My V3 Tama Log


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So todat is school so I have to leave lil Joshie (I'll just

call him Joshie anywayz) at home. :( I want to see him evolve today.....I'll get mum to take care of him and when he evolves, she can pause him! Viola! Problem solved! :D

Josh still has only 2 bars of training...

Does anyone know how to get Furawatchi or Kuchipatchi?

The last 3 times I tried getting Kuchipatchi, I got a tarakotchi

a :D and a dorotchi...this ain't working for me is it?

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I'm looking after my sister's

pink tama with snowflakes again, no point leaving it

with my sis cos she only leaves it paused. My sis's tama

is still Dylan! He hasn't evolved from a Ufotchi yet. I think he's going to evolve today because he's 4.

wow! I really love ur log and i like it when people keep posting because it dosnt get boring it just keeps getting interssting and please read my log! :angry: :( :D


Sorry for not being able to come on!

I'm at the local library doing this, the computers I use can't go on the internet.

Josh got the matchmaker last week abd got matched up with a Takotchi! They got two boys. (Not again! :rolleyes: )

I named the boy Hiro and right now, he's a 3 year old Nikatchi! I think he's going to evolve tomorow! Dylan went as well, I forgot what the matchmaker matched him up with but, he got a boy as well :huh: I named him Jesse and he's a Hinatchi.Till next time!

Im new with tama's and your log helped me experienc ehow others deal with theirs and how to become, more of a better person to take care of my pet. At first I' thought it would be cool to havea really unhealthy one but you know thanks to you , i reialize that ,that was a bad idea. THANKS SOOO MUCH. AND UR LOOG IS not borring!! I luved it. :wacko: :wacko:

Thanks guyz! Thanks TamagotchiSparkle! :mimitchi:

The last time I posted was the day my tamas evolved!

Hiro evolved into a ^_^ (UH!) and Jesse into a Zukkitchi (double UH!)

I hope I get a Kuchipatchi soon! I'm dying here! The boys are both 5 now so I think

they're going to get the matchmaker today! (I left them at home accidentally, oops!)

Hey pplz!

I'm BACK AND continuing with my log! Isn't that great? :blink:

Right now my tamas are Dany a violetchi (6)

and Lolli the ugliest tama I've ever seen... (a 12 year old Otokitchi)

I was gonna make them mate when Lolli was a kabutchi but I was kinda too late and couldnt mate them so I'm hoping Dany will turn into an Ojitchi soon...

Dany is now 8 and Lolli is 14.

I've rejected the matchmaker heaps of times but still, Dany hasn't turned into an oldtimer...


and waiting...............

and waiting.............

but Dany won't turn into an OLDTIMER!!!

Hope he does soon or Lolli might die ;)

I know pausing is the right thing to do but...that would just waste the battery a lot.

YES! Dany has turned into an oldtimer!!!!!!!

He evolved at the age of 10, wen i saw that he had evolved, i quickly connected both my tamas. They mated and got............



2 boys!!!

I don't know what I'm going to name them though....hmmm...
