My v2!


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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Reaction score
In catworld
Okay. I bought a used v2 on ebay and it didn't have a battery in it. I bought a battery and stuffed it in the slot. I pressed the middle button then reset (remember this was used) and filled out the usual stuff, date,time,b-day, and whatnot. an egg popped up, and in a few minutes a baby girl popped out. I named it Rose.

Here's what the v2 looks like:

Main color: pink

design: yellow&purple flowers

"tamagotchi connection" at top: purplish-grayish

buttons: blue

paper background:pink with a white heart


hungry: ♥♥♥♥


training: [_____]

age: 0

16 lb

name: Rose

gender: girl

generation: 1

points: 0p (i need to learn how to play jump)

More when rose evolves or when I learn how to play jump!

Edit: It won't let me edit the title, but I'm going to put my v5s in here too.

1st:clear w/ multicolored circles



Bonds: 30%

Family: Mame family

Name: Harp

Generation: 3g

Points: 1890p

Son:Mametchi (blue)

Daughter:Chamametchi (pink)

2nd:Red w/ white lines




Family: Blended Family

Name: Karp



Son: Mamekatchi (gray)

Daughter: Chamametchi (purple)

Son:Korokotchi (normal black)

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Man. Jump is hard. Isn't the baby's game supposed to be easy? Anyway, jump is where you have to press the appropriate button in .5 seconds after a circle over the button fills in. It's kinda like dance for the v4, except harder. And, theres only one round, or mabye I'm just really bad. Who knows? Anyway, Rose is taking her nap now, and here are her current stats:


happy:♥♥♥ (couldn't fix it before she fell asleep)

training: [_____]


11 lb


gender: girl

generation: 1

more when rose evolves.

p.s: If and when I make rose talk, she will talk in green.

Kay. Rose evolved into a Maruitchi. Right now she is rolling on the screen- so cute!!




Training:[i____](She cried when she was a baby)

Age: 0

20 lbs

Name: Rose

Gender: Girl

Generation: g1

Points: 123p

Both the Harps and the Karps asked for training, and they are both still at 30%. Bo-ring.

I don't think we're boring!

Me Neither!

Mom, Why Am I still here? Why won't you let me go on the dating show?

Because you have to wait for us to be able to. You got an unfair advantage because you guys are "Special Family" and not just blended, and you went straight from baby to adult.


I made up a song about rose:

Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',



Rose just loves to roll

She won't do what she's told

Don't try to understand her

Just play with her by the lantern


Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',


I do so do what I'm told!




Training:[iI___] (She cried again)


10 lbs

Name: Rose

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 908p

From now on, I'm only going to post the stats that changed.

Harp family:



Karp family:



Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',



Rose just loves to roll

She won't do what she's told

Don't try to understand her

Just play with her by the lantern


Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',



Rose no longer rolls

maybe she's doing what she's told

In the egg where she lives

Maybe her baby will be named Sid


Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',


Nothing much has really changed. Here are the stats:






Harp family:



Bonds: 100%


Karp Family:





My v5s should be turning into adults tommorow!

Oh, by the way, want to know a quick way to get 100% bonding (full credit to Mnmztama, this is from her log.)

Enter this code in "special":

07500 43694

It'll give you an odd little cupcake-shaped thing. If you use it a buncha times (MnMztama said 34) than it'll raise the bonding by ten. It sounds pretty slow, but it works!

Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',



Rose just loves to roll

She won't do what she's told

Don't try to understand her

Just play with her by the lantern


Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',



Rose no longer rolls

maybe she's doing what she's told

In the egg where she lives

Maybe her baby will be named Sid


Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',



Rose's back to rollin',

Babies only stroll(in)

When she's not rollin' she's flying around

I love the little sound


Rollin', rollin', rollin',

Keep that rosie rollin',

rollin', rollin', rollin',


What I meant by "the little sound" is the sound that v3s and down make whenever the tamagotchi moves on the screen

Rose and the Karp family evolved while I was in karate class.

Rose is a Young Mametchi! OMG! I hope that she turns into mametchi! ^.^

The Karp family evolved as follows: Oldest: Mametchi 2nd oldest: Chantotchi Youngest: Sukatchi

The Harp family should've evolved, but didn't because it is the mame family, which means it evolved straight from baby to adult.

If anybody knows at what age v2s evolve into adults, pm me.

o_O :ph34r: :D

Welcome a new tama to the log, a v4.5.

