My V5 Log! <-- Please Read!


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Lollipop Lover

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score

I will be writing about my Tamagotchi family, look below to take a look at their stats, name and what type of Tamagotchi's they are


The HAPPY Family

Omututchi - Son - Preston

Futabatchi - Daughter - Lady

Mimifuatchi - Son - Jackie

This is my first post so please be patient with me...


Sorry about the whole color thing, I haven't got the hang of it just yet.

Preston: Mummy!, I am hungry!!

Jackie: Yeah Mummy!

Me: Wait a second, bread and rice, okay? By the way, where is Lady?

Lady: Just here Mummy!

Me: Where were you?

Lady: Stuck up in the tree

Me: WHAT!?!

Preston and Jackie: What a silly-billy * Cough and splutter*

Me: Oh my gosh, you guys are sick, let me get the First Aid Kit and some lunch * Runs into kitchen* Here medicine first....

Lady: That stuff smells weird

Preston: Smells like Jackie!

Jackie : Hey! Mummy!

Me: Be quite and drink your medicine please!

All: Gulp.. Gulp.. Gulp..

Me: Time for food! Rice and bread with a little lollipop at the end for all of you!

Me: Time for a little nap!

Lady: Okay.. *Yawns*

See ya next time!! :D

Lady: I feel funny...

Preston and Jackie: Me too..

*Growing up music*

Lady: Oh my... I am an ugly Tororotchi

Preston: Are you kidding, I am an Ahirukutchi.. that is like the ugliest of them all

Jackie: * Squeaks* I am a Mousetchi

Me: You are all very cute... :D

Lady: Mummy, I need to go to the toilet.

Preston: Lady, you just went like half and hour ago.

Me: Okay then *Walks Lady to the toilet*

Jackie: Come on Preston, you are it for tiggy!

:lol: --Status-- :furawatchi:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 0%

The Happy Family


Lady: When I grow up I want to be a Furawatchi

Me: Very nice, they are very pretty

Lady: Yeah, where are Preston and Jackie?

Me: They went down to the park, to play at the playground

Lady: Oh, okay?

*Phone rings*

Me: I will get it.. Hello.. yeah why? SERIOUS!

Lady: What?

Me: My mum is coming home and she can't know about you guys actually being real

Lady: Why not?

Me: Because, it is like the boy who cried would

Lady: Why was he crying wolves?

Me: Not the point, get Preston and Jackie, she is expecting me to be lying on my bed doing my homework

Lady: Okay * Runs out the door*

-5 minutes later-

Preston: Your Mum just pulled up in the drive way


Quick everyone upstairs, RUN! RUN! RUN!

[The Happy Family=blue] :eek:

We went to the dentist today only to find out that Jackie needs braces and he is very upset about it. He think that they look "mongaled."

Preston:*Going through the fridge*

Lady: Ooow... I am so telling Mummy!

Lady: ....MUMMY!!!....

Me: What?

Lady: Preston is going through the fridge and eating all the food.

Me: Thank-you Lady, I will go ahead and deal with him

Lady: Okay *Evil Smirk*

Me: Preston...

Preston: What? * String cheese falls out of his mouth*

Me: What are you doing in the fridge

Preston: Having a...*Looks at clock* snack?

Me: Keep dreaming, go to bed now!

Preston, Okayy

Me: Brush your teeth and don't wake up Jackie!

Preston: What ever..

Me: Don't you "What ever" me!

Preston: Yeah Mum...

Me: Goodnight, i will be there to tuck you in, in a second. First i will have to go and put Lady to sleep.

Goodnight TTers :p

:wub:The Happy Family Status :p

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 0%

Gen: 1g


Jackie: *Yawn* I had a really good sleep Mummy. though I need to go to the toilet really badly.

Me: Well go then!

Preston: Mummy, can we please have some breakfast now?

Me: Wait until Lady is awake and after breakfast we can go for a walk together, how does that sound?

Preston: Good, but Lady won't be awake till..

Lady: Good morning everybody, I hope you all slept well

Jackie: *Flushes toilet* Let's go and get some breakfast.

Me; Okay, you will get...*Searches cupboard* A breakfast bar and some milk, okay?

