My Tama world


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Dec 16, 2005
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On December 14th I bought my first Tamagotchi, pulled the tab at

6:30 pm...

"Kachi" hatched and she became a hitodetchi and I was so attentive and didn't let the hearts empty for more the a few seconds and cleaned up poo right away...she evolved into a Ufotchi and again I took the best care of her and she evolved into a Mametchi at day 7 (7 years) the matchmaker came and she was matched up with a Furawatchi and"Anson"was born he became a kuribotchi and by now I was abit relaxed but still took pretty good care of him and he evolved into a itchigotchi and was disciplined fully by day 2...he evolved into a Mimitchi and connected with a Toragotchi and they had two boys. Mine I named "Bowie" and he became kinakomotchi and even with some neglect 2 hearts down at one time sometimes he evolved into a ringotchi and then a Furwatchi so did his brother even with worse care and with a kuribotchi toddler. "Bowie"was matched up by the matchmaker to a 4th gen

"Cyrus" was born(another boy) and he became another kuribotchi and then evolved into a ichigotchi( my second) and with resonable but not perfect care he evolved into my favorite character so far... a Marumitchi( he is so cute and funny). Well yesterday "Cyrus"had a visit from the Match maker and he was matched with a Kiwitchi and now as I write this" Darma "my 5th gen and the first girl since her Great-grandmother "Kachi" will be changing into a about 20 minutes...I can hardly wait to see what she will become.....she just got her first training bar( I'm so proud)....I'll keep you posted to let you know how things now I know when they poop and get hungry and even at times can tell when they are doing one of their animations on screen...I almost always catch them in the act and I hardly ever pause any of my Tamas...I maybe the oldest member on here...I am over 30 years old and work full-time but take my Tama to work and try to experience the whole Tama lifestyle... I can't wait to see my next gen and I am so proud of each and even if you aren't a child you can enjoy a Tama in your life....Happy Tamas ! Everyone

Tamatansy (Tansy is my dog's name)

Well Darma has changed into a kinakomotchi...she is just blobbing around on the screen right is about 7:25 pm and she should be going to sleep soon...wonder what teenager I'll get this time...hopefully something lots of food treats for my Tamas and just waiting to give them to characters whom they are their favorites.....

Just waiting until tomorrow,


Well it has been a while since I last made a entry had problem connectingto Tamatalk...anywhoo...Darma ahnged into a Young Mametchi (my first ) and everything went along day two she was fully trained and I was just waiting for her to evolve THEN IT HAPPENED......

On Saturday for the first time ever my life got in the way of me taking care of my Tama and I am so ashamed :huh: It was four hours before I got to take care of Darma and she almost died...she had two poops, a black skull and all her hearts were empty ^_^ :D ;) !!!! I can't begin to tell you how bad I felt. I had been waiting for another girl Tama for so long and then this happens...I was so proud of my excellent care of my Tamas and never letting them need anything...well I quickly gave her a couple shots to kill the germ bug then fed her and gave her lots of snacks and played with her...usually I pause my Tama if it looks like my life is gettin hectic and my Tama will suffer BUT

I don't know how to explain it.

On Sunday Darma evolved into a Hatenachi( Whale-like) and is sickly...only weighs 2olbss as an adult and doesn't play games very well :lol: :eek: I guess things happen for a I will be extra specially careful taking care not to do that ever again to my Tamas...I hope that I can get a good healthy baby and get nice healthy Tamas for here on out ;) :D

I know there are theories that say that your care has nothing to do with the character you get but I'm not sure about that

Well nothing major to report...just waiting for tomorrow when hopefully Matchmaker comes and I get a chance to make amends and take good care and hope for a better character...even though my Hatenachi is not a healthy, smart character it is funny to watch and definitely a change from my cute Mametchi, Mimitchi,Marumitchi and Furawatchi...I am hoping for a Chohimetchi or something on the same level...we'll just have to wait and see. Another thing I noticed is that 'Darma' the Hatenachi is always needing care unlike the adults I have had before....her hearts empty out quicker and she poos more frequently also. I won't be able to write tomorrow unless it is late but I won't forget to post on the log the next day for sure..... :rolleyes:
