My Tamagotchi Version 4 Log


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Well-known member
May 27, 2007
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Hello everyone, and welcome to 'My Tamagotchi Version 4 Log'! It's my first one, so don't blame me if it's not that good! :kuribotchi:

Ok, I shall be writing about my V4 (duh)! I shall write in bold purple text, so you know when I am writing!

By the way, my Tamagotchi V4 looks like this: Click Here! Anyway, here goes!

I restarted my Tamagotchi V4 today, and you'll never guess what I got! An adorable baby boy! I named him Dylan, I fed him, and played games with him! I'll hardly ever give him snacks, except the odd orange because I'd rather play games with him to get him fit and healthy!


Aww, he just caught a headache. This one only took 1 dose of medicene, so I hope he wasn't in that much pain. :p I entered some passwords (the ones that give you a playhouse and a slide) to make Dylan feel a bit better, he loved them. :ichigotchi: Too bad he can't play in them yet!


I told him I shall take him TamaTown soon, he's really looking forward to it!


I'll post stats in the next post!

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Well, here are Dylan's stats:


Name: Dylan

Gender: Boy

Age: 0 years

Generation: 1 g

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 1/9

Pencil points: 15

Star points: 0

Flower points: 5

Weight: 7 lbs

Gotchi points: 1600p

Username: Beth

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Yay! Dylan just evolved, he's a child! He is a...*checks chart* Mizutamatchi! I'm so proud! Now that he is a child, I'll allow him to speak in this log! When Dylan speaks, he shall write in a bold blue text, here he is!

Hello everyone! Wow, it feels so good to speak proper English, all I used to be able to say was 'goo goo gah gah'. Beth is taking me to TamaTown soon! I cannot wait!

Well, Dylan, I'll take you now!

Yay! Thank you! Well, bye everyone! I'm gonna go play! See ya!

Yup, well, see ya!

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Me and Dylan had a great time at TamaTown! He got 1500p and...a slice of pizza! You enjoyed yourself...right Dylan?

You betcha, Beth! Pizza is probably one of my favourite foods now, and I love the football game at TamaTown. :eek: When can we go back?

Today if you want, after dinner...yeah? :angry:

Ok! Sure! See you later everyone!

Aww, he's so cute. :huh: Anyway, here are his stats:


Name: Dylan

Gender: Boy

Age: 0 years

Generation: 1 g

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 4/9

Pencil points: 30

Star points: 7

Flower points: 18

Weight: 14 lbs

Gotchi points: 5230p

Username: Beth


I'll keep you updated!

Aww, Dylan has just gone to sleep, what an early night! Sleep tight little darling. :lol: See you in the morning!


More tomorrow. :eek:

Yay! Dylan is awake! How are you feeling today, Dylan?

Hi everyone. I'm feeling pretty good, thanks.

Good! Because you now what's going to happen today... I don't! Please tell me! Don't leave me clueless... :kuribotchi:

Oh, all right. You'll evolve today, into a teenager! I hope so anyway, in theory you should. ^_^ Also, wanna go to TamaTown after this entry?

A teenager? Awesome! Yay! I love TamaTown! Thanks Beth. :ichigotchi: Bye everyone. :kuribotchi:

Aww. Anyway, here are Dylan's stats:


Name: Dylan

Gender: Boy

Age: 0 years

Generation: 1 g

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 5/9

Pencil points: 30

Star points: 7

Flower points: 26

Weight: 11 lbs

Gotchi points: 5930p

Username: Beth


I'll keep you up to date!

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Ok, we are back from TamaTown! We both had a good time, right Dylan?

Yeah! I got 4700p and a brochue! We also played all of the games availiable in TamaTown, but Beth had to help me with the claw game because I could'nt reach! ^_^

More coming soon!

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Dylan just evolved into a teenager! He's a...*checks chart* Himotamatchi! He's so adorable! He looks like a little ball of fire. :D Do you like it, Dylan? :(

Wow, I look pretty awesome! :D Bye guys!

Well, here are Dylan's stats:


Name: Dylan

Gender: Boy

Age: 1 year

Generation: 1 g

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 6/9

Pencil points: 36

Star points: 9

Flower points: 31

Weight: 17 lbs

Gotchi points: 11030p

Username: Beth


Speak soon! :)


Do you like my log? If so, PM me with your comments, don't post here! :D

I'm in the middle of taking Dylan to TamaTown, and he's shopping 'Lucky Tama Toys' so he can't talk right now. He has just won 9900p (maximum to win at TamaTown) and I'm so proud of him! He won it all on the 'Ring Toss' game. :(


More coming soon!

We're back! Dylan, did you have a good time at TamaTown?

You betcha Beth! Thanks for taking me! Bye for now guys!

Well, here are Dylan's stats:


Name: Dylan

Gender: Boy

Age: 1 year

Generation: 1 g

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 7/9

Pencil points: 36

Star points: 9

Flower points: 37

Weight: 16 lbs

Gotchi points: 21380p

Username: Beth


Speak soon! :(

Aww, Dylan has gone to sleep now (8pm). Before that, he had a lovely warm bath so now he is squeeky clean! He also had some biscuits and tea, I think he liked it. :lol:


See you in the moring Dylan! Another day of fun and games. :hitodetchi:

awww hes so cute >3< maiby he can be friends with ny little tamas :3 there names are hotteachi kuchipatchi and memetchi ^3^