Here are the current stats:

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥




fist: 13

0 yr

9 lb

Name: Masbo (Via tama name generator)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2 (His mom, Hanna, left last night)

Point: 4960p

Masbo is taking his nap now. ssshhh.....

Nothin' much new with the Harp or Karp families, or Rose.

I'll keep you posted!

Quick newsflash: Masbo woke up, and he is awesome at climb.

Forgot to add! The Karp family will be able to use the dating show around noon tomorrow.

Also, Masbo will talk in orange.

And then I'll finally get to have babies.

YES. THEN you'll get to have babies.

What you guys talkin bout?

Nothing you need to worry about, Masbo.

Hi, peeps. I'm a Young mametchi.

They already know that.


I wanna play CLIMB!!

Oops, gotta go. Masbo wants to play climb.

Masbo is a *quickly checks character chart* Kuchitamaitchi! He looks funny when he plays tug-of-war.

climb is still better!

all rightie.

Masbo stats:







Rose stats:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Training:[iIIIII__] (OH yeah! Past the halfway mark!)

1 yr

36 lb

485 p

Harp family stats:



2240p (I went on tamatown yesterday)

Karp family stats:



1980p (tamatown)

More when somthing else happens. Probably around noon tomorrow. ^.^

My first-ever log mail!


You have a really nice v2 log.I have a v3.
Nice to know that people actually read this.

To understand the following story, you have to be aware of the fact that I have hooked my two v5s together by the keyring.

Yesterday I took my v5s to a theme park, and I took them on a ride that's like a ferris wheel, but you can make the individual car flip over (and over and over and over). I took my v5s on the ride (stupid idea, right?) and they fell out of my pocket and started flying around. When I finally found them, one was hanging out and one was still in, and it was hanging on to the other v5 for dear life. The man eventually had to stop the ride and help me untangle the tama from the ride. If the tamas were not hooked together, then at least one of them would have fallen on the ground and broken. Whew! lots of typing.

The v5s are now on the 4th g.

Harp family:

Main: Bellitchi/Daughter/Stacy/pink.

Left: Mouseitchi/Son/Ruth/Blue




Family: Blended

4g (woo!)

point: 2240

Karp family:

Main: Bellitchi/Daughter/Trixie/purple.


Right: Sakuramotchi/Daughter/Kelsi/Gray.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥


Bonds: 0%

Family: Blended

4g (Double woo!)

Point: 2230

Nothing much new with Rose or Masbo. Rose only needs two more training bars!

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Hello again. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday.

Rose:You weren't on yesterday because of that star wars game.

OK, fine. I have become addicted to my star wars game. You are sure going to be a great mom, Rose...

Rose:And what's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. AnYwAy...

More log mail:


your logs really cool.
Whee! I'm so happy! People read and like my log! ^.^

The Harp & Karp (Wow, that sounds like a name for a fishing company.) families should evolve into teens later today. I'll post again after they evolve.

Rose:If you're not too busy playing star wars...

She's just sore because I paused her the entire day yesterday...

Masbo got mail, it was normal, and a robber cane and took 300p. :mellow: Oh, well, we'll just have to earn it back, won't we, Masbo?


Yes. Climb.

Ruth:I'm going to be a Mamekatchi, then a Mametchi, then a papamametchi.

You have this all planned out, don't you?


How do you know I'm going to pick you to marry?


Roy:I'd like to be a Korokoitchi....

Trixie, Stacy, and Kelsi all want to be shellitchi.


I'm gonna arrange colors for stuff:

v2 news:Hot pink.

v4.5 news:Light green.

Harp family: Light blue.

Karp family: Magenta.

Log mail: Dark green.

Me talking: Regular black.

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Okay. Ruth was correct in his assumption, he is a Mamekatchi. Stacy is a Chamametchi.

Trixie is a Chamametchi, Roy is a Mamekatchi, and Kelsi is a Shellitchi, much to her delight..

I'm putting Rose on pause until Masbo turns into a teen, so they can grow up and have babies together.

Masbo should be turning 1 pretty soon. I think his college teacher will be Ms. Flower.

PM me if you can't see any of the colors, because I personally hate it when I have to highlight stuff just to see what the person is saying, and I don't want to make any of you do that.

Hello again! (Masbo, tell your paused buddy Rose that I'm not completely addicted yet.)

Masbo is asleep at the moment. He probably should turn into a teen today or maybe tomorrow if I leave him unpaused most of the day. I'll post again if/when he does. I used a fishing rod yesterday, and he got a fish. It was still there, so I used it again and got a tin can. Again, fishy. Again, tin can. Again, 3,000p!^.^











Still paused.

