My tamalogs (2 v2s)


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Not so much have happened today with my tamas, I think that the matchmaker will come for Pear tomorrow and I will accept and then I will mate Pink and Blue and hopefully Pear will have a girl and Pink & Blue boys or the other way round.

BABY BOOM! Pink and Blue mated this morning at 9:05 am and they had BOYS! Now I'm waiting for the Matchmaker to come to visit Pear. So tomorrow a new generation tamas will grow. YAAY!

Pear just had a BOY! I'm going to name Pink & Blue's children Alpha and Omega and Pear's child Squid. :wacko:

Omega (pink V2) grew up into a Kinakomotchi and is now a Ringotchi.

Alpha (yellow V2) grew up into a Kuribotchi and is now a Ringotchi too.

Squid (V3) grew up into a Kuchitamatchi and is now a Young Mametchi but guess what!! THE GRANDPARENTS PASSWORD IS WORKING AGAIN!!! I'm so happy, I've visited both Kiwi and Pear now. :angry: So now I will be able to have all of the souveneirs except #32.

Green V3

Squid's Stats:

Happy: 1/4

Hungry: 1/4

Age: 3

Training: 4/9

Weight: 25 lb

Points: 6026

Generation: 7 G

My little Young Mametchi is feeling very well except his strict diet. :) He is evolving to an adult this evening around 8:20 pm. Me and him are so excited!

Pink V2

Omega's Stats:

Happy: 3/4

Hungry: 3/4

Age: 3

Training: 6/9

Weight: 21 lb

Points: 8692

Generation: 19 G

Omega, the adorable Ringotchi is going great. He isn't as hungry and unhappy as his friend and twinbrother but they don't mind. :) He is also growing up this evening at the same time as Squid.

Yellow V2

Alpha's Stats:

Happy: 1/4

Hungry: 1/4

Age: 3

Training: 3/9

Weight: 77 lb

Points: 5564

Generation: 27 G

My cute Ringotchi Alpha is great! He is as excited as I am because he and Squid and his twinbrother Omega are growing up this evening at 8.20 pm! Can't wait!

Green V3

He evolved into a Pyonkotchi! They are very cute. :hitodetchi: But it's my third Pyonkotchi so I'm changeing the caring next generation.

Pink V2

He evolved into a Mametchi!! I haven't had him for a couple of generations! So adorable. ^.^

Yellow V2

The best of all: He evolved into a *drumroll* HINATCHI!! My first one ever! I'm so happy. :(

Here is a picture of my cute tamas:

Not so much have happened with my tamas because they are adults but I've bought and used the Genie Lamp for Squid and he got a melon. xD Anyway, they might get the matchmaker this evening but if they don't I might change the time tomorrow morning around 7 am so on tuesday I can play with the babies before I go to school. :angry: Sounds like fun too me ^.^ I'm going to name the children Lilly, Milly and Billy so I really hope that I'll get two girls and one boy or if I get three girls I can name the third one Jilly.

More updates tomorrow on what children they got.

Squid got a girl!! Yaay, that's only the second time I've had a girl on my V3. Omega also got a girl and Alpha got a boy, so now I can mate two of them. :hitodetchi:

Now Milly (V3) is a kuchitamatchi and Lilly (Pink V2) is a Kinakomotchi and Billy (Yellow V2) is a Marutchi. I'm treating Billy like an angel and I'm kind of neglecting Lilly and Milly, but Lilly is the one that's overweight (85! lb).

More updates tomorrow when they evolve into teenagers! ^_^

Green V3

Milly evolved into a Young Mimitchi! And she has 4/9 training bars and I think that she's only going to get 4. I'm going to mate her with Billy so I have a lot of connecting to do. :mimitchi:

Pink V2

Lilly aslo evolved into a Young Mimitchi and she has 3 training bars and that's enough for her too.

Yellow V2

Billy is now a Himotamatchi which has 4/9 training bars but he is going to get all 9. :D

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Sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I haven't had so much to update. :D

Green V3

Milly is now a Dorotchi!! She is so adorable, I love that little ghost. ^^ She's got 5 training bars and she is totally happy and not hungry at all. xD She is asleep now and dreaming sweet little dreams.

