My V5 log. Replying is ok if you're commenting on


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
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Hello! I just got a V5 so I decided to make a log for it. Replying is ok aslong as it is just commenting on my tamagotchi.

Ok anyway. on with the log entry!

I got my V5 like 2 days ago. Its really cool. Yet it takes longer for a child to become a teen. But anyway, its still fun. I can't wait till my little tamas are old enough to get married! I tried to watch the dating channel while they were still kids and the matchmaker yelled at me!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :huh: I shall get my revenge! :p

But my little tamas are sooo cute! I wish I could post a picture of em but I don't know how to upload photos on my digital camera yet. :lol: Oh well. If someone can find a site with a ton of tamagotchi images I would really appreciate it! :huh:

Note: I just found out that its against the rules to invite someone to post on my log. so could a mod please change my thread name to: Lausaraleen's V5 Log

oh and please change description to: I finally got a V5!

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My tamagotchis finally became teens!!! :D I got an Ichigotchi, a bakutchi, and a cha-mame-itchi. they are very healthy. But I wouldn't mind getting a petite or a ninja famliy. I think the petite looks cute and the ninja looks cool. I got some bubble soap and a gotchi king dvd for my tamagotchis. and they are now 30 percent bonding! YAY!!!

Anyway, I can't wait for my tamas to become adults!!!!!!!!!! :furawatchi: :D :hitodetchi: :lol:

:unsure: Sorry I havent been posting in a while! :ph34r: Anyway. My tamas have become adults! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a mumu-tchi, a Yonepatchi, AND a tama that I can't remember the name of, the one with the music note head.

I am sooo excited!

I can't wait till they have been adults for 48 hours cuz then they can marry!

On the dating channel, if a Kuchipatchi shows up, Yone Patchi will get married, if a memetchi shows up, Mumu itchi shall get married, and if the space dude shows up, the music note head tama will get married! This is soooo exciting!!!!

my tamas are happy and healthy! I kinda do want a petite famliy cuz its cute, and I kinda want a ninja famliy cuz it looks cool. But the petite famliy looks soooooooo cute! It reminds me of when I got my first tamagotchi. It was a V3, her name was cindy, and her child and teen form looked like the petite famliy. it was plain yet cute.

Btw my tamas are now 70 bond! YAYNESS!

Woohoo! :unsure:


:angry: :D :D :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Hello, my tamas are still adults. I am trying to find a cheat to make my tamas able to marry early. And a Mod still hasn't edited this thread name. :D GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :lol:

Anyway, my tamas seem to be getting hungry and unhappy faster than usual. If anyone knows a cheat to make my tamas grow faster, please pm me. :)

My tamas finnally could visit the matchi maker. I mated my onputchi with a mumutchi. and got 3 eggs. 2 boys and a girl. But my bonding decreased back to 0! Thats not fair!!!!!!!! :( :D :ph34r: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
