My tamalogs (2 v2s)


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At about 10:10 pm Aaron and Alice grew up! Alice into a Patapatatchi and Aaron a Ringotchi. :) After that they and I quickly fell asleep.


They are all three asleep right now but they all had more training points. Aaron & Alice have three each and Lynne have five. If I have counted right (which I hope ^_^ ) They will be adults on Thursday evening/Friday morning. Huzzah!


Not so much happened this day, they just were blobbing around and I played with every once and a while.


But this day happened more! Lynne evolved around 4 pm and grew into a Mametchi! She's just adorable. At 10 pm it was Ailce and Aaron's turn. Aaron evolved into a Kuchipatchi, quite sweet. And Alice is a BILLOTCHI. One of the cutest characters on the V3.


Alice & Aaron are both taking baths and Lynne is brushing her teeth like a good girl. :) Alice & Aaron aren't in love yet, but I hope they will be soon enough.


Alice and Aaron fell in love yesterday evening but they haven't had babies yet, but probably tomorrow as I think that they will all turn seven. Lynne will meet the matchmaker around 6 pm and after that Alice and Aaron will mate and have babies too.

I'm so sorry for the lack of an update!

¤ Alice and Aaron had babies and they got boys. Lynne met the matchmaker and got a girl so I can mate two of them.

¤ The left on monday around 5 pm and I took care of these new beatiful babies. I named my V3 Huevo (Thanks to Cyann's log!), Pink V2 Curia and my Yellow V2 Nieve (I long for that now!).

¤ One hour later they evolved into toddlers. Huevo became a Kuchitamatchi, Curia a Kinakomotchi and Nieve a Kuribotchi.

¤ On tuesday they became teenagers around 6 pm. And that is their current stage and Huevo and Curia are both Young Mimitchis and Nieve is an Ichigotchi, I haven't had one for ages!

All three are three years old and will evolve into adults tomorrow. Can't wait to see what I'll get! Huevo has 5/9 training points and so does Curia, and Nieve has 4/9.

Today in sewing class I was finished so I joined a few other in my class who was making bracelets out of plastic beads. "Huzzah!" I thought. "That will make a great mini-lanyard, almost like that one Cyann has on her/his V3" So I made on out of bigger limegreen beads, small limegreen and small dark green beads. The pattern is like this: Big limegreen -- Darkgreen -- Limegreen -- Darkgreen -- Big limegreen and then it goes on. I might take a picture and upload later on.

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Huevo, Curia and Nieve are growing up into adults in one hour! I want them to grow up right now! Oh, well only 58 minutes left. ^^

Huevo became a Debatchi, Curia a ChoHimethci (haven't those for a while) and Nieve became a Marumitchi. Just a few seconds ago Huevo and Curia mated and she gave birth to two beautiful girls. Nieve will meet the matchmaker tomorrow.

Sorry for the lack of an update!

Nieve got a girl aswell and after Curia, Huevo and Nieve cared for them for a little more then 24 hours they left and I named the new girls; Beth (Yellow V2), Mary (V3) and Lucy (Pink V2).

Beth became a Kuribotchi and is now a 3 year old Ringotchi. She has all of the happy and hungry hearts filled but she only has one training point out of curiosity of what I could get. I don't play any games with her so she's pretty overweight now.

Mary became a Mohitamatchi and is now a 3 year old Patapatatchi. All of the hungry and happy hearts are filled and her weight is kept down, in order to get a Mametchi.

Lucy became a Kinakomotchi and is now a 3 year old UFOtchi. Her happy and hungry hearts only have 1-3 filled (it depends on the last time I checked on her :furawatchi: ) She is going to have about 4-5 training points in order to see if I can get a character that I haven't had before.

They have evolved! Into the most unexpected characters, I can assure you. Mary grew up into a Furawatchi! A really nice surprise. Lucy grew up into a Mametchi, totally unexpected because I didn't take care of her very well and she only has 5 training points. And the most unexpected of them all: Beth, who grew up into a Kaerutchi! I had totally forgot about that character! Now I think I've almost had every character on the V2 except a few like Urutchi and Androtchi.

