder it gets to tell my mom, my Tamas are my pets not my toys! That's what's so hard, if everyone else thinks I see them as toys and am happy with that, they won't approve of me showing any devotion to my Tama whatsoever! That's my problem, I think. It's not anyone else's fault, it's my fault for telling a bunch of silly lies. And now, I can't bring myself to own up to them!

~ Dazzmina ~

ow. that hurts, when you want to please your family but you can't do that without being true to yourself.

my advice is to try a little bit, every day, to treat it like a pet. for me, i see my tama as a friend and a pet, mostly because i log every day and it's written with me talking to my tama because i'm running only one at the moment. XD but you might not want to do that. i want a dog really badly (not allowed) so tamas help me in that sense, as being my pet.

explain to your mom (when she's in a good mood, obviously) about you and your tamas. i don't know if you've talked to her yet about it yet (maybe you have) but it would be a good idea, as she might not understand how you feel about tamas, and might let up a bit about them. even if only one member of your family gets it, you'll feel better talking it out.

hope i helped. for me, my family respects my interest in tamas and sometimes we discuss them at dinner :D maybe if you bring it up you and your family can find a solution.

wow, i just realized i sound a lot like a guidance counselor. xDD

I've talked to my mom about it a lot of times, but it just seems to go in one ear and out the other. I mean, she's not to blame, I see that now, she just totally Well, she doesn't misunderstand stuff like, I want to pass my SATS test in May, and I like playing on the Wii. My whole family just misunderstands my relationship with Tamas and TamaTalk. My brother sometimes drives me crazy with his awkward questions about why I never pause/reset Tamas. He's just really perplexed, and I think my parents are too, but of course they don't show it. If I tried to explain it, I wouldn't know where to begin!

For some reason, typing all this has made me really tired. I'm going to end this post.

~ Dazzmina ~

o_O now i'm really confused. i want to help, but i'm not very clear on the problem. is your problem:

a ) you want to see tamas as pets?

b ) you want your family/others to understand your liking for tamas?

c ) something else entirely?

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