Tamas: Okay!!!

*Feeds them bar and milk*

Me: Ready for the walk?

Tamas: YEP!

*Takes them out for a walk*

The Happy Family Status :lol:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 10%

Gen: 1g


The Happy family aren't very happy at the moment because Preston brought up the subject of the marriage that will happen in like a million days or something like that. Jackie cried because Lady said that Jackie was not going to be picked to get married and that she was going to be picked. But I told them all to take 5 deeps breaths and just have a little snack. Of course they weren't sop happy about it...

Jackie:*Wipes away tears*

Lady: Someday, I am going to find my prince and we will live happily ever after, without you two...

Preston: That is okay, I really want to go back to TamaPlanet and talk to all my other mates and we can have a huge party.

Lady: Well, i will still be with Mummy...


Lady: *Sniffles*

Preston: Oh no..*Blocks Ears*

Lady: *Screams at top note*

Me: Oh, Lady, what is the matter?

Lady: Jackie told me to "Shut up"

*Rolls eyes*

Me: Jackie, to your room now and don't think about answering back to me either

Lady: Thank you Mummy

Me: Look, you don't have to scream, you can go to your room as well. Preston, you are being very well behaved8Turns around* Preston? Preston? Preston where are you?

What the Tamas don't know is what I really want them to be when they grow up. I want Preston to be a Mamekatchi, i want Lady to be a Chamametchi and I really want Jackie to be a Bakutchi. See you when I put my next post in

:D Bye :D



Preston- Bakutchi (Bomb)

Lady- Ichigotchi :D (Strawberry)

Jackie- Korokotchi (Acorn/Duck)


Me- What happened to Preston, where is he?

Lady- I don't know, I heard a scream from the bathroom

Jackie- Oh no, not again.

Me: What?

Jackie: He got his head stuck in the toilet again...

All: *Sigh*

Me: What do we... I will go and get the butter...

*Runs into kitchen and gets butter*

Me: Back

Lady: Here I will do it

*Slides butter around toilet*

Jackie: On 3 pull his legs....One..Two..Thr. Wait, He can just slide out. Preston, can ya hear me, mate?

Preston: Yeah Buddy*Pulls himself out of the toilet,only to realize that he has been turned into a Bakutchi.* Holy Canoodles! I look like a bomb


Jackie: Are you kidding me? I look like and acorn/duck! This is so humiliating. :p

Lady: *Giggles* You do look a little bit funny...

Jackie: Be QUIET!

Lady: Oooh.. touchy..

Me: All of you to bed now, I am sick and tired of all of you fighting.. Preston can stay up and watch T.V until I go to bed. Lady and Jackie, to your rooms now.

Jackie: What a cow...

Me: I heard that! And lets just say that you will be grounded for way longer then your life.


Tune in next time to see what happens with the HAPPY Family :D :furawatchi:




Bonds: 40%




Me: *Yawn* Awesome! I get to make brownie with the Tamagotchis in like 10 minutes! Better go and wake them up.

*Wakes up the Tamagotchis*

Lady: Mum, what was that for?

Me: We are going to make brownies in like 10 minutes after my Mum goes and buys some vegetable oil.


Me: Yeah, it will be, the flavor is "Triple Choc. Fudge Brownies!!!" , you won't be making them with us because of what you said to me last night

Preston and Jackie: Who said brownies!?!?!

Me: I did, because we are cooking them this morning. But Jackie won't be cooking them with us or eating them because of what he said last night. Now Jackie, you will be in your room for the rest of the day. With exceptional toilet breaks and food breaks, is that clear?

Jackie: Yes, mum!

*Jackie walks off to his room*

lady: While we wait for the vegetable oil, lets play Tea Time.

Me: Okay

*Plays Tea Time*

Lady: We sucked that time!

Preston: Yeah, we kinda did that time

Jackie; MUM!!!

Me: What Jackie, you better still be in your room

Jackie: I am, I just wanted to say that I am sorry and I really want to come and make brownie with you guys.

Me: Oh, okay... you can come and make the brownies with us

Jackie: Awesome! *Runs down from his room into the kitchen*


Tune in to see how the brownies are going!

