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Nothing happened, except I got a new battery for my V3..... Maybe I should write about Andy! I got an important message letting Andy go to preschool. The king came, and he gave me a pencil! I entered all the shop codes and I got a rare cell phone! Well, that's all. I paused both of my tamas during piano class, so not much happened. Bye!

tamasrock123 :huh:

I did it! I changed my battery for my V3! I downloaded it so everything is good! Well nothing happened.....

Hey! Lily lost a happy heart again! I thought she just did! Oh well.....

tamasrock123 :)

I couldn't post that much yeaterday, because I was at a sleepover. Anyway, not much happened. Lily is STILL 6, and the matchmaker STILL hasn't come. Nothing else happened, except I bought a shovel.... and I got a tart..... here are Lily's stats:

Name: Lily

Age: 6 (STILL!!!!)

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 55 lb

Training: Full

Well, I'm going to go now and connect my tamas.... maybe even go to tamatown.... BYE!

tamasrock123 :(

Yay! The matchmaker finally came! I got a baby..... boy! Yes! My first baby boy on my V3! One of Lily's hungry hearts are hungry! I'll go feed her sushi! See ya!

tamasrock123 ^_^

Oh gosh! I couldn't post in a LONG time! ( School) Here's EVERYTHING that happened.....

Lily left and now I'm left with her boy. Her boy evolved TWO times..... first it was a kid with a mohawk and now it's a patapatachi. I named it Brian, and I connected my tama with a ton of other tamas. Also, Brian cried 3 times so I praised him and he has 3 training bars! When Brian was still a baby, I used the action figure to see what would happen. Brian was really happy! When he went to sleep, he slept with the action figure. I also bought one plant, 2 shovels, and a chest. What did I get? Well, the plant turned into some venus fly trap or something creepy, the first shovel gave me a tart, the second shovel gave me another tart, and the chest gave me 200 points. Wow that was a LOT! Ok here are the stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 1

Generation: 7 (Yay!)

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts full

Hungry: 4 hearts full

Weight: 35 lb ( A little overweight?)

Training: ///

Well then that's all for now!


Well I just need to say that my tama pooped so now I have to clean it up and give Brian food.... BYE!

tamasrock123 :(

Well let's see..... Brian called me for no reason so I gave him a time out. He now has 4 training bars! He lost one happy heart, but I gave him a tart. The shop refreshed and I got a fishing pole. I used it and.... on my first try, I got a can. Brian lost one happy heart, so I gave him an apple. On my second try, I GOT A HUGE, HUGE FISH!!!!!! It didn't really do anything though.... Well then the fishing pole vanished...... well that's all!

tamasrock123 :(

Nothing happened. It turned 2, but that's it. Here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 2

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 32 lb (Overweight? Nah....)

Training: ////

Well that's all.


Well then. Nothing happened yet. I mean, Brian just woke up half an hour ago! Anyway, here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 2

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 30 lb

Training: ////

Well that's all.... I guess I should feed Brian bread now!

tamasrock123 :rolleyes:

Well Brian lost 2 happy hearts. The first heart he lost was because all tamagotchis lose hearts after a long time. The second heart was lost after Brian played a game with my V4 and lost. I played Heading with Brian so it's ok. Brian just pooped and I cleaned it up. One of Brian's hungry hearts were empty so I gave him a meal. So that's all!


Brian pooped two times. I fed him two meals. He also called me for no reason so I gave him a time out. He now has 5 training bars! Yay! He lost one happy heart so I gave him an apple. Brian is happy now!!!!!


Brian has been doing the usual, having empty hearts, pooing.... well I took care of all that. Brian called me for no reason so now he has 6 training bars! Brian turned 3 so I hope he'll turn into an adult. I got a plant in the shop..... from the plant, I got happiness. The plant turned into a plant that looked like the sun. Brian was really happy. Here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 3

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts

Weight: 29 lb

Training: //////

Well, I'm gonna go and connect Brian with Andy, my V4 tama! Bye!



Well, Brian pooped. I cleaned it up and gave him sushi. Oh great! When will he evolve????


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Yay! Brian was in a bad mood so I praised him. He now has 7 TRAINING BARS! Yes! Well, Brian still hasn't evolved!!!!!! Grr....


