Nae's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Somewhere in Central Texas.

So, I've finally got my Tama's up and running again (I've got seven and I've just decided to put batteries into two of them), and, so, now I have two fully-functional Tama Music Star's!

Here I go again, talking as if you already know them... Well... Since you don't, let me introduce you!

First up we have Ming. Her favorite color is blue , the color of her case, and, she loves anything sweet.

Ming Stats

Full Name: Mingy Caelo Ward (Think of "ding!" like an elevator, only an "m" and not a "d"/Pronounced: Meen-gie Kie-low Wahrd)

Type: Tamatchi

Gender: Female

Age: 0

Weight: 15 (I know! I know! I was in school, hence the need to feed her snacks and not play any games!)

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Stress: 38

Tone: 103

Rhythm: 87

Original: 67

Music: Classical Music

Generation: 1st

Points: 3500p

My Wonderful Ming was reset this morning after getting some new batteries placed into her, and, is being trained to become a star! (And marry Mitch)

Next up is Mitch. His favorite color is red, and, he loves anything have to do with my little Mingy (Or, so I say).

Mitch Stats

Full Name: Mitchel Lee Ward

Type: Kuchitamatchi

Gender: Male

Age: 0

Weight: 17 (He's fat. I know. No need to tell me.)

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Stress: 31

Tone: 94

Rhythm: 83

Original: 49

Music: Pop Music

Generation: 1st

Points: 2800p

As you can see, they'll be a perfect match! I'm going to go now, but, I'll let them have a few words before I leave. (And, keep in mind, I write in black while Ming writes in blue and Mitch in Red.)

Finally! Some time to talk! Sorry Mum, but, you've been hogging the talking space a bit??

Uhm. Well. If I didn't introduce you, who was going to? And, how are you even talking? You're like, what... 0?

Mum, it's the world of Tama's. You just saw me shower by myself. I can do a lot of things by now.

Whatever. It's still creepy. Anyway, say what you're going to say so we can stop waisting their time!

Please. She means so that she can get back to reading her Fanfiction and watching Criminal Minds. Whatever. I'm Mitch. Long betrothed to Ms. Princess Ming over there. (I have no idea what Mum was thinking when she did that. For heavens sakes, we both call the same woman Mum, and, she's going to marry us?)

Shut it, Mitchy. (And, he acts as if I'd like to marry him. Honestly, he's so immature.)

I'm immature? Well, that's nice! It seems I've haven't been immature enough to tell Mum about you little visit with Daniel the other day, was I?


MINGY! What is he talking about!?


Nothing, Mum. Nothing. (Mitch, I'm so going to get you.) Anyway, that's all for today! Come again later!

*sigh* Children these days...

Well, I'm going to post later. Hopefully when they're older and have transformed (*she smiles nervously*).

Now, let's go hear about this Daniel I've specifically told Ming to stay away from...

Oh, Ming, dear...


Aside for managing to updo my hair in a way high up on my head so that it doesn't touch the chair, I've got some news!

I've decided to make cradles!

After Mitch complained enough.

Whatever Ming! (And D has one... I wanted one too...)

Yeah, yeah. Pay them no mind. Anyway, it's going to be a little eggy carton shaped cradle either painted/covered with cloth. I'll try and get some pictures up of it. (My sister and I have bunk beds, and, so, I wanted something that I could hang up from my place on the lower bunk and push as I fall asleep [and put them to sleep]).

Yes, and, in the mean time... QUIT MAKING US PLAY TOGETHER! I do not like him. I won't like him. I WILL NEVER like him. Gah! (Though you CAN keep making him give me the food.)


Anyway... Ignore the little ones.

I'm going to go work on the cradles!


- Nae

So. Uhrms...

*dodges stones being pelted*

So, we can assume you're not too upset at my absence, yes?

I have a good reason! And, as soon as I... Wait... OK. Sorry, I'm at my neighbors house, and, well... Yeah.


For the reasoning:

I was at my Grandmum's house when Ming turned off.


She just shut down.

Before I panicked, I grabbed a needle and quickly downloaded her. (Actually, I did all of that after I took her battery out and put it back in.)

O.K. It seemed to be all good.

Yeah. Not so much.

After about five more minutes, she stopped working, and, nothing I could do (resetting her with a needle, taking her out, pressing the 'A' and 'C' button, etc) would fix her. Nothing.

So... Then I panicked.


All out freaked.

I paused Mitch (Not because I like her more, but, because I hate only having one Tama out of two), and, I would have told you about it yesterday, when she stopped working, but, unfortunately, I was too worried to actually do it. And, I planned on taking to you on Tuesday, once in the morning and once during school, but, both times were ruined. However, I can talk to you now, because, well, I skipped school.

(Remember dears, this is Central Texas. It was, what? 23 degrees this morning? I didn't have to go to school. Especially with the rare snow warning.)

