my ver4.5 stats. and information


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2007
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Hi everyone i have a ver4.5 and i am just gonna update you on whats being going on with it!

so to start off here are my little tamas stats:

Name: Cloud

Age: 1 yr

Weight:69 pounds [ i know he is REALLY overweight! lol]

Gender: Male

Training:7 bars

GP: 3830

User Name: Gotchi

Funny points:17

Gorgeous points: 31

Spiritual points: 9

Character: Diyatchi

Parent: Kyle [celebtchi the father]

Grandparent: HE HAS NONE YET

Gen: 2


these stats will change reguarly you can post messages on this log but please nothing mean or offensive!! ;) :wacko: :) i am very proud of my little cloud [even though he eats too much lol] but he still rox my sox!! :) :) :lol:


LoVe TaMaS

:) memetchi7 :)

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[SIZE=14pt] Hi again i just wanna say that my little diyatchi is on a diet lolz and he is not allowed to eat too much in a day. i am excercing him by playing climb loads and giving him less snacks if you have any other tips on how to make my little cloud lose weight please post in this topic thank you[/SIZE] :) :) :) :) :)


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Hi again my fellow readers heres another update on cloud:

Name: Cloud

Age 2 yrs old [whooo]

Weight: 67lbs

Gender: Male

Parents: Kyle [ celebtchi father]

Funny points: 18

Gorgeous points: 31

Spritiual points: 9

User name: Gotchi

Training bars: 8 bars

Character: Diyatchi

Type: Teen

GP: 2480[/color][/color]

[SIZE=14pt] thanks 4 reading hope to update u again soon byeee :( [/color][/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :blink: :blink: :blink:

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[SIZE=8pt] heyy there readers i think you would be interested to know that my cloud has transformed into a drumroll............... YASAGUERTCHI!! yayness and cuteness all round lolz[/SIZE] i am very happy for him just thought i would update u on his stats AGAIN lolz here they are:

Name: cloud

Age: 3 yrs


Gender: Male

Gen: 2

Type: Adult

Gorgeous points: 31

Funny points: 22

Spirtiual points:9

Character: Yasaguertchi [yay!]

GP: 3780

[SIZE=21pt] Memetchi7[/SIZE] :mametchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi:

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[SIZE=8pt] hey again guyz!! my cloud is doing really well, hes 3 yrs old and hes about to get a job better see what it is YAYNESS he just got a job at the drumroll..... HOSPITAL WHOOPEEE lolz[/SIZE]

Now i will give u ANOTHER update on his stats lolz

here they are:

Name: cloud

Age: 3 yrs old

Gender: male

Weight: 56lbs

Gen: 2

Type: teen

Funny points:29

Spritiual points: 27

Gorgeous points: 41

Training bars: 8 bars

GP: 4000

Character: Yasaguertchi

Parent: [ Kyle celebtchi father]

Job: Works at hostipal


well thats basically it lolz see ya



[SIZE=21pt] Memetchi7[/SIZE] :gozarutchi: :D :p

hi guyz my ver4.5 is doing just fine he is now five years old yay!! he is gonna read the matchmaker tomorrow whooppeee!! :) :) i won't be giving u his stats today becoz im running out of time on here lolz so i will update u 2morrow promise:] [ maybe my yasaguertchi would have read the matchmaker by then!!]


so see ya later :wacko: :wacko: :) :p


omg i have some great news for u guyz!!! my yasaguertchi had a baby girl!! i am soooo happy for him!!! ^_^ :) my little cloud is all grown up i am very proud of him. he married a horoyotchi and now he has such an adorable baby girl:]


once cloud leaves i am going to name the baby girl Amber becoz i just love that name!! lolz. B)

i just thought i might as well update u on clouds stats now so here they are:

Name: cloud

Age: 5 yrs old [ i know he is too young to read the matchmaker but it happend!]

Weight: 57lbs

Funny Points:31

Gorgeous Points: 48

Spritiual Points: 31

Training: 8 bars

Gen: 2 [ about to be 3 YAYNESS!!]

Job: works at Hospital

Children: Amber baby girl so cute!!

Parent: Kyle [celebtchi father]


Type: adult

Character: yasaguertchi


well there are the stats update u when my little cloud leaves Amber byeee!! B) B)

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :) :)

B) Hello guyz i have some awesome news my little cloud turned 7 yrs old yesterday then he left little amber when i was alsleep!! i miss him soo much but i thought i would start this log on amber so here are her stats:

Name: amber

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 25lbs

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Funny points: 3

Gorgeous points: 5

Sprititual points: 10

Gen: 3 [yay!]

Training: none yet

Parent: Cloud [ the lovely yasaguertchi i have being talking about] ;)

Granparent: Kyle [ celebtchi clouds father i know confusing!!]

GP: 5010 [carried on from last gen lolz]

Type: toddler


well thats about it i hope to update u soon on little amber byes!! :D <_<


[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7 [/SIZE] :wacko:

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hi everybody i don't really have very much to say about amber right now she is doing fine and just currently having a snooze lolz :huh: :eek: im aiming for her to turn into an ura young violetchi and hoping that it will happen 2morrow or friday!!! :furawatchi: thanks for reading byees

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

:ph34r: Hey guys sorry i haven't updated you for so long but i have being busy with other things in my life. anyway my amber is absoulutely adorable!! sh is now an ura young yattatchi! whoo and she is soo cute! i will give you her stats because i know you guys will want to know how she is doing!! here they are:

Name: Amber

Age: 3 yrs old

Weight: 47lbs

Gen: 3

Character: ura young yattatchi

Type: teen

Funny points: 14

Spritiual Points:10

Gorgeous Points: 14

Training bars: 2 bars

GP: 5740

Parent: Cloud [yasaguertchi]

Grandparent: Kyle [Celebtchi]

there are little ambers stats i am hoping she will evolve soon i don't quite know what character i want but i will think about it and update you soon bye! ^_^ :lol: ^_^ [SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE]

Hi people awesome news!! my darling amber evolved into a ura debatchi last night soooooooo cute!! oh and she has a job at the hospital! yay i think i better update you on her stats:

Name: Amber

Age: 4 yrs old

Weight: 67lbs

Ge: 3

Funny Points:14

Gorgeous points: 16

Sprititual points: 26

Parent: Cloud [ yasaguertchi]

Grandparent: Kyle [ celebtchi]

Job: Hospital

GP: 4240

Gender: femALE

Character: Ura debatchi.

Training:3 bars

Type: adult

:D :wacko: thats about it she reads the matchmaker on monday yay!! updates soon byes!