YAY! Brian evolved into um.....*checks character chart*... Pyonkotchi! I love him so much! Anyway, my little Pyonkotchi turned 4 years old! So, when the shop refreshed, I bought a shovel. I got 100 points, which made Brian really happy! Oh yeah.... yesterday, Brian called me for no reason, so I gave him a time out. He now has 8 training bars! Here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 4

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 3 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 36 lb

Training: ////////

I'm going to feed Brian an apple now! Bye!!!!!

tamasrock123 ;)

Sorry I couldn't post in a long time! Anyway, here's what happened. Brian turned 5 so I'm expected the matchmaker tomorrow or so. I can't wait! Anyway, I got a shovel and 2 chests from the shop yesterday. What did I get? Well, from the shovel, I got a snake, which, didn't really do anything to Brian. The first chest gave me 200 points and the second chest gave me a RC toy. ( Already have it.) Perhaps, I should post all my items later.... anyway, on to the stats!

Name: Brian

Age: 5

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 35 lb

Training: ////////

Well, I'm going to feed Brian and check out the V4 tamatown! (I heard they updated it.)


Well, Brian just pooped so I gave him sushi. I bought a plant and the plant turned into a venus fly trap or something. Brian lost one happiness heart. I just went on the V3 tamatown and I got souviners: Cell phone from my parent, 2 keys from the town hall, a medal from school, and a teddy bear, skateboard, baseball cap, and balloon from the arcade. As you should know, these are the items the parent takes when it goes to its home planet. I have it back! Well, that's it!


Well, Brian turned 6 today. YAY! The matchmaker should come tomorrow! I hope I get another boy! I just put the wig on Brian and he looks so funny! HA! HA! HA! Ok, here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 6

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 40 lb


Well that's all...... NO WAIT! Even though this isn't really about my V3..... MY V4 IS A RINGOTCHI! (The apple...)

Ok then..... bye!

tamarock123 :rolleyes:

Sorry I couldn't post! Ok, a lot of things happened! Brian turned 7 and the matchmaker came! I now have a baby girl! I got a plant, shovel, and chest from the shop! The plant: It turned into a weird venus fly trap, which made Brian lose a happy heart. The shovel: I got a snake, which made Brian lose ANOTHER happiness heart! The chest: It gave me 200 points, which made Brian happy! I fed Brian some snacks, so he's ok. Here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 7

Generation: 7 (Soon to be 8)

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 53 lb

Training: ////////

Well, gotta go to piano class!


Well, HI! Brian and his baby is hopping around the screen.... her's what happened: Brian's littlle baby girl was sick, so I gave her medicine. Anyway, I got a fishing pole and from that.... I got a rusty can. Brian lost one happy heart. The fishing pole was still there, so I used it and got ANOTHER rusty can. Brian lost ANOTHER happy heart. The fishing pole was STILL there, so I used it and got 500 points! The fishing pole was finally gone so I used my plant. It turned into a sun plant thing and it filled one of Brian's happy hearts. I had one last fishing pole so I used it and got a rusty can. Brian lost the happy heart the plant filled! I used the fishing pole again and I got ANOTHER rusty can. Brian lost ANOTHER happy heart. (Sounds familiar, doesn't it?) Three of Brian's hearts were empty! I used the fishing pole AGAIN and got a fish. It filled one of Brian's happy hearts. Finally, I gave Brian two snacks and he was happy again. Suddenly, I checked the items and my fishing pole was STILL there. I used it and got a rusty can. That made Brian lose one happy heart. The fishing pole was STILL there, so I used it and got ANOTHER RUSTY CAN!!!! Brian lost ANOTHER HAPPY HEART! OH MY GOSH! How many rusty cans did I get? *PAUSE* I think I should just say what is happening now. Brian just pooped. I fed him a scone so it's all right. Well.... I guess that's all..... *UNPAUSE* Anyway, the fishing pole was still there! It wouldn't go away!!!!! I used it and got ANOTHER RUSTY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian lost another happy heart! I gave Brian three snacks..... but that wasn't the right thing to do. Brian was 63 lb! I had to play heading..... I got champion so that's good. When I checked my items list, I STILL HAD THE FISHING POLE!!!!!! You see, I'm a person that uses genie lamps, chests, fishing poles, and stuff like that right away so I HAD to use it. When I used it, I got, well you know. A rusty can. Sigh...... Brian lost a heart.... blah blah blah. That fishing pole never went away! I still have it now! I think I'll put it in the trash..... anyway, I'm posting Brian's stats in another post. BYE!



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