My v.2 Connexion Tama Log!


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Active member
Apr 23, 2005
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Welcome to my tama log for my new v.2 Tamagotchi Connexion!

I have had it about a day, after finally finding one in the shops, and activating it while on the bus home. It's a light blue color, an under water look, with green buttons. I'll try to get a picture of it. When it hatched, it was baby girl, so i named her Liana. She was a baby for a little while, before turning into a Marutchi. Her current stats are:

* Age: 0yrs

* Training: 4/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 14lb

* Points: 375

She was just fed and exercised. I hope she changes into a teen soon. Update will come when the next important thing happens. :unsure:

(If u want to comment on my log, please pm me, not post, thanks)

Just was fed, exercised and gone to the toilet. Stats:

Age: 1yr

Training: 4/9

Weight: 16lb

Happiness: Full

Hunger: Full

Points: 400

I'm also looking after my sister's at the moment. Her name is Mika, and she's an itchigotchi.

It's a teen and looks like an apple! Stats:


Weight: 20Lb

Training: 5/9

Happiness: Full

Hunger: Full

Points: 400

She's just gone to sleep, as it's 8pm here, as have my sister's.

I've just got home from school, unpaused my tama, and exercised it. Stats:

* Age: 1yr

* Training: 5/9

* Weight: 23Lb

* Stage: Teen- Apple

* Points: 410

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

Nothing much happening. :unsure:

Home from school, and my tamagotchi's been attention seeking and ate. :wub: Anyway here are the current stats:

* Age: 2yr

* Training: 6/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 23Lb

* Stage: Teen- Apple

* Points: 450

She might have to be paused again tonite though. B)

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Luckily, I didn't have to pause her! I've got a sore throat, which means i am staying home from school, which means i can leave her on all day! She woke up about an half an hour ago, and hasn't needed attention. Stats:

* Age: 2yr

* Training: 7/9

* Weight: 25Lb

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Points: 480

* Stage: Teen- Apple

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Yay! I just got the final training point! Here are the stats:

* Age: 2yr

* Training:9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 24Lb

* Stage: Teen- Apple

* Points: 600

Yesterday she turned into an adult! She's now a mametchi! Stats:

* Age: 5

* Training: 9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 33Lb

* Stage: Adult- Mametchi

* Points: 1674

I spent some points today, but that was about it, I didn't much with her today. The matchmaker should come tomorrow. Stats:

* Age: 6

* Training: 9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 35Lb

* Stage: Adult- Mametchi

* Points: 1102

She's just gone to sleep.

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The matchmaker came for her at 3! She had a baby girl with a bear/tiger thing. I've decided to call her baby Amie. The stats:

* Age: 7

* Training: 9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 33Lb

* Stage: Adult- Mametchi

* Points: 1285

:( :angry: ;) ;) :D

(I'm planning for Amie to have tamababies with my sis's baby boy, blob (v2 connexion), when she's older!)

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Liana left so i've now got Amie. She's been sleeping while I was at school, and should change into a teen soon. She's currently a Kinakomotchi, the type I call a milkbottle. Here's her stats so far:

* Age: 1

* Training: 1/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 12Lb

* Stage: Child- Kinakomotchi

* Points: 1513 ;)

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She just turned into an itchigotchi and got another training point! Stats:

* Age: 1

* Training: 2/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 20Lb

* Stage: Teen- Itchigotchi

* Points: 1523 ;)

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Sorry i haven't been updating! She's got all her training points, and when I took her to school (bad me), she turned into a Mickey Mouse/ Cheerleader thing with no tail. It's so cute!!!


* Age: 4

* Training: 9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 30Lb

* Stage: Adult- Mouse

* Points: 1743 <_<

I was banned from the computer, so I couldn't update! Amie had twin boys with Blob, so I now have my baby boy, Dip. I've already got all the training points!


* Age: 0

* Training: 9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 19Lb

* Stage: Child- Kinakomotchi

* Points: 1457

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The week's progress: Was an apple (ringotchi) and turned into a bear like one, a furawatchi, today. I got the names from tamalove, and it shows the little pixels of them. Anyway, the stats:

* Age: 4

* Training: 9/9

* Happiness: Full

* Hunger: Full

* Weight: 34Lb

* Stage: Adult- Furawatchi

* Points: 2060
