My V3 log


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Lucy and Rex are doing fine. Tomarrow they will hopefully have little tamas all to them selves. They are both 5. When I get me little GIRLS (yes they will be girls) I will name them Cleo and Sarah. I think. :ichigotchi: Please let me know how my log is doing HERE! SO...any hints on making my tama pretty without putting stickers & glue on the outer shell? Remember! Anything you want to let me know about or ask me just click HERE! I can answer anything. Click HERE or PM me if you want help or random info!

Luigi and Paco have babys! After a stunning display of affection between my Memetchi (Paco) and a Pipotchi (curtesy of the Mrs. Busybody) and my Hidatchi (Luigi) and a Debatchi (curtesy of Mrs. Busybody) I have two little babies!

Here are the results of all gens.



Blue Bubble:









Green ?Snakeskin?:








As you can see, this is the first girl I have on my Blue Tamagotchi. I am happy. Thanks to one of the Matchmaker guides, I don't remember which one though.


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The little ones are alive! Once again I give my thanks to Jade's Baby Tamagotchi Guide. They are named Kai and Mooch. Kia is the girl and Mooch is the boy. They were both all little and stuff so I fed them and nursed them into health. I forgot about them for about 7 min and they were both missing all their hungrys and all but 1 happy! Now they have evolved into these:





Gotta go clean up a mess and feed my tamas a meal! Ta Ta for now! Kia is my 8th gen and Mooch is my 7 gen.! W00T!


Kia and Mooch are doing fine! Kia is playing with her doll and Mooch is playing with his action figure. I will record the stats below!





0 yrs old

53 lbs









0 yrs old

55 lbs






Yay! Nay! Kia and Mooch had a baby last night be fore they wet to bed. Here is what I posted in this topic.

Hi, I'm Kim. My tamas (just last night) mated, but there was a bit of confusion. My tamas had full faces and I wanted to connect them on more time, so they could be best friends, before bed. I connected them and they did their thing so I sent them of to bed with their newly born children. This morning I checked on them but in the friend booklet they are only best friends!I don't understand why they are best friends and had a baby together! Was it my pattern?
Now I have 2 girls for my next generation. I think I my name them Kin (Japanese-means golden) and Mei (Latin- means great). I might, I might not. Ah! My tamas need me! *goes to check their stats* Happy: ♥♥♥ *goes off and plays a game with both of them* Well, I have to go eat some food! See ya later with more breakng news!


Sorry I have not been on! My computer broke down and I was also at camp for a week. But I'm back now. Sadly my tamas had been paused all week long! I am currently schooling one of my friends cause' she just got a tamagotchi. She's coming over today to learn Training. My tamas Mooch and Kia are gone and have been replaced with two little girls named Kloie and Mia. They are still one year old but they have changed into different characters.


Young Mametchi



They are doing fine and are living happily. If you have any questions on how I got the Young Mametchi (I did it on purpose!) just PM me or post here. Thanks! Bye!

:huh: _.-.-.Kimmy.-.-._ :huh:

Mia is a Leaftchi and Kloie is a Decotchi, now. They are both 5yrs old now. I am waiting patiently for the Matchmaker because I do not want to mate my tamagotchi and my friend's tamagotchi together yet. I am busy schooling her, and she is learning fast. She spends her points on everything so I have yet to teach her about what to buy and what not to buy. Hey, now there's an idea! I could write a guide about that! Maybe I will! *shuffles off to bed with pen and paper in hand*


AHHH! Kloie's battery is dying! Those batteries are so expensive! *goes out to buy another batch of batteries for her tamas*

I'm sorry, kimberly999475 is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep. To leave a call back numbr press 5.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9



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Hi, sorry I haven't been posting. Kloie's battery was dying so I had to buy one buy I left both my tamas on pause at my Gramma's house so I didn't get 'em back until yesterday. Now I have to replace the battery on my little Kloie. Hold on-does battery thing- done! I have now got my Kloie and Mia back. *snuggles* BUT, Kloie is 5 and Mia is 7. I am pausing Mia while Kloie grows. That's all I have for now! BYE!

