*~*My Version 4 Log*~*


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Cole and Tammy have been very good today. I am very ill so I can look after them. I don't feel like writing anymore. Maybe later, :D .

Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't write much yesterday, I felt really ill and wanted to stay in bed. :wub: Anyway, I am better now so I'll start writing!


I have been playing alot of games with Tammy and Cole today. I have finally figured out how to play the 'Shape' game with Tammy so now she recieves quite alot of 'Intellengence' life points from it. :D Cole has been playing alot of 'Heading' and 'Get' with me today, and he really enjoyed it. He says that he wants to be a soccer player when he grows up, so I'm wishing him the best! By the way, Cole should evolve into an adult tomorrow! I really can't wait, I hope he turns into something awesome! He is sleeping now, night, night Cole! :D


That reminds me, Tammy evolved today! She is finally an adult, and I think I have been a good mother to her. :D According to the V4 character chart, she is a Maidtchi, and she looks so cool! She looks more like a human girl than a Tamagotchi, but hey, I still love her. :D Oh yeah and she just finished her bath not long ago so now she is squeeky clean! :)


Here are Tammy's stats:


Name: Tammy

Age: 2 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 30 lbs

Training: [||||| ]

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Pencil: 74

Star: 96

Flower: 47

Points: 12650p




Here are Cole's stats:


Name: Cole

Age: 2 yrs

Gender: Male

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 20 lbs

Training: [||||| ]

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Points: 5655p


I hope you enjoyed this entry, bye!

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Hello guys!


Well, it's quite early at the moment (7:00am where I am) because I needed to get up for school. Anyways Tammy and Cole should wake up soon. I am expecting Cole to evolve into an adult today! Yes, this will be so cool! I would like a Mimitchi, but I don't think I am going to get one. ;)


A Kuchipatchi would be AWESOME! I love those little guys! :D


Anyway, they are sleeping so not much going on! I shall write when I come back from school, see ya! -_-

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Ok, well I am back from school and I managed to look after Cole and Tammy at break and lunch, so they were absolutely fine. :(


Cole hasn't evolved yet, so maybe he will evolve later? Or maybe tomorrow? Anyways, I just played some 'Heading' with him and he almost one, but not quite, maybe next time! :eek:


Tammy has been good, I just played some 'Shape' with her (we both love that game) and she won! Yey! :lol: Oh yeah and she just recieved some mail, and it contained a snake which made her happy hearts empty. :eek:


I'll write when something good happens!

Tammy and Cole would like to speak.

Hiya everyone, Tammy here. Today has been so fun, because Beth has played so many games with me! I really love the game 'Shape' because it is challenging. The king sent me a pencil in the mail today, so now I can draw wicked pictures with it! And just a minute ago, I got a heart in the mail! I hope it was from Cole, hehe! I need to go, Cole would like to speak, see ya!

Let me get Cole. :huh:

Heya people. Today has been ok. It's a real shame I never evolved today, so I am hoping for tomorrow! I would really be happy if I turned into a Kuchipatchi, they are so awesome! :huh: Lol, anyway, I have been begging Beth to play 'Heading' with me today, but I think I played too much, because now my head hurts! I'll be ok. :huh: Bye bye! :huh:

Aww, I love it when they write! I'll write soon, ok? :huh:

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Wow! People Tammy has just graduated from school! I am so happy for her! :huh: :huh: :huh:


I'll post back when she gets a job!


Cole is having a lovely soak in the bath at the moment, it looks like he is enjoying it!

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Yes! I am SO happy! Cole evolved this morning (and woke me up, lol) and he is now an adult! He is adorable! Yey!


According to the V3 character chart, he is a Hashizoutchi! Aww, I love him to bits!


Here he is:

Wow! Heya guys. I look awesome! I really like this character. :wacko:

Just something quick Cole...because I need to connect you and Tammy later. So you can mate.

What is 'mate'?

