My v3 Log!


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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Somewhere out in the abyss...I lost track.
Well, I got a Tamagotchi v3 for Easter. Now I Just got my first adult today. It is one bar short of full training, is a little hungry, and looks like an upright dog with a bow. (Don't know it's name) It's 4 years old and is very happy. I'll probabley tell more interesting stuff later.

Guess what came in? A plane ticket.Guess how many points I have? Just enough.

Guess where it goes? China.

Not only do I get to see a great photo, but I also get a panda toy! How great is that?
Good 4 you bro!

This is annoying. I recently found my old v2 (I had lost it) and tried to send a UFO to my v3, but when my tama came, it was a nazotchi, not a dorotchi like it normally is, and all that I got was a flower! I searched my inventories, and in my v3, I had nothing new, and in my v2 I had a wrapped up UFO! Are you not allowed to trade between versions or what? Grrr...

P.S. I'm a boy.

This is odd...Cloud has just evolved into a teenager, but I don't see him on the charts! OOh well, maybe I'll just have to name this type myself. It's also weird because my Tama is a teen at age 1. Anyway, I bought 2 plane tickets right after Lucy (Cloud's mom) left, and now they are just sitting there, taunting me.

I hope not to annoy you, but I have a few things:

First of all, what did you name that teenage character?

Second, you can't exchange items between versions.

Third, I LOVE BUNBUNTCHIS!! But I never got one. :eek:
