My v. 4.5 is holding... a martini glass?


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Active member
Aug 23, 2004
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I have a v. 4.5, it's a girl, and it evolved into this pear-shaped character with a bow on her head and a martini glass in her hand. When she comes close to the screen, she's drooling.

Is there a chart somewhere for the 4.5?

This topic has links to a V4.5 character chart:

Your V4.5 character is called Horoyotchi. I don't think it's a martini glass... I think it's a sake cup. Here's what Bandai has to say about her: "Horoyotchi is always trying to find ways to seriously party! She enjoys tasting all the appetizers and beverages at each one she attends."

I got the same pet, sadly. I heard that you get it from high humor points, but i still don't understand the Icons.... :unsure:

I got the same one. It's a little dissapointing to see yr little tama grow up to be a drunk. What was Bandai thinking?!

I got the same pet, sadly. I heard that you get it from high humor points, but i still don't understand the Icons.... :)
As in the skill point icons?

The Face is Humour/Comedy, the Sparkle is Gorgeousness and the Fist is Passion/Spiritual.

And fuzzydeadthing, some characters (no, let's make that plenty of characters) are based on real life objects. There's a toilet one (Benzatchi), no kidding. There's also Unchikun, based on a poop. And it might not be drunk. The parties Horoyotchi attends might not have beer or wine.

We call it the drunk peanut - I've had it twice now! Crazy characters...

I don't know. If yu've seen the animations, yu'd see that the message is pretty clear- she's drunk.

The thing that sucks is that i cared for her well. Real life-ish sure, but then I bought a virtual pet for the reasons it's different from a real one.


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I don't know. If yu've seen the animations, yu'd see that the message is pretty clear- she's drunk.
The thing that sucks is that i cared for her well. Real life-ish sure, but then I bought a virtual pet for the reasons it's different from a real one.

You might have cared for it well, but the reason you got Horoyotchi is because you raised its Humour points high.

I dont think that a childs, or at least a kids toy, would be made to look drunk, but if it is then, maybe you didn't train it proparly. I think it is normal so no worries.

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