My tamagotchi's diary


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I grew into a Tamatchi!!! I know they're not that good but I'm happy with me!

I grew into a... ...MOHITAMATCHI!!! YAY!!! Sam hasn't had me before!

I grew into a :p !!! Sam hasn't had me before either!!!


I am a Nikatchi!!! People say im ugly :angry:

I'm a Obotchi!!! I was this on my first generation and I grew into a :D !!!

I am a YOUNG MAMETCHI!!! I'm so cute!!!

Yea. I haven't posted for a while and they're three. I hope they grow soon.

About a minute after I woke up I grew into a Paparatchi!!!

HEY!!! I grew the same time as you! And I'm the same character as the second tama Sam ever had!!! Check previous posts!!! :furawatchi:

I grew the same old time as the others! And I'm a :D !!!

I'm so happy that they love what they are! I took fantastic care of them all!!!

Hey! I bet you don't even know my name!!! Its Lion and I'm a boy!

I don't think you know my name either!!! Its Tiger!!! I'm a girl and I love Lion!!! :furawatchi:

Ditto! With the first bit!!! Its Siame! Male! :D

AWWW!!! I had a baby girl...

...with me!!! She's so cute!!! :mametchi:

:pochitchi: I havent had one yet. I hope its a girl too! :)

I'm gonna not let the parent go until Siame has a baby and is ready to go too.


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