My Tamagotchi Ocean Keeps Dying


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
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Sydney, Australia
please help! :huh: i always get my tamagotchi ocean to its child stage and it dies on the third day before its a teen! it had full happy and hungry hearts! this is the second time this has happened to me! i don't get it?? is my tamagotchi ocean broken? it was 99lbs if that matters but i have played with heaps of tamagotchis and they don't die if they are 99lbs! :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :unsure: :wacko:

i dont know much about the ocean...just a little...but i think you should lower the weight of it....that contributes to the health of your tama ocean. keep it at a more reasonable/healthy weight. also make sure keep an eye on it so it gets good care.

hope i helped somewhat :S


**You can go to this link >> Ocean Gotchi and see if you get any help. :p **

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Tamagotchi Ocean is a VERY old version, right? Virtual pets back then wasn't very good. Old virtual pets like that don't last long, even if you DO PLay with them all the time. i used to play with Dinko Dinos, they used to die and hour later.

Not that I know anything at all about oceangotchis, since they havent been released in europe, but on it says about oceangotchis that they are the hardest of all tamagotchis to raise. Check it out! :mellow:

Don't worry - I don't think you have a broken Ocean, I think you have a normal Ocean tama! :mimitchi:

Almost everyone I know who has run an Ocean tells me that they are the most difficult tama to raise and need almost constant attention or they die.

It is probably worth you checking out some of the older sites like Pixelmood and, they have some good tips and guides to raising Oceans.

Also, Kyliesmum posted a really useful blogagotchi log a few years ago about raising Oceans which might give you some ideas:

Good Luck

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TamaMum is totally right. But as a side note, DO NOT get your ocean above is base weight. The more snacks you feed it, the sooner it will die. I've raised a lot of oceans, and had plenty of adults. Once the ocean is in the toddler stage, DO NOT feed it snacks.

thank you very much. my tamagotchi oceans are always 99 lb because there hungry and happy hearts fall so fast, i cant be bothered to make them loose weight by playing the treasure chest game over and over again. i got a blue US ocean in the mail today :) lol random

please help! :ichigotchi: i always get my tamagotchi ocean to its child stage and it dies on the third day before its a teen! it had full happy and hungry hearts! this is the second time this has happened to me! i don't get it?? is my tamagotchi ocean broken? it was 99lbs if that matters but i have played with heaps of tamagotchis and they don't die if they are 99lbs! :) :( ;) :D
Tamagotchi Oceans are known as the hardest Tama to raise. They need near constant attention or they will die. Sorry, but that's just the way they're programmed.

Tamagotchi Ocean is a VERY old version, right? Virtual pets back then wasn't very good. Old virtual pets like that don't last long, even if you DO PLay with them all the time. i used to play with Dinko Dinos, they used to die and hour later.
I agree that Oceangotchis are the hardest Tamagotchis to raise, that's just the way they were programmed. I've had one for quite a while and it really is difficult to take care of it, that's normal. You literally have to keep an eye on it at all times because you have to check to see if the water is murky (and then clean it up accordingly), make sure it doesn't get attacked by the polar bear (that's where the motion sensor comes have to tap the Tamagotchi when the predator comes by), and the happiness and hunger hearts fall pretty fast. It has nothing to do with how vintage the Tamagotchi is. Just because it's an older Tamagotchi and not a Connection doesn't mean it sucks. :ichigotchi: It is worth it to check out those websites that TamaMum posted to find out more about the ancestor Tamagotchis before you post about them.

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