My V4 had an argument


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Feb 26, 2010
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My V4 tamagotchi is the ninja one. Today, a few after he woke up, I got event mail. When I clicked to check the mail, he was at school arguing/talking with the old turtle teacher. He got another mail, and he was waiting at what seemed like a TV station, and got angry. Now, I see him falling on his face on my screen, why is this happening? He also went from 99 pounds to 62. He's a generation 1, and he won't go to work.

P.S I haven't played with my Tamagotchi in a while, I've only recently replaced the batteries. According to the stats, it's 3 years old.

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I don't remember, but before this happened, selecting Work sent him to school. Now, explain why he falls on his face a lot.

His intel is 23

His star thingy is 11

His last flower thingy is 12

Oddly enough, he only has 2 bars of training. Does this change anything?

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I don't have a V4, but I do have a V4.5, so I'll see how I can help.

I've had tamas on my V4.5 that fall on their face too. I'm not sure what causes it, and not even the almighty Google could provide me with an answer. At first I thought it was something that younger adults did, but I have an Uratogetchi who is 5 now and has never fallen on his face. It's probably just a harmless little animation, so there's nothing to worry about, really.

You need at least 80 skill points in one of your stats to get a job, by the way. You'll need to play some more games.

As for the training meter... I don't know what it's for exactly. I don't think it influences the jobs you can get, though. Maybe it influences how they act or something.

Hope that helped.

I think he's falling on his face alot because he is getting low / bad fortunes in the mail (low scores) - I think it is like a "bad luck" streak and I don't think it is something you can totally control :D

BUT, you can improve his luck by taking better care of him and getting good (higher score) fortunes. Make sure his happy / hungry hearts are full and play more games to improve his skill points.

FKOD is right about the jobs - you need more skill points to get a job or he will just fail interviews :D

When he "argued" with turtle teacher (mr turtlepedia) he was simply ending school cos he was too old. When he was at the "tv station" he was about to get a job, but, to get a job you need to have at least 80 on at least one of the skill points, so he got mad cos he couldn't get a job. Since he has ended school and couldn't get a job he simply can't use the section "work". Try playing a lot of games with your :lol: (gozuratchi) as I assume is what you mean with "the ninja one" and care well for him, and you will get another chance to have a job. Good luck!

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V4 is one of my favorite Tamas and I've always found it really easy to get their skill points up, even if you dont have that much time to look after them, you just need to make sure that you play the right games and pay attention when your tama is at school. This way it can help your Tama get the job it wants. As for the training bars, even though it doesn't help with getting your Tama a job, it greatly increases the way your Tama interacts with others, from winning games to sending nice presents, Hope this info helps :)

My V4 tamagotchi is the ninja one. Today, a few after he woke up, I got event mail. When I clicked to check the mail, he was at school arguing/talking with the old turtle teacher. He got another mail, and he was waiting at what seemed like a TV station, and got angry. Now, I see him falling on his face on my screen, why is this happening? He also went from 99 pounds to 62. He's a generation 1, and he won't go to work.
P.S I haven't played with my Tamagotchi in a while, I've only recently replaced the batteries. According to the stats, it's 3 years old.
Hi placeholda, this is tamagotchidude150.

I've just read this topic - I believe when it falls flat on its face and the skull and cross flash it is indicating that it is dying of ill health - so if this occurs again I suggest you keep close eye on it and make sure it doesn't occur again.


Falling is normel


Aruging with teacher is fine it's normel

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