My tama ziggy


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Australia, Melbourne
I woke up this morning and ziggy was bobbing around the screen as usual. As I feed him i went into the shop in the shop there was A fishing rod, pie, ice cream, and a roll! I bought the fishing rod and won a fish. I got to play with the fishing rod a few times! Ziggys training is comeing up really really fast its awsome to know that Ziggy had a good trainer! Ziggy played with his ball and fished for a while. As it became after noon ziggy wanted to play games we played for age and age until he didnt want to play any more. I luv playing with ziggy. Right now its 3:48pm and ziggy is getting hungry for after noon tea lol!

I bought Ziggy a roll for after noon tea as i watches the simpsons ziggy ate hiss roll and played on his ball. After watching the Simpsons i coame on tamatalk and i am curently playing!!!

PS Iwill update you on ziggys night tonite at about 80clock so come back at about 830 to read about ziggys nite.,

PSS If you want to know any thing please pm me! :) :D :chohimetchi:

I just found my booklet that i lost its al about tamas it come with a mag called total girl!!! YAY MORE TAMA! :) :D :chohimetchi:

PS i will be writeing about ziggys night later on before bed 1:00am!!!!

PSS Come back then and read on about ziggy!

PSSS sEE YOU SOON :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

Ziggy had a bad night he had a tooth ache. :ichigotchi: After i took him to the doctors he was fine!!!!! He had beef for dinner and had some cheries for desert! He played a few games! I won enought to buy him a breackfast of milk and a banana. I think he will enjoy his breakfast. I love playing with Ziggy!!! Ziggy is now sleeping while I do my coulems on Tama Talk! During the day i dont get much time to go on tama talki and play with ziggy so i am not on long times. But i do come on and off during the day!!! :) :D :chohimetchi:

My tama ziggy is about to be a daddy!!! I cant wait for him to have a baby tama. I cant wait to see if its a boy or girl!! I hope its a girl!! If its a girl i will call it catz! awsome!!! I luv the name ziggy but i am not gonna use for a while i also luv the name pudge lmao so funny!

SEE U SOON :angry: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Sorry i havent written for a long time iv had alot of stuff on!

Ziggy has flown of 2 tamagotchi land and had a boy called Pudge! He is now an adult and is about to become a daddy!

I was sitting on my bed this morning thinking about what to do my project on when i heard Pudge beep i quickly grabbed him to check what was wrong. He had woken up!

I dont fast forward my time i dont know why? I think its because my tamas my friend so i want it to do wat eva im doing at da same time!


After deciding i was going to do marine life for my project Pudge beeped again this time he was hungry. So i went to the shop and bought milk and an apple! Pudge was very happy with his break fast!(only on wendsdays Pudge get a bought meal)

After a shower i quikley grabbed Pudge put him on his lead (lanyard) and put him in his soft case! We ran into class only a minute late. At play lunch pudge wanted a snack so i gave him a swiss roll AKA roll. I quickly ran inside as the ball rang. In the middle of clss i heard a muffled beep dang i had forgott to turn the sound off! I quickly asked to go to the toilet. In the toilet i turned of the sound and played a few round of Bump. After that Pudge was fine until home time. I turned on the sound as soon as i got out of the class room pudge was playing happily as usual. As i stepped into the front door pudge beeped again i feed him sushi and played some games for a while. After dinner pudge wanted to sleep so i turned of the lites and relaxed on the couch!

Its hard work being a tama mum/dad! :( :p :)

Stay tunned for pudge's day 2morrow!

I am so glad Pudge is a daddy!!!! Hes had alot of fun with his son today im wondering what 2 call him!!! If you have any suggestion pm me!

I woke up and jumped out of bed hopeing that pudge was about to become a daddy! I got ready and headed to school. At play lunch i checked my tama the match maker was there! I accepted and wathched the fire works! All my friends were so exited that Pudge was a daddy

Comments: I think Pudge has made a great start to being a daddy and will be missed very mutch by his son. Pudge's dad Ziggy was a very good father.(it must be in the family)

I an also hoping that soon a girl will be born into this family because its totally boys! I would love it if pudge sets a good exsample for his son and teaches him. When Pudge flys back to tamagotchi land i know his son will want to visit every day! Like pudge visits Ziggy!

PS: (Ziggy is doing very well at his home in tama land is very proud to be a grandparent!!!

Cya soon!

