my tama's days


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
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I have a v1 tamagotchi and today I will be getting a V3!!!! I am sooo excited! Even though my v1 is old and Im sure the v3 is better, I still really love it. The one in my v1 tama is named LISA and she looks like this :ph34r: . In that picture she is without her baby girl which I am planing to name either ROSE, HOLLY, or JAMIE. Need to go fill up some happy hearts right now so i'll write more when LISA leaves her baby!


UUUHHHHH! I went to the store and they were SOLD OUT of V3s!!!! They don't even know when they will get another shipment! I can't wait that long so i will probily go on ebay and see what they got.

LISA has not left her baby yet, mabey tomarrow. I am definaty going to name the baby HOLLY or JAMIE. I am acually suprized that LISA has a baby because when she was 5 the battery died. And the store was sold out of the right battery! So I had to wait till they got some more the next day. And as soon as I put the batery in, LISA was there!!! I was soooooo happy!! Well, Im goin to ebay! Bye!

LISA + BABY say "bye bye!"


I bid on a ocean wave blue tama v3! Hope I don't get outbid!!! If you are looking for a tama, go on ebay! They have most everything and they are cheaper then in stores! :chohimetchi:

YESS! I got the ocean wave tama off of ebay! It should be here in about 3-5 days. LISA has left her baby girl sooner then I expected. The baby's name is JAMIE and she is the 4th generation. I really miss LISA because she was the best character I ever got. (sigh :blink: ) Well, JAMIE is here and I can't wait till she is older! Better go work on the prodject my teachers gave me to do over the vacation ( :chohimetchi: ) . Bye!


I know I am writing a lot today but somthing really kewl happend. My sister leaving for a sleep over ( little early for a sleep over...) and left me to look after her tamas. Hers are on gen. 16 and 7! And when I was working on my prodject, her v2 tured into a paparatchi ( Im gona have to keep this one... LOL)! And later the machmaker came and I couldn't get her to leave! I pressed all the buttens and even tried to reset it! nothing worked! That old lady just kept looken through her book. I wounder if the fact that the tama is only 4 had anything to do with it. and then 2 tamas poped up and it said "Love?" and i franticaly pressed b and then there were 2 tamas and hers on the screen. Then the normal routen of when they fall in love happened, fireworks apeared and then there were 3 eggs and one went away. The two other stayed with me and they both hatched into baby boys. So now i have twins floating around. :huh: creepy...


Well, baby JAMIE is not a baby any more. she is a toddler. My sister's tama still has 2 baby boys on it. She is gona freak, she is going to scream and say I messed it up (better get my camera LOL)! It looks crowded on the screen with her tama and the 2 babys. She called me befor to cheak on the tamas. I just said "oooppps" and hung up. It was so funny! She is still trying to call back but no one picks her up. She is not gona be able to sleep tonight! :D

JAMIE says " bye!"


I know I just ordered the v3 from ebay but I think my head is going to EXPLODE I want it so bad!!!!! I was lying in my bed before and I couldn't get comfterbal because I was freaking! If it dosen't come tomarrow I will go crazy!

O.k. tama time...

I fowered the time on my sis's tama to make the mother of the 2 boys go away. Boo hoo, sigh sigh and all that stuff. The 2 tamas are still there and I made them grow to be toddlers. I named them ADAM and LOUIS. ha ha ha ha! She HATES the name LOUIS! I better hide when she comes home. JAMIE is the same. Every two seconds she loses a happy or hungery heart and it is geting anoying. Got to go! Bye!


Well nothing much happened. I just woke JAMIE up early and filled in all her hearts. Sis is coming back around 11:30 soooo...

I am getting really depressed thinking that the vacation is almost over, and how close school is. My sister (Jessica)'s tamas are all right. If you can count a glich where there are TWO tamas flying around as all right! I really don't know why this happened. Oh well... her other one is ok. It just turned into a ichigotchi, which i really like. <_< So this is what all the tamas look like...

my tam... Sis's 1st tam...


:( JAMIE B) :(


Sis's 2nd tam... ADAM & LOUIS







sorry that first post got messed it is again

My tam.... :( JAMIE

My sis's first tam... :( B) ADAM & LOUIS

My sis's 2nd tam... <_< ANGEL



Nothing has happened. I have been waiting for JAMIE to turn into a teen, ADAM and LOUIS both turned into toddlers. I thought one would disapper by now but i guss they are both here to stay! I wounder what is going to happen when the matchmaker comes for them! What is Jessica (my sister) going to do when she sees the two tamas. Well, JAMIE is beeping, better go see what she wants.



Hi! Jessica came home early at 11:10 and demanded me to give her the tamas. I gave her the one with the ichigotchi :unsure: ANGEL. And then I told her that ADAM and LOUIS are fine. She must have known that ADAM and LOUIS were hers because mine was next to her. And am i psychic or what, she freaked and screamed that i messed it up. I totally predicted that! :) And she got REALLY mad that I named one LOUIS! She got really mad because she believes that twins are imposibal and that I messed it up! I didn't care because she does this when hers has the tinyest glich! It was acually funny! Got To Go! more later!



Hey! JAMIE is *still* the same. :ph34r: Will she EVER change?? Jessica hiyperspeeded ADAM and LOUIS till they were adults. the matchmaker came and they both got baby girls! And now they practicaly can't move on the screen with ADAM, LOUIS, and the two babys that she will name JESS and DIANA. Her screen looks like this...

:blink: :lol: :huh: :(



Hi! my computer just crashed and somthing is wrong with my mail box! So I will tell you when it is fixed. My cousin tried to send me an email and it never came It got lost. JAMIE is still the same, I hope she changes soon. I'll write when she does.



Hi! Finally JAMIE turned into a teenager! She looks like an onion with big lips. Everything else is the same. hopefuly somthing more with happen tomarrow. :rolleyes:



Hi! Nothing has happeened. JAMIE is still the same. And Jessica maade ADAM and LOUIS leave their baby girls. She named them ANNA and DIANA. nothing else has happened..



My V3 came! It is hatching right now!!! Wait, wait,... ITS A GIRL!!! I just fed her. i love that you can pick the food you eat! and the characters are different! cool! got to go!



Hi! O.k, A lot has happened. My V3 girl left and now I have her daughter Sarah. Sarah is 3 years old. Jessica's tama with the twins still has twins named ABBY and JENNY. They are JESS and DIANA's baby girls. well, that is the run up. Bye!

Sorry i haven't wote in a while, but a lot has happened...

JAMIE (my v3) and JASON ( my v2) mated and had baby girls who i named ANNA and CLOEY because those are my cousins names. They are toddlers now, Im not sure what though...

ABBY and JENNY left their baby girl... yeah, i said GIRL!!! the matchmaker only left one baby. that is the end of the twins, *sigh*.

Got to go! Bye!


i have some sad news...

ANNA died! i locked my door and lost the key and couldn't get into my room! i had CLOEY with me so she was fine. i reset ANNA and now i am too lazy to rase the new tama that replaced her.

now the happy news :ph34r: ...

CLOEY got the matchmaker and had a baby girl!!! :( she left last night and i named her daughter ERIKA! she is my favorite tama yet!

nothing has chaned for the rest!