It's when you and Tammy have children. :furawatchi:

Ah, ok. Cool. Tammy is awesome too! Do I need to go now Beth?

I think you do. Lol. :huh:

Ok, bye everyone!


I shall take Tammy and Cole to TamaTown now!

Yey! Thanks Beth!

Yeah, thank you!

Aww, your welcome guys! You deserve it, my lil' babies. :D

But we are adults now!

Yeah, but to me you are still my babies. :)


See you when we come back. :)

Ok, me and Tammy are at TamaTown at the moment...

And it is so fun!

Yeah, Tammy! It is fun! Anyways, I will write everything we do, starting now!


Me and Tammy just played the 'Ring Toss' game and we won 7200 gotchi points!


Now, we are going to go to the school, to see how all of Tammy's old friends are. :eek:


Tammy just recieved a graduation cap and graduation gown from the school! She is happy, but she kinda misses school, now that she has a job, lol. :)


Hmm....that's weird, we couldn't play any games in the school, oh well. Now, let's go to the pre-school!


Tammy is currently talking to her old pre-school teacher, let's listen into the conversation! The teacher shall be speaking in purple, and Tammy in pink. :D

Tammy! So good to see you again! Wow, long time no see! So how are you darling?

Hello! I am fantastic, thanks. You?

Yeah, I'm good myself. :) So how are you getting on? How was your old school?

Oh, it was great. The work was cool, because I really understood it. But I love this pre-school!

Thank you, I do my best. :)

I know you do. :) I shall send my child here. :)

You have a baby already?

Not yet, but Beth shall connect me with Cole later on, to see if we shall 'mate'.

Ahh, yes. Cole...he is a very nice boy, he came to visit me earlier, and all he talked about was you, Tammy.


Of course, he thinks the world of you. :)

Aww, I love him. :D

Uh oh, I need to get back to my teaching! Well, see you soon Tammy, and Beth. Be sure to pop in and see me another time!

We will Miss, bye bye!

Yeah, bye!

Aww, now that was nice. :) Ok, now where shall we go? I know! The mall!


Tammy played the 'Car Race' game in the shop 'Lucky Tama Toys' and she drove rather well! She won by miles! Yey Tammy! She won 300 gotchi points for winning! She bought the RC Helicopter, and it looks so cool!


She wants to go back to the 'Arcade' and play some more 'Ring Toss' so we'll be back!


Tammy won loads on the 'Ring Toss' game! So much that she actually reached the max (9900 gotchi points) so she had to stop! Lol, she's so cool.


We exited out of Tama Town, and needed to pay for the RC Helicopter she bought and w entered the passwords. :)


She had fun! This is what she got:


RC Helicopter

Graduation Cap

Graduation Gown


See ya! And sorry this post was so long! I hope you read it! Lol. :)

Oh yeah and here are Tammy's stats:


Name: Tammy

Age: 4 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 31 lbs

Training: [||||| ]

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Pencil: 95

Star: 101

Flower: 58

Points: 15760p


There ya go. :D


P.S. Do you like my log? PM me about it. :)

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Good news! Tammy and Cole finally mated (after using the 'Love Potion') and they had two beautiful baby boys! I am so happy for them. :)

Hello everyone! I am now a mum of two beautiful boys! However, one of them went to Cole, so I guess I'm kinda only the mum of one! Lol, anyway I have decided to call my baby Dylan. :) I really love that name. :eek: Ok, well see ya!

Hello people. :D As you know, I am a dad now! Yey! My little baby boy is so cute, but I haven't decided on a name yet...I guess I'll think of something! Well, I need to go, see you laters! :eek:

As you can see, they are both very happy!


I still cannot believe this, but on my way home from swimming, Tammy and Dylan had some snow! It was so cool! But I only got to see it for about 15 seconds, then it went. :lol: How unlucky! Lol.


I'll write again soon! :angry: I hope you are enjoying my log. :blink:
