My teenage tama is being a brat HELP!


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Apr 15, 2007
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My 2nd Generation Tama is really starting to be a pain. Ever since he evolved into a teenager, young androtchi, it has been a brat.

I want him to play games so that I can raise his skill points but he just won't cooperate. He will only play when I give him a treat and sometimes even that doesn't work. If by chance he actually plays, he will only play ONE game! Then he gets a toothache from the treats! He is 2yrs old and weighs 22lbs so I don't think that is the issue.

I only discipline him when he cries for no reason which happens quite often. I don't understand this character, he never seems to be happy. My last generation hardly ever refused to play games, this one is the exact's like pulling teeth to get him to do anything.

Any suggestions on what to do with this bratty teenage tama??

hi poliscigal. in order to play a game, ur tama must be at least 3lbs heavier. this is compulsory becos if u get 'excellent' for a game, ur tama loses 3lbs. l think bandai programmed it in that way so that ur tama wont weigh below its base weight. (for example, if ur androtchi's base weight is 20lbs, it needs to weigh 23lbs or more to play games). some tamas got a base weight of 0lbs, so imagine if it gets excellent in a game and weighs -3lbs afterwards :mametchi:

excessive treats causes toothaches, not matter what type or kind of tama it is.

l had a androtchi in the 1st gen and he cried rather often too. maybe it is meant to be one sad tama lol


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No thats not right - no offence- ur suppose to give it a "time out" if it does that...hope that helps! :eek:

No thats not right - no offence- ur suppose to give it a "time out" if it does that...hope that helps! B)
I go with u . that other person was all wrong .No offence Mr.Santa! :D :eek: :angry: :) :) :D

its ok lm not offended... but so far it has worked for me - the 3lbs heavier rule.

dont mind me asking, but if u give ur ichigotchi a time out when its 0lbs, and play games, what will its weight become?


l just played games with my hinotamatchi. its base weight is 15lbs. its currently weighs 17 lbs and no matter how much l gave him a time out(scolding), he still wouldnt play games. only after l fed it a snack, in which it became 19lbs, then would it play games again.

can anyone else try this out and clarify things? much appreciated.


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heyy heres sumthing give it snacks till its like i dunnoooo 30lb -well if u want- and play games ohh and if its 4 money just play on tamatown

When a tama cries, you're supposed to praise it so you can get a training point. I don't know why a young androtchi cries that often, but when he does, I'm pretty sure you have to praise him.

The reason why it doesn't play games is that a perfect game decreases 3lbs. from your tamagotchi's weight. If your tama's base weight is 30lbs and it's current weight is 32lbs, it will not accept any games because there is a chance that if you get a perfect game, it will technically drop your tamas weight below its base weight. This is not allowed in the V4's programming.

Base weight is the lowest weight your tamagotchi can go.

Mr. Santa is correct in this one. No amount of timeouts will make it play games if it will violate the base weight rule.

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