My tamas Arn't Hungry O_O


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Active member
Mar 9, 2008
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:p Well I Was Playing With My Tamas For Over A Day Already They Are Gen1

Ehhem Its V5 :eek:

and when they reached gen1 they're hunger and happy lvl dont go down why?

is it just like tat they don't eat much? Or Is This A Problem

I Hope It isn't Cause I Don't Want Tamas Tat U Cant Care For :(

And 1 Mroe Question


how long does each generation to change?

like [ Egg > Baby > Child > Teen > Adult ]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

can any1 tell me the days or hours each to change?

:( :unsure: :( :unsure: <_< :unsure:

egg takes literally couple of mins.

baby>child= 1 hour

child>teenager=2/3 days

teen>adult=3/4 days

adult>parent= depends on when you mate them

this is going by my tama and the average of others. this is when it isnt on pause.

also, about the feeding problem, i dont fully understand, so maybe make it clearer....?

then i can help!! :D

do you mean like it never is hungry?? it may just be that you are feeding them alright and that you are probably used to other versions, as i am sure you hvae to feed them less too.

hoped i helped! ;)

Its Like They're Hungry Hearts Never go down

so i never feed em and its been like tat for 4 hours :D

o ty for ur replys~

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This might not really that help full, but :D

baby to toddler hour or so

toddler to teen a day or so

teen to adult 3 days

adult to parent??

(P.s what I gave you was V 4.5! :lol: )

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