Pink V2

Lilly is a Lillytchi! XD It's so funny, her name is Lilly and she is the Lillytchi. :lol: I'm really atatched to that flower and she looks like a gardener when she is wearing the cap. She has 4 training bars and is aslo asleep. ^^

Yellow V2

Billy is a Debatchi! :p He has huge front teeth and he is my sister's favorite character because of the teeth. xD He has all 9 training bars and he is asleep too. :eek:

I'm thinking about using the love potion on Billy and Milly tomorrow evening because I don't know if they will get children right away or if they just fall in love. If they just fall in love then I can syncronise Lilly's Matchmaker meeting with Billy & Milly's breeding. xD

Milly and Billy mated today trough the Love Potion and they had boys! :blink: So now I hope that Lilly will get a girl tomorrow. I'm thinking about to trash a lot of Milly's items so that I can rebuy them again. But I wont trash everything, not the RC-car, Cukoo Clock or the Rare Costume. Yes, I've decided, I will trash items roght now. ^^

Milly doesn't have a lot of items now. xD But I have to think up names for the two boys. I'm still waiting for Lilly to get the matchmaker.. But first things first: Names..Hmm.. *thinking really hard* ... *still thinking* I need a theme, like fruits or colours or something but I've already used those.. Hmm.. The Ocean is a good thing, I could name one boy Ocean and the other.. Hmm. Or I name them Fire, Water and Earth. Yep, that's what I'll do. m(_ _)m Almighty brain, you can come up with those great names in just a couple of minutes of thinkng. XD

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Lilly got a boy at 10:05 pm so I'm not caring for them tonight, maybe tomorrow in the morning or I'll do it after school. I don't know yet. I'll probably take care of them a bit tomorrow morning and the rest tomorrow afternoon. But they are going to be named: Fire (Yellow V2), Earth(Green V3) and Water(Pink V2).

Green V3

Earth's evolution: Teletchi (Boy) --> Kuchitamatchi --> Patapatatchi

He is 2 years old with 3/9 training bars.

Pink V2

Water's evolution: Puchitchi --> Hitodetchi --> Onionitchi

He is aslo 2 years old but with 4/9 training bars.

Yellow V2

Fire's evolution: Puchitchi --> Kinakomotchi --> UFO-tchi

He is 1 year old with 3/9 training bars because I changed batteries on him the day before yesterday.

The great fact is that I got the exact teenagers that I wanted. ^_^ The I'm trying to get a Masktcjhi, Kusatchi and Kurikotchi(?) well, he is the black V3 character with a pointy toungue. :p

I forgot that I would love a Kiwitchi, maybe a lot of Masktchis, Hatenatchi and probably any character. ^_^


Earth turned into a Memetchi. :rolleyes: My first one on my V3! Fire turned into a Kuchipatchi, it's my 4th or 5th one. ^^ But I still like them, they are ok. The best of all: Water turned into a *drumroll* MASKTCHI!! Yaay! It's my favorite character. xD So they are all three 4 years old (except Fire but he still evolved today so he is really 4, it only says 3) so they will have the matchmaker on wednesday when I come home from school. ^^v

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Today is wednesday, so you know what that means: MatchMaker-day!!

The outcome is: All three got GIRLS!! :ichigotchi: So tomorrow at 3:40 pm I will have three new babies to care for. The are going to be named: Polly, Molly and Holly. xD

Green V3

Polly is now my 10th generation on my V3 and she is currently a Kuchitamatchi, I seem to always get them nowadays. She is a bit overweight so I'm playing games with her right now.

Pink V2

Holly is my 22nd generation and she is a Hitodetchi! I like them a lot.

Yellow V2

Molly is my 30th (!) generation on this tama! And she is a Marutchi which means that I can't get a Ichigotchi, too bad. I want one of those but perhaps Holly will be one. ^-^

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