*My Very Boring Tamagotchi Diary* - page 3


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Dec 13, 2009
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Thanks to all of you who voted that you like *My Very Boring Tamagotchi Diary*! If you haven't commented yet, please do on my Fan Fiction Comments topic! :)

Also, this fan fic features a real Tamagotchi, Danna the white V4. I keep up with her progress in this story. You can read her real diary in my log. :p


Danna decided to have mercy on me and evolve into Violetchi - whew. She is quite pretty but always looks angry when she eats. Nobody likes my latest story on TamaTalk, as usual.

"How many of these time wasting failures have you written now? 100?!"


"Just stop clogging up the Fan Fiction section with your useless junk."

My feelings are never hurt. I know my writing is bad, but practice makes perfect. I work up the courage to type in:

"Well, if you don't like it, don't read it!"

Oh no, someone is online right now, one of my worst enemies. They say:

"It's so bad, it's funny to read! The latest episode made me laugh for, like, five minutes! :D "

I can't respond to this one. Why do the moderators never check the Fan Fiction Comments section? They have to approve our actual stories, but they never look at the comments. Well never mind, I'm really resilient as far as people being mean to me goes.

I am NOT resilient when Danna is yelling at me. What does that thing want? She's dancing and yelling, but I can't quite hear her. Something about Power Rangers? Ugh, Power Rangers, those things the boys in my class are obsessed with. Now something about buns? Se obviously wants a bun and some Power Rangers. Why should Violetchi want Power Rangers toys? Still, we go to the shop on the Tama and spend all our money on some Power Rangers for Danna. Then I feed her a bun. She gets very angry, and throws the bun and Power Rangers across the room. Those cost money, Danna! I give her a time out.

She continues to yell at me about buns and Power Rangers, but I ignore her and go make a Tamagotchi log on TamaTalk. It will probably totally fail. It's called *My Very Boring Tamagotchi Diary*. I wonder how many 1-star ratings I can get in a day. I typed a really long first post.

I play with Danna for a bit and try to make her use those expensive Power Rangers, or what's left of them. Then I check back on TamaTalk. I can't believe my eyes. I have three messages:

Great log! - by XXXXXX

Awesome first log post! - by XXXXXX

Wow... - by XXXXX

I open them. They are all comments saying my log is...good? They must be sarcastic, surely. No, they're not. They replied saying that in all seriousness, they actually LIKE MY LOG. How is this possible? I'm dreaming, I must be.

More action to come in episode 4...

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