My v4.5 log!


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Ok, Some of you may remember my first logs, but then I kinda stopped writing when all my tamas died. :) So I'm starting a new one!!!!!!!

Well, right now I have an active v4.5. (As soon as it starts a new generation, I'm gonna turn on my v4) Here are the stats:

Name: Karen

Age: 3

Character: Ura Memetchi

Job: Still in school

I'll update l8r with her job.

Ok, so since Karen is an early riser, she woke me up at 8 because she got a fourtune cookie. ^_^

And then I bought her a lamp from the shop. There was no genie the first or second time, (which made her happiness drop) but the third time there was, and I got 6000 gotchi. :(

Then I bought her a cupcake (She's underweight) and decided to go to Tamatown.

We went there, and I picked up 100 gotchi, a brochure, (did I spell that right?) and some fries for Karen. (They're her favorite food) She ate them and got the remaining 3 happiness hearts back.

Here, Karen wants to talk!

Wow! I LOVE fries! And tamatown! I just wish a job offer would come in the mail! I mean, I like Ms. Flower, but school is BORING! Bye for now!

Thats all for now!


PS: I forgot to tell you my username!!!!

It's Panda! :chohimetchi:
