My Tamagotchi Logs


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
I have a V.2 and I have an adult right now. It is a marumimitchi like this: :puroperatchi: . She is 5 years old, has all the hearts, all the training bars, 9999 Gotchi Points, she weighs 32lb, and is on her 10th generation. The matchmaker's suppose to come tomorrow!!! Aww, the turkey's chasing her right now!!! And her name is Angel. I'll get back to you ppl maybe today or tomorrow. Bye!

Angel says buh-bye!!!(awwww!) :angry:

Earlier, I saw Angel taking a bath in a hot tub. I also saw her brushing her teeth. But she's asleep in her little bed now, eyes closed. I used my cheat. Here's a cheat: Put your tama to bed early if you know what time it goes to sleep. To actually make it go to sleep, make sure it's half an hour before it's real bedtime, then turn the lights out. Please do not put this tip in the Tips And Tricks thing. This is my cheat that I figured out myself. Bye!!!


The MatchMaker JUST stopped by!!! ANGEL mated with an androtchi, and now she has a baby girl!!! Ohh what should I name her??? I'll think of something... JAMIE? KATIE? My friend who rides my bus to school named her tamagotchis PIZZA, PASTA, and SALAD. I know that's wierd. She's wierd too. Anyways, now they look like they're dancing together. And when I use the UFO, they both go somewhere!!! Cute, huh?

The parent didn't leave yet B) But I'm thinking of naming the baby CANDY. Or maybe DOT. But DOT won't do, because once I had a tama on it's 8th Generatoin I belive, and I named him BLOB and he grew into a Cho Himetchi like this--> :D and my friends would always say he looked like a real king in his throne with the crown. If I have a baby boy someday, I'm gonna name him GOTCHI. Wierd, I know. But maybe someday.

-tenniswinner, ANGEL, and CANDY.

I used my good-bye tama tip that you can find in Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks on ANGEL. Yup, that's right---she left me and CANDY. *sniff* I miss her so much!!! Well, CANDY's on PAUSE because I can't play with her and type at the same time. Plus I have a band and chorus concert I have to leave for in about 40min. So bye!!!

-tenniswinner and CANDY

CANDY's no baby anymore. She's a toddler---which I call a bush baby---a kinokamatchi. That might not be how you spell it, but it's the tama that looks like a hunk o' lettuce. Man, I CAN NOT wait until Christmas!!! I'm probobly getting a tama mini, and another version 2!!! But that's about 25 days away... ;) darn. Well, only 15 more days of school until Christmas vacation!!! :angry: Well, I think it was Rckin' Robotchi's siggy's quote but here it is---Why do weekends go so fast and weekdays go so slow??---something like that. Sorry if you didn't like that Rockin' Robotchi. Your quote is SO right!!! Bye everyone!!! :angry:

-tenniswinner and CANDY

CANDY is an apple---Ringotchi. I am tired of getting apples!!! P.S.---I'm on my 11th Generation---Oh yeah!!! :)

It's been 4 days. I paused CANDY alot and I think she's gonna change tomorrow morning. *sighs*

Strike that last thought about CANDY changing. GRRR!!! SHE DIDN'T CHANGE!!! :lol: :huh: :p Maybe tomorrow... I might not be able to get on tomorrow... oh, CANDY just turned 4!!!

CANDY just fell asleep, right? Well I changed the time so it was 9:00 in the morning and SHE CHANGED!!!!! Into a Furawatchi!!! Yuparoonie, she sure did! Hold on, gots to change the time back to 8:30 PM. SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS!!!----> :lol: OMG!!!

No Matchmaker. Probobly coming later today. Anyways, CANDY was talking to a Christmas tree yesterday and today!!! It's really cute!

Christmas tree came once again!!! AND SO DID THE MATCHMAKER!!!! I'm a little cheater... I set the time to 6:59 PM, and waited a minute. Then...*tamagotchi beeps and MatchMaker with books comes on screen* Yup, and I FINALLY gots a boy this time!!! It's gonna be named CHIP, NACHO, or CHEEZ. Or something else, maybe SNOW. Or ADAM. Or JESUS. Whatev, I still have two more days!!!

I used my Good-bye Tama Tip and CANDY left her widdle baby boy. I am devastated. I feel like I'm gonna cry. And I NEVER cry!!! BOOHOO!!! Well, earlier, CANDY talked to the Christmas Tree again. But that was before she left. I am taking care of the baby boy, and I fed him a loli pop and now he is SUPER HAPPY!!! Yay! Since Christmas is coming, I named him SANTA. He's adorable!!! :gozarutchi: :eek: :huh:

I couldn't play with baby SANTA yesterday, so I paused him overnight and then I played with him again this morning and he changed into a kuribotchi!!!!!!!!!! I've always wanted one for SOO long!!! He looks like this---> :angry: YAY!

Somehow my old post got erased, so I'll say it once again. IT CHANGED INTO A YOUNG MIMITCHI! YAY! It looks like this---> :furawatchi:

It's almost been a week!!! Wow, too much procrastinating(or homework lol)! Well, SANTA had a baby girl 2 days after he changed, then he left (I saw his departure, boohoo and all that stuff) then I named the baby girl HOLLY, then I raised her into a kuribotchi again, ( :) ) then this morning she changed into a... a... a... UFOTCHI!!! Yes!! Always wanted one of of those!!! So now I'm aiming for a... uhhhhh.... ummmm... maybe a Kiwitchi, Kuchipatci, maybe a Nyrotchi, and blah blah blah. But the good thing is, NO MORE PAUSING TILL 2006!!! I got out of school today!!! Goody goody gumdrops! But my friend's boyfriend gave her a new tama, and the egg hatched into a baby girl. I said, "Watcha gonna name it?" and she totally copies ME and says, "Holly." And... AND... it turned into a Ufotchi too. So they're basically twins! Copycatter...

HOLLY turned into a Pyonchitchi. I think that's what it's called. it looks like a demented teddy bear. But when she comes up to the screen, it's adorable!!! So that's all, and there's no emoticon that looks like HOLLY sooo...