About the brownies: They turned out nice and perfect and Jackie ate like 5 in 10 minutes! PIG!


Me:Good morning all of my Tamas

Preston: Good morning MUM!

Jackie: Can you please cook me bacon and eggs for breakfast

Preston: Yeah, please that would be so good!

Me: Okay, can you boys please check on Lady? Last night she was pale and throwing up.


Preston: Shut up Jackie! * Runs to Lady's room* She is still asleep

Me: Okay... I am a little bit concerned about her

Jackie: Why?

Me: Because, she is never sick, and if she is, all of you get sick

Jackie: You have just raised a very good point. I will go and stay with her and if she wakes up I will tell you, ok?

Me: Yeah sure, why not?


My Tamagotchi's evolved while I was asleep!! OOPS!

Preston - Mumutchi - Male version of Memetchi

Lady - Onputchi - Music note

Jackie - Furikotchi - Clock


Me: *Yawn* Where are the Tamagotchi's??

*Runs downstairs

Me: Oh My Gosh!! You guys evolved

Lady: What? *Sneezes music*

Me: Hee Hee, i guess you are still a little bit sick...

Preston * Yawn* Good morning Tamagotchi family, now I would like caviar on multigrain toast with a sprinkle of pepper

Jackie: What a stuck up piece of poop

Preston: Well, we can all tell who will be married. Because if Mummy gets our bonding up to 100% she will pick me and will get me to marry a Memetchi.

Me: Well..

Lady: You wouldn't do that to us, would you, Mummy?

Me: *Sigh*

Lady: What? Mummy I don't understand

Me: Well, it will be hard but please don't put this on me now


Please PM for who you think should be married :D :huh:

The Happy Family

I am so sorry about not replying every day. I am on holidays an I can't exactly reply everytime. Sorry here are the updates. Today Lady is going to get married because this morning I picked up my tamagotchi and boom! They were all Ninjas. So I am going to get Lady married because she hasn't been mean and she is a better looking parent. Harsh, hey? :)

[SIZE=14pt]]The HAPPY Family![/SIZE]

I took Lady to the Dating show today and a Planetchi came up and I declined, then a Kuchipatchi :D came up and I did a happy dance around the lounge room, but I didn't hit the Marry! button so that was a no and then this huge ugly thing popped up and I was like hell no!! :D So I used a day and night cheat to make it so that I could use the dating show aslong as I wanted.

Second turn:

1st option: Mumutchi.. no thank you!

2nd option: Ugly ghost thing... way no!

3rd option Mumutchi.. no thank you(again)

Blog moment:

Preston: Hello TamaTalkers, I am so happy that I am not getting married, I mean looking after children, I couldn't look after myself??

Jackie: I am like with Preston on that, I had Mummy looking after me the whole time

3rd Turn:

1st option: The boy Violetchi one.. I was like YES!!

It was a sad morning, Jackie and Preston leaving back to TamaPlanet and I have 3 little eggs now. The first 2 eggs were both Omututchi's and the last one was a Mimfuwatchi.

Omututchi - Daughter - Rose

Omututchi - Son - Ty

Mimifuwatchi - Daughter - Tulip

Okugatatchi - Parent(Mum) - Lady

Memepapatchi - Parent(Dad) - Ricky

They are all hungry so I better go.... hope you were happy with my choice of marriage. Please PM if you are happy or not

[SIZE=14pt]The Happy Family[/SIZE]

The Tamagotchi's evolved! YAY! :angry:

Here is what they are currently



Ty: Ahirukutchi



Rose: Oh my gosh, look at me, I am so beautiful!!! I look like a bell

Ty: Awesome! I look like an onion! Bleh! I smell like one too :angry:

Tulip: I am so gorgeous, are there any beauty pagents around becuase I would win first!


So those are my Tamagotchi's, though if they are speaking, they will not be in color, I just did that because I wanted the effect because they ar enow generation 2! Hopew you like them, please PM me, anybody somebody.....

We got this totaly awesome fan mail from CheetahLoverGirl456

I like your diary! I mean, it is sooo nice!You can quote this and put it on your diary if you like.

