my v3 and v4 log!


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Active member
May 15, 2007
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NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! my V4 is lost :( :eek: i think my little cousins stole it :huh: bu they live in wisconsn and i libe\ve in minnesota :wub: (even if they r close :eek: ) and my v3s are a boy and a girl the girl is Holly and the boy is Tom they r both todlers :D

ok so the only good thing is that my cousins r comeing 2 my house soon :wub: aNd i sent an email (with a picture of my tama :( ) BUT if i don't get it back i CAN GET A V4.5 (when they come out) :huh: :eek: :eek: :D so it will b good even if i don't get it back!!! :D

my v4 WAS the glow in the dark one

my 2 v3s are the one with stars and the other hd light blue-with circles

well, my V4 WAS a Gourometchi(named Henry) but noooooooooo it just HAD to get stolen or lost :( :wub: :huh: :eek: :eek:

the other good news is I MIGHT GET MY V4 BACK ON SATRDAY!!! :furawatchi: :furawatchi: and i barrowed my friend's tamagotchi that i got for her b-day and it is 1 of the cuteist adults it looks like a bumble bee!!! :furawatchi: and he si a fire fighter :D and my V3s didnothing (becides go poop! :D )


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