My tamagotchi Tales


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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
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Hello, if you havent red my log then i will introduce myself. I am Tamanug and i have a very creative Tamagotchi who loves to write stories, and he recently gave me permission to put one on here. So here is part one:

Geb’s Story:

Part 1:

The harsh, icy wind battered against Tamanug as she strived to get my and my friends into the safety of her house. She pushed her way through the walls of wind so we would stay safe, such a brave mother. I glanced over quickly to see how my family was doing. Seeing my gorgeous wife holding the tiniest balls of love (babies) I have ever seen made my heart skip a beat, knowing that my life had gotten that good was something I would have never even dreamt about. I rushed over to be at their side and to know that what ever happened, I was with my family. A wave of heat crashed into me as we entered the homely place our Mother calls home. It is a wonderful place this house and all I have ever known here was happiness and joy.

Ahhhhh, back in bed at last, as the stars shine on what would have been one of the greatest days of my life I remember back to when I was a little baby, 6 days ago. The screams of my bundle of joy sent me crashing back from dream land and back to the wonderful land of truth and reality. I couldn’t wait to see what my girl would grow into. Soph can in at that point and said we had to talk about the children. I solemnly agreed and sat down on the bed with her, she said: “ You realize we have to leave them soon don’t you?” My heart stopped and I felt my world smash on the ground. “ No, I thought we could stay, w-www-why do we have to go? I mean they wouldn’t mind sharing a house with us would they?” I replied with a hint of sorrow and panic in my voice. “ They have to learn on their own, we will be available to them at any time if they miss us, our mother have even picked out a lovely little house in tama town for us.”

“ Ok then, but I need to be able to see them every day---”

“ It might not be that often, but I am sure Mother would try her best to get them to the new house as often as possible.”

My heart sank for a second time. “ Ok dear, I will have to go check on them now thought, did you hear crying a minute ago, it was as loud as a megaphone.” I told her, just to get away and not have to face the hurt any longer. “ Yes I did hear it actually, I will come with you.”

“ Ok”. I put my arms around her and held her like I had never held her before. She looked up and we gazed into each others eyes for a second and then shared a passionate kiss. I knew that as long as I had her I was going to be fine.

I will post more when he has done more.


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