my Tama V4 is lying down every few seconds


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Myn does that to I found out that if you make it's hungry 2 hearts and happy 4 hearts

it should stop falling over or it is just over weigt :furawatchi: :angry: :angry: :) :) :)

its just the trip animation, theres nothing wrong with it.

the tama has three different animations that arent up close.


2. jump in the middle.

3. jump everywhere

I think it has to do with your fortune cookies. Your tama is just having bad luck.

I think it is over weight!
[SIZE=12pt]Well that may be it too, but it also happens if your fortune cookies add up to 5 or less.[/SIZE]

no thats not tru3 you guys.

its just an animation, all the tamas do that at a certain time, trust me i know

From my experience, if you have an overweight Tama or your fortune cookies don't add up to at least 5, your Tama has a greater chance of tripping.


No it only happens if you tama is feeling overweight or sad because it has a only one star as part of it's fortune like as in points: 2 stars

Love: 3 stars

Body: 1 star

Then it would fall if the body was 2 or 3 stars then it would jump

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