Takotchi - Urutchi - Androtchi - Gozarutchi - Ojitchi are the only characters I haven't got! But I had Ojitchi on my V3 so he doesn't count. But that pretty neat, I have had my first V2 almost a year and it's only 4 characters I haven't had yet.

The 150th entry in this log!

I think that the matchmaker will come to my tamas in the matter of minutes (19 to be exact) and I'm wanting boys on every three. Let's see if that will happen. :)

¡Felíz Navidad! (Reminds me of my Christmas card I made in spanish class, looked quite terrible)

Turned out that they all three had girls, I haven't decided if I'm naiming them Gem-names or Christmas-names.

I've named the three girls: Jolly (Yellow V2), Merry (Pink V2) and Flake (V3). They evolved around 20 minutes ago;

Jolly: Shiropuchitchi --> Hitodetchi

Merry: Shiropuchitchi --> Kinakomotchi

Flake: Shiroteletchi --> Kuchitamatchi

Just a superquick update: They will be adults tonight, and this is their teen growth:

Merry - Young Mimitchi

Jolly - Hinotamatchi

Flake - Hikotchi

It's just amazing, Jolly & Merry grew up into Gozarutchis. I was stunned when I found out. Flake grew up into a Sekitoritchi. :D They're so sweet.

It's been so long since I've updated properly!

Jolly, Merry & Flake met the matchmaker 5 days ago. Jolly & Merry had girls and Flake had a boy. I named my V3 Cinco, my pink V2 Ruby and my yellow V2 Topaz. One hour later Cinco turned into a Tamatchi, Ruby became a Marutchi and Topaz became a Hitodetchi.

The next day they became teenagers and that's their current stage. But they will grow up this afternoon. :furawatchi:

This is their training:

Cinco: 5/9

Ruby: 3/9

Topaz: 1/9 (I've been giving them low training on purpose because I want to see what characters I can get.)

And now I can scratch Gozarutchi of my short characters-I-haven't-had. So now it's only Takotchi, Urutchi and Androtchi left. ^^

For those of you who doesn't remember their generations, this part is for you:

Yellow V2 - 41 G.

Pink V2 - 5 G.

Green V3 - 21 G.

Cindo evolved first, into an eagerly awaited Kurokotchi! And then Ruby and Topaz let out the evolving sounds almost at the same time, - and it's been over 10 months since I last saw it - they both evolved into Kiwitchis! The tama I had on my first generation (and third) on my yellow V2. Aww, so many memories were brought back to me when we played Slot.

Today they are 6 years old and Topaz will meet the matchmaker while Ruby and Cinco will mate, but I think I will use the Honey because they aren't in love yet.

Posting how the mating went later!

// Yumi_82

After Ruby and Cinco mated, she gave birth to two boys. A little while later Topaz mated with a Kiwitchi and got a boy aswell. I let them leave about 8.10 pm yesterday and I named the twins Spoon(V3) and Plate(Pink V2). My yellow V2 is named Waldy.

One hour later they grew up into Tamatchi(V3), Hitodetchi(Pink V2) and Marutchi(Yellow V2).

The twins have two training points each and Waldy have one. Plate will get one more, Waldy will not get any more and Spoon will have all nine training points, if I can manage to do that. (But I think so.)

// Yumi

The day before yesterday they evolved. Spoon started the whole scenario by evolving into a Hinotamatchi. I was very pleased when Plate turned into one too. The really are twins now. ;) By explaining my reaction when Waldy evolved, surprised is an undestatement. You might have figured it out now, he turned into a Hinotamatchi aswell!

So now I have 3 Hinotamatchis. ;)

Here are their training points:

Waldy: 1/9 - all he is going to get.

Plate: 3/9 - all he is going to get.

Spoon: 8/9 - he still has one point left.

They will evolve into adults tomorrow, exciting isn't it?

// Yumi_82

About an hour ago Spoon got his last training point. Oh, I hope I get sweet characters!

// Yumi_82