My Music Star Rhythmi Likes Ty.

Trever likes Tulip.

I like you and your tamagotchis.

I'm glad I'm your first PMer! Maybe I am...
Thank you so much, all of my Tamagotchi will be like yay and cheery. Than you so much, pleas keep the PM's coming

[SIZE=14pt]The Happy Family[/SIZE]



Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 20%

Gen: 2



Rose: I still can't believe that I look like a bell!

Ty: I still can't believe that I look like a *Sigh* ONION!

Rose: *Giggles* I can't believe that you still go on about that, it is such old news, plus we will be growing up tomorrow...

Ty: Tu-shae...

Rose: See, I got all of the brains in this family

Ty: *Glares at Rose* :eek:

Ricky: Ty, don't be mean to your sister

Lady: Yeah, I agree

Ty and Rose: Mummy and Daddy!

Rose: I thought that you guys were never going to come back from the store!

Lady: Yes well, we had to get you some cereal, Ty some Mametchi Mac 'n' Cheese mix, Rose some books and *sigh* Tulip another bag of fertilser for her little plants.

Rose: Speaking of Tulip, where is she?

Lady: In the kitchen making you all a cake to show you that she is not that selfish

Ty: Yummm... :p *Walks into kitchen* Hello there Tulip, need any help?

Tulip: No thank-you

Ty: Okay..

Rose: Hello. I heard that you were making a cake, I came to help.

Tulip: Sure, just grab a wooden spoon and you can help me mix the mixture

Ty: I just asked if I could help you and you said no! :mimitchi:

Tulip: Because I don't trust you

*Huge arguement erupts*



How much trouble do you think the Tamagotchi's will get in?Stay tuned for next episode :) :wacko: :ichigotchi: :)

[SIZE=14pt]The HAPPY Family[/SIZE]

Me: Tulip, why won't you let Ty help you with the cake but you let Rose help you?

Tulip: Because I don't trust Ty

Me: Why not?

Tulip: Because he would eat all of the raw mixture!

Ty: Please! Tulip! Please let me help you!

Tulip: Okay...

Ty: Hooray!!! :D

Me: Finally. I thought that you guys would never sort it out!

*Walks into lounge room*

Me: Finally some alone time!

*Looks into kitchen*

Me: Rose, why are you talking to the fridge?

---Fridge and Rose Conversation---

Fridge: Does it look like a put the 1 year old Mayonaise back in myself, it smells bad enough

Rose: I think you did do it

Fridge: Why would you think that?

Rose: Because you are a silly fridge and I want Mummy and Daddy to get a new one!

Fridge: Why?



Me: *Sighs and turn T.V on* Yay! Wrestling!

Ty: Wrestlings on?

Me: Yeah, the Undertaker vs Edge

Ty: Awesome!

*Watches the match* YAY! Edge lost!!!

Ty: Mummy?

Me: Yeah?

Ty: I will evolve today, right?

Me: Sure will, Ty! Then you will be a Teenager, what Tamagotchi do you want to be?

Ty: A Bakutchi

Me: Really? Okay...


I will post when they evolve! :) :D :hitodetchi:

[SIZE=14pt]♥The HAPPY Family♥[/SIZE]


Okay here is the story, my Tamagotchi's evolved and now they are all Teenagers!YAY! :lol:

Rose: Chamametchi

Ty: Mamekatchi

Tulip: Shelltchi


Rose: Oh my gosh Mummy, look at me, I am adorable!

Lady: Yes, I know deary, you look like a mini Chantotchi

Tulip and Ty: HeHem!!

Lady: Both of you look beautiful

Ty: Except I look handsome!

Ricky: I have some abd news...

Lady; What?

Ricky: I just overheard our talking about getting a MovieStar!

All: *Gasp*

Rose: Would she really do this to us, Mummy?

Lady: I don't know, she never mentioned anything about it before...

Ricky: But she looked serious this time, I walked into the study and she is looking a different designs for a MovieStar

Lady: *Sigh* Now the kids are all worked up

Ricky: Sorry love, it is just that I wanted to tell you in private and I thought that you were just by yourself

Lady: Well, there is not much we can do now, I mean the kids are already upset and look, Tulip is crying...