Nothin' much. Stats:

Hungry:♥♥♥(Better fix that, shouldn't we, guys?)


Bonds per:30%


Daughter: Chamametchi

Son: Mamekatchi

Nothing much. Kelsi is my first shellitchi EVAR!^.^




Bonds per:60%



Daughter:Shellitchi (WOO!)

Masbo's awake! Say hi, Masbo!

Hi, Masbo!

Masbo, that's so old it's not even funny...

Okay, nothing much has really changed, but I think I might get another v5. If I do end up getting one, It will probably be the cookie dough design (Yummy cookies. ^.^) It will probably be named the "Baker" family. I did some yard work for my mom, so now I have 15 dollars. Yay! ^.^

Hello everyone! No Baker family yet, but mom hasn't given me the $15. What should the baker family color be? I'm running out of colors... ^.^ (How about gray?)

Masbo turned into a teen yesterday, although I can't find the v4.5 growth chart. He kinda looks like a diamond, So I am going to call him diamondichi. PM me if you know where I can find a v4.5 character chart! Masbo is asleep at the moment.

My little fishing store (the harp & karp families) should turn into adults today. I'll keep you posted.

Ruth:I'm going to be a mametchi, peeps. And then a papamamet-

You still don't know I'm going to pick you to marry, Ruth.

I'd like to be a Memetchi.

I think memetchi requires bad care.

phooey. :puroperatchi:

The Karp family would like to be the family on the front of the tamatalk board. I know two of them are mametchi and kuchipatchi, and I think the other one starts with c. Chantotchi, maybe? ^.^

WAKE UP, Masbo and Rose! We have to connect you!!!

Rose: Huw?Wuh?*snore*

Masbo: I'm trying to sl-*snore*


I'll tell you about Masbo's college choices when he FINALLY WAKES UP and when the fishing store evolves.^.^

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I'm CERTAIN about the Baker family now. Mom still owes me $15.......

The fishing store hasn't evolved yet, but Masbo got his elementary school/college/whatever-you-people-call-it mail. I chose Ms. flower, and after a few runs with the presents, Masbo has 27 *points.

I only just learned how to chose your teacher. SlOw On ThE uPtAkE.....

Anywayz, Masbo and Rose can't connect, for some wierd reason, so I'm leaving Masbo to the matchmaker and Rose will marry my v3, who is a hintotamaitchi at the moment.

Ruth:I want to be a mametchi already!! Why, did you have to mate our parents so late in the day, Tamakitty101??

Because your dad couldn't wait another second after the Karp family could mate. He was a pure family, so he went straight from baby to adult, and he was very impatient to mate.

Dad: that's right. I was. ^^


Stacy:I'm getting boooooored of being a chamameeeeeeetchi....

Enough complaining or no tamatown later, okay guys?

Both: Okay.

All: Woo! Tamatown!

We'll go after you guys change, alright?

Trixie:Fooo.*Strains, tries to physically age faster*

Roy:That won't work, Trixie.....

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The Baker Family will be obtained today. We're goin to target (oh yeah!)

Let's let the kids tell you what they evolved into:

Ruth:I'm a furikotchi. Foo, Foo, Foo, Foo. I really wanted to be a mametc-

Stacy:They know already. just get over yourself. Anyway, I'm a Violetchi. I always thought it was called Floweritchi.

And the Karp family:

Trixie: Woo! I'm a Chantotchi!

Kelsi: I'm a Memetchi, but I don't think I had bad care.

Roy: I'm a cool Mametchi! Woo!!

In case you haven't noticed, the kids like saying "foo" and "woo" a lot. ^.^

So, guys.... uh.... who's gonna get married tomorrow?

Kelsi: It's not gonna be me, I can tell you that much.

Roy: Hmmmmmmhh.....

Trixie: I guess it's gonna be me then! Oh yeah!!

Well, it's decided then. Trixie's going to be married tommorow.

Ruth: I'm gonna marry!!

Stacy:No, I'm gonna marry!!

Well, why don't we marry both of you?

Both: But you can't marry two tamas at once!!

Oh, yes you can. we'll send Ruth over to marry Trixie, and Stacy will marry at the dating show.

Ruth: Woo!

Stacy: let's do it!

But, if we're gonna do that, we have to get your friend thing up to full. So we have to connect some more!
