My Tamagatchi


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2007
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Well I got my Tamagatchi on December 26th of 2006 and I absolutely adore it! My first egg was a girl and her name was Ally. She turned out to be a Violetchi and I miss her so much. I left her on when I went to school and she died. She was 9 years old. So after that one I hatched up my little Fred who was a boy (well nah duh) and when he grew up he was a Zukyutchi. I used to call him my Moose Duck because it looks like it has antlers and one day in the middle of class and I went to check on him and he died. I dont know how it happened but I guess everything happens for a reason. Now my current one his name is Nate (which is Nathan this boy I really like) and he is currently a Young Androtchi. He may not be the cutest of them all but I love him. Well g2g more to come soon.

Gummi :D

I am really happy. My Tama evolved into a Mametchi! It is really cute! I looked at my Tama this morning at around 8:40am (because I had a two hour delay because of the weather) and it used to always wake up at 8:00. I went to the bathroom to get my hair straightend and that takes a good 15 minutes. I came back and looked at it and it was a Mametchi!! I am soooooooo happy. Now it is 4 years old. I cant wait until the matchmaker comes! Well g2g update soon!


OMG!!!! My Tama had a a baby! Yeah me and one of my friends April hooked ours up during school not thinking anything of it and we looked at our Tamas and fireworks poped up and then a little baby popped up! It was sooooooo awsome! I am really happy but I forgot when the parent is supposed to leave the baby because I heard it was 24 hours but its been over 24 hours and it still isnt gone! Oh well guess I'm gonna have to wait! Well I g2g update later bye!


The parent left today! I am sad I miss my little Mametchi! But my Tama was a boy and I named him Lucky. He eats a lot and also does his "thing" a lot I hope it grows up to be a good character! Well g2g update later!


Well my Tama Lucky turned into a Mametchi! I was happy and then a couple days later it turned six and I set my clock to 2:59pm and the match maker came! I married a Marotchi! Sure not the worlds best character but it's something! And this is going off topic for a little but one of my friends got in a car wreck at the begging of the month and he came back yesterday! He broke his wrist and his foot! I signed his cast! And I like him so when my Tama's parent left in homeroom (which I forgot to turn the sound off and it beeped when I pressed a button and it was so embarrassing) I went out to the hallway and named him "Jacob" after my friend (and maybe boyfriend) and he really didn't do so well as a baby. He pooed way too much and he almost died! But luckily right before 1st period got out I cleaned it up, fed him, and gave him two doses of medicine and he was good to go then right after that he grew into a Harutchi! So it's all good now. Well g2g update later! :)


Well Jacob finnaly grew up to be a Debatchi. All my friends thought it was ugly but I thought it was adorable. And he got a visit from the matchmaker and had a girl! I was sooooooo happy. This is my second girl on here and I was wanting a girl. I named her Belle after my friends middle name. She then grew into a Mohitamatchi and then into a Young Dorotchi and now she just turned into a Pyonkotchi! She's so cute and I love her. Also I plan on trying out for cheerleading for next year it's gonna rock! Well g2g!


I AM SO MAD!!!!! I went to my friends house and of course I brought my Tamas with me and my friend wanted to see my V4 and she set it down for a minute came back and the screen was blank so I pressed the reset button and I went to go hit download but accidentally clicked reset! So I lost all my generations, my friends, my items everything! So now I have Brian and he is a teen Gourmetchi! But I still miss Belle and she just had a baby too and I was gonna name her Lynn! I miss her. Well I better go and post in my other log check it out bye!

Well its been a while since I posted in my log but here it goes! Brain turned into a Debatchi. He had a girl and I named her Rose because when I named her I was watching Titanic. She grew into a Mohitamatchi and then grew into a Ichigotchi which I was happy because thats one of my favorite ones then it grew into an ugly Masktchi. I was mad. But oh well. Rose had a baby girl (again) and I named her Lilly. She grew into a Puchitchi and then into a Ringotchi! Well one day I was putting dishes in the dishwasher when all of a sudden I spilt milk on both of my Tamas! My V3 was okay but my V4 was messing up and I was crying. Finnaly I got it to work and I was so happy! Well Lilly for a while would not grow! But on Friday it finnaly grew into a Mimitchi! It was my first time getting her and I was sooooo happy! Now she is 5 years old and weighs 99 pounds. She has a job at the Bank and is really happy. Well I g2g post in my V3 log go look at it love yah bye!

Gummi <_<