Ricky: I know what will cheer them up

Lady: Oh boy this will be good.. :lol:

Ricky: Hey kids, lets go play a little bit of Golf Putt with your Daddy???

Kids: YEAHH!!!

*Door bell rings*

Lady: I will get it

Mailman :lol: : Special delivery for Ricky and Lady Happy.

Lady: Here I will get it *Signs for parcel*

Ricky: I wonder what it is..

Kids: *All look at eachother*

*Ricky and Lady open*


Ricky: A mini barbeque for me, owww, with matching tongs!

Lady: A bath kit for me, with a Lavendar lufa glove

Ty: We couldn't get much on such short notice

Ricky: We love it anyway. Who wants hotdogs??

Everyone: Me!!!



So the day turned out good. Everyone got their hotdogs, I am still thinking about getting a MusicStar... but i won't neglect my other Tamas :lol: :p

[SIZE=14pt]The HAPPY Family![/SIZE]


The Tamagotchi's evolved yesterday! HOORAY! I think that i am getting a Tamagotchi Music Star :D

Rose: Chantotchi

Ty: Mametchi

Tulip: Hottetchi



I put a battery in my old V4. I reset her. I named her Candy.


Rose: Look at me, I look H-O-T HOT!

Tulip: Same here

Ty: Daddy, take a look at me!

Ricky: Wow! You look so different

Lady: I agree, just think, Ricky. Soon we will be grandparents

Ricky: Yes..

Lady: Oh my gosh, take a look at what our owner did, she put batteries in a Tamagotchi V4

Tulip*Pokes it* It is so adorable. Mum, guess what I know?


Tulip: I will not be put up for marriage, it is Ty

Lady: How do you know?

Me: She overheard me talking to my friend

Lady: One thing i want to know, why did you batteries in another Tamagotchi, huh?


Candy(V4): *Yawn* Mummy!

Me;:Oh My Gosh, you are adorable, what are you, a Harutchi?

Candy: Yeah! Can i please have a glass of milk?

Me: Sure I will get it, Tama's introduce yourself...*Ding-Dong*

Lady: I will get it..

Mailman :nazotchi: : Message for Candy the Harutchi...

Candy: Ooh La La

Me: *Grabs message from Lady*

Lady: Hmf!

Me: *Reads message* Oh stat update

Candy: Oh*Yawn* Can I please have that milk now?

Me: Sure, *Gets milk*

Candy: Thanks *Wipes away milk moustash*

[SIZE=14pt]♥The HAPPY Family♥[/SIZE]


The Tamagotchi's are going fine, Lady and Ricky are a bit upset that they will have to leave Ty house today because I am going to put Ty up on the dating show, so he will need a Chantotchi for a pure family... Candy is very upset that Lady and Ricky are leaving because they are basically family. I took Candy to Pre-school and she has Ms. Frill! She really enjoys it.


Lady: Ricky, Ty, Tulip, Candy and Rose, what would you like for breakfast?

All: Pancakes and Omelets

Lady: Okay..

*Makes Pancakes and Omelets*

Lady: Everybody it's ready!

All: Thanks!* Eats*

Ty: *Burp*

Tulip: Eww...

Ty: Mum, guess what?

Lady: you are getting married today?




Candy evolved and now she is a Young Mimitchi! :lol:


The DATING Channel!!!

Ty is going to get married, and i need to find a Chantotchi, i really want a pure family, so here it goes...

1st option: Watatchi

2nd option: Yonepatchi

It only let me have 2! Rip off

*Uses a day and night cheat*

1st option: Watatchi

2nd potion: Potetchi

3rd option: Hottetchi

*Uses day and night cheat*

Me:please let this work *Crosses fingers*

1st option: Yonepatchi

Okay, for the second try I chose Rose...

2nd option: SUNNYTCHI!!! YES!!

So Rose married a Sunnytchi.. It became a Planetchi. I think that I will name the Planetchi! So now they have a daughter Iwatchi and I am going to name it, Luna. Please PM me or email me if you like the names? I have to go because they baby is calling :furawatchi:
