My Tamagotchi Story: Addressed to The Lovely People here at Tama Talk


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Active member
Jul 10, 2012
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Chicago USA
Hello everyone,

I am new here at Tama-Talk. But I have been lurking for awhile. I finally got around to making an

account, and Buying 2 Tamagotchis all in the same week! A White Kuchi-Pachi Tama-go, and a

Music Star Ver 6 Glam Rock. (because it looked awesome!)

These are the first Tamas I've bought for myself, and the first Tama's I've had since I was 6 years


The whole reason why I wanted a Tamagotchi as a child, wasn't because everyone had them,

or because they were cool; but when I was a child I was really badly allergic to animal Dander,

so I couldn't have a dog, or cat.

You see I remember when I was 6 years old... It was Christmas weekend, and I was spending it with my

mother in the city of Chicago IL. it was 1998, and she brought me to KB Toys back before they went

out of business. I saw the Tamagotchis, and I remember how much they were... and they were very

expensive. My mom said "no" gently "Maybe next time sweetie." and instead I came home with a small

seal plushy.

The next morning, my mom called Room service, we had eggs with sausage and toast, after I ate,

I had a shower and I saw the Tamagotchi box, it was on my pillow! I was so happy!!! I finally got my

Tama, he was an orange, Kuchi-Patchi, and I named him Mimo!

But, a happy moment was ruined, as I started

to bond with my Tama, my mother started slipping away. She had Cancer...When my father had told

me what would become of my mother, I took Mimo into my room and slept with him close to my heart.

he was the only thing comforting me when my mother wasn't there

I took him to the Hospital to be with my mother, She gave Mimo a kiss and said to take good care

of him... Even though he was a toy, I felt as if he was alive... that night, my mother passed away

My Tamagotchi was special, it was my friend. And I took him with me everywhere. But as

months passed, I went back to school... I was constantly teased, for missing my mother.

I became the outcast. The girl who talked to her Tamagotchi, I was weird. But I didn't care...

During lunch period, a bully came up to me with his friends and started to harass me, I was crying

because I missed my mother, and I had Mimo in my hand. The bully grabbed Mimo and threatened to

step on him, I begged him not to, and at last I thought he would give Mimo back, but alas,

he Threw Mimo at the concrete wall. I ran over to get my Tama, his screen was cracked, and Mimo's

happy face flickered, then faded forever...

I put Mimo in a Glass Curio Case at my parents house, where he still lies to this very day; And even

though I'm older, I still hold the Memories of Tamagotchi dear to my heart.

I wanted to share my story with you, and just say that you all have brought back a Joy I haven't

felt since Little Mimo was broken. I even ordered a Kuchi-pachi Tama-go. It's like Mimo is real

And he's come back into my life the same as he left. Smiling...

So Thank you all for bringing back a Piece of my childhood, and secretly encouraging me

to start my collection!

Awww, that's so sad. :( But yes, Tamagotchis are special; more than just toys. Welcome to TamaTalk! I talk to my Tamagotchis too. ;)

Aww.... That's really sad... Also, welcome to TamaTalk! Enjoy your time here, and another word for your Tama; if you buy a new P1, you could take them both apart and swap the broken parts, then put it back together. Or you could buy a new one like with a case like that one and play with that instead. :p

While a sad story, it is beautiful how particular objects that we own help us recollect fond memories in our lives. My condolences for your loss, and I wish you luck in continuing your Tamagotchi collection. :blink:

How sad :( this story really brought tears in my eyes. My condolences for your loss.

I hope this will be the start of a beautiful collection. I'm just starting mine too and I've ordered the very same Tama's :) .

I wish you lots of luck with them!

Thank you so much for your Welcoming wishes! I hope we shall all be good friends. ^_^

Thanks for introducing yourself to us and for that sad yet touching story.

Once I hatch a boy on my iD L, I will raise him into a Kuchipatchi and name him "Mimo" after your friend. ;)

)': Your story made me cry. I will remember your story forever

Welcome to TamaTalk. Good luck with your collection.

I almost starrted crying, that's a shame kids are that bad.

I'll hope your Collection grows Big! :)

-Puri- :wub:

what a sad and touching story, and as far as i am concerned your not wierd at all dbauer. i'm currently 28 years old and have been caring for tamagotchi's since 1997 and like you have lost a very loved tamagotchi, it was my very first tamagotchi and a gen2 who i named webster (thats where my screen name comes from). Glad that your part of this wonderful community^-^

I hope that being a part of this online community helps you feel better about the judgement you faced as a child for holding your tamagotchi so close to your heart. I'm sure you'll quickly see how important they are to everyone here, and you are not alone. I'm so sorry that you lost your mother at such a young age, it's something no child should have to go through. I hope that your up and coming collection will bring back that joy to your life that you've described. :)

Well there's still time to say hello ^ _ ^

your story made me cry... I don't believe people can be that heartless! :(

Anyway welcome to tamatalk and enjoy your time here!


this story actually made me cry ;_;

those bullies are messed up

anyways, welcome to tt!

Ohhhhh I never knew people could be so heartless and cruel. Maybe you could get a few tamagotchis thats you could get kutchipatchi on and bring back many Mimos?

this story is really sad :(

you have much pain with your past..

your friends were so cruel, maybe they didn't know how precious is the tamagotchi and it's memory

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