My V6 music star


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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
So it's a girl. Freaked out. I wanted it to be a boy. I called it MAME because i reeally wanted it to be a boy so i called it a boy's name. So MAME just evolved. Into a ^_^ . Darn, Tamatchi looks more like a boy. So MAME was sick. I gave him medecine,twice. And i praised him. MAME went to sleep. see ya tomorrow!

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OK so MAME's awake. MAME is mad at me. I was going to praise her, but accidentally clicked TIME OUT. Well, she started criying for like, 30 seconds, then i started praising her again. oh, MAME is hungry! I got a mega pizza from my friend, and i fed it to MAME, filling all those empty hearts. then i made MAME play with her ball. She put the ball on her head, for something like 20/10 seconds, i praised her, she looked so cute! So she just evolved. INTO A CHAMAMETCHI? anyways, Chamametchi is in the MAME family, i'm going into a perfect care tama! Here are her stats.

Name: MAME

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Stress: 30

Music: ROCK

Instrument: Dream mic

Toy: BANDAI block

OK... this is getting boring... But don't leave, i'll see ya tomorrow!

(Including MAME)

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K so now i see MAME it's a Mimitchi. boy i am sooo happy! i just gave it the DESTINY STAR. It's a Dazzilitchi. i'm just afraid; Dazzilitchi is not a good character for the name MAME! What's wrong with it? For no reason, now my tama has 50 stress points! Darn and it's not happy at all! look atn it's meter:


Happy: *

Stress points: 50 OMG!

name: MAME (i don't think it's happy with that)

Music: Rock 'n' Roll

Instument (still Dream mic)

darn WHAT IS WRONG! ii thought it was the name. But i understood: Dazzilitchi was practising for too long, and lost on sound block on the first level 100000 times! The judges chose her bad when she was a mimitchi, and evolving into Dazzilitchi must have made her mad! so i praised her (alot of times) and let her play with the ball: now i played sound bock and won the whole thing. i bet she's happier. Oh, she's 7! i think the match maker needs to come...

oh, what will happen to her! 8... 9... OTOKOTCHI/DANGO-OBATCHI!!!darn and see ya guys tomorrow!

Ok so today i just logged MAME on tamatown. Lots just simply chased her. so i just decided to log out. ok so the matchmaker came. she wanted MAME to date a Kuromametchi. I said no, changed the time back and dated a Mametchi. However i felt sad not to date Kuro. :( just saying, MAME is starting to annoy me. anyhow: here's info:

Name: MAME

Character: Dazzilitchi

Music: Pops (well it says that)

Instrument: Dream Mic, as usual



Stress: 00

Oh, the baby they had was a... BOY!

Oh, finally!

Ps. I just forgot about the boy affair yesterday, but i just remembered it.

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