My TamaGo Questions..


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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
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My first question:

Does the expansion figures comes with the glass plate too? Or does it only come with the paper thing?



Do you use two Tamagotchis at a time?

*Moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Owners'*

The expansion figures come with the paper face plate only. The "glass" plate (which is actually plastic) that you see that covers the paper face plate comes with the actual toy itself.

Could you be a little more specific with your second question? Do you mean to ask CAN two Tama-Gos be used at the same time or are you asking do WE (as in, you're asking to see what others do) personally use two Tama-Gos at the same time? :huh:

TamaGo Figures include.... Tamagotchi Figure, Paper inlay design, No Plastic cover included except for the Tamagotchi Tama-Go itself.

I use two Tama-Go Tamagotchi at a time. (Currently) and I play with other Tamagotchi at the sametime as well. I like playing with Familitchi/MusicStars together with the Tama-Go since they connect. I marry them together sometimes and they can still earn money for games won. Nozotchi will show up most of the time but they are still visable when they marry together (Only when they marry) Then return to thier repective tamagotchi version as if they didn't really do anything... Except having a child sitting next to them after they marry.

No, you do not get another plastic faceplate when you purchase a Gotchi figure, but it does come with the actual Tama-Go (as others have already pointed out)

And, you can definitely use two Tama-Go's at the same time! If you want, they can even get married; one of the perks of having two of the same kind of Tamagotchi. More Tamagotchis mean more responsibility- so take care of them well! :)

1. What everyone else said.

2. Well, I only have one Tama-Go so I only use one Tama-Go. But I also have my Music Star and I connect them together all the time. I even had them marry yesterday.

Well, excuse me. I'm new here.

And that sucks 'cuz the plate gets all these scratches very easily..

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