Anyway... Mitch and Ming are sleeping right now (I think it's sooo adorable how he sleeps in a star cradle and she in a heart). I unpaused him after I got her to start working again (Wanna know how? A paper clip to the reset button like thirty minutes ago. -_- ), and, now they are sleeping happily.

As far as new stats go, they are both parts of bands! Let me wake them up for a bit so they can talk to you. (They are so going to kill me for this.)

*a few seconds later*

Mother. Do. Not. Talk. To. Me.

Aw... I've just reset you! Don't you want to talk to all of your fans?

No. We want sleep.

Oooohhhh... What's this "we" I hear? Finally accepting things, I see?

He's accepted nothing. You can't accept things that aren't there to accept, mother.

Whatever. Tell them about your bands!

Do we have to?

Telling them about your bands = Sleep.

Fine. I'm... Well... You know who I am. My band, Escape, has Coleen and David in it. (Coleen is... Amazing.), and, well... Can I go to sleep now?

No. Not until I hear about this Coleen. The little strawberry? Goodness. Why do you even entertain these things? You're only 1. You already know who you're going to end up with. Gosh.

Whatever. I'm, well... Yeah. I'm in the band Velocity with Dino and Louis.

Hey! She's in a band with all boys and you don't throw a fit over her.

That's because I can be trusted.

And I can't?

No. You can't. Now can we go to sleep?

No, no! Tell them what kind of music you play!

Mum! You already know! I'm tired!

Telling them what kind of music you play = Sleep.

Fine. I play Classical. He plays Asian.

Tee hee! She used to play Latin. This is the first time in maybe 14 hours she's played Classical again. Now I'm just waiting for him to go back to Pop.


Yeah, yeah. Night Night.

Both: Night Night.

Now that we're done with that, I've got some more information for you.

1) Instead of building the cradel, I took a po-dunk Easter Egg Basket and sightly re-vamped it, hanging it from my bed so that I could pretend sway them to sleep. I should have pictures up sometime soon.

2) Yesterday I found really cheap music CD's, and, so, I had them exchange those. Classical for Pop. You can guess who got which one.

3) It seems that with 4 faces, and 2 REALLY happy faces, they've finally accepted they were meant for each other (though they deny it at every turn).

That's about it.

(Well, that, and, the new stats)


Ming Stats

Full Name: Mingy Caelo Ward (Think of "ding!" like an elevator, only an "m" and not a "d"/Pronounced: Meen-gie Kie-low Wahrd)

Type: Ohamametchi

Gender: Female

Age: 1

Weight: 21 (I know! I know! I was in school, hence the need to feed her snacks and not play any games!)

Hungry: 3/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Stress: 62

Tone: 457

Rhythm: 197

Original: 183

Music: Classical Music

Generation: 1st

Points: 5750p

Mitch Stats

Full Name: Mitchel Lee Ward

Type: Kikitchi

Gender: Male

Age: 1

Weight: 20 (He's fat. I know. No need to tell me.)

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Stress: 47

Tone: 297

Rhythm: 181

Original: 160

Music: Asian Music

Generation: 1st

Points: 5750p


- Nae


So... YAY!

I just took Ming into Tama Town for the first time since she's been born, and, even though she's sleeping now (I woke her up AGAIN) to take her there), it was a lot of fun. I haven't been in for a while, and, it was different. Different meaning that if I want to do everything there I have to get a Tama Go. Which, is no big news to me. I may give my Grandmum the money to order it off of Amazon for me...


Anyway, that's not the reason for this new log. The kiddies are sleeping (Both: zzzzz), so, I've got to talk to you by myself.

I've got fanmail!

Or, rather, some really-kinda-sorta-nice mail from zacksims123.

Sorry, if I'm exploiting you. I was surprised to get anything, but, now, I must blow this way out of the water. (You can so tell I'm not used to this.)

He says:

Great Log! It's funny! And informative. It has well rounded tamas and ~STUFF!~

To which I reply:

Thanks a bunch!

Like the great nerd I am.


I'm just surprised.

O.K... I'm going to stop taking up all of your time with my babble. Thanks a bunch (again), and, anyone else, feel free to mail me! We all (especially Ming) enjoy the attention.

Hey! So, as far as the Tama's go, everything is great.

I wouldn't say great.

Oh, shush. Besides him, everything is great.

*giggle* Tell them what happened!

I don't think so.


I'm not getting into this, though, I think the people out there would like to know themselves.

He's a Shimashimatchi! Teehee!

Hey, now. At least he's two. You're still one.

That's right... Hey!

What!? I don't know what you're so ashamed of. Besides the fact you kinda remind me of a giant bumblebee, that means you've been getting Great care! Which is amazing, if I do say so myself.

-_- Of course you do say so yourself. You are Mum.

Exactly! So stop complaining!

Moving on, and back to me... Well... What about me?

You, young lady are being difficult. Seriously, you're just one and... Gah. Just. Don't.


Seriously! She won't practice, her stress level is 61, and, she's just one. SERIOUSLY. She refuses to do ANYTHING!


Well... It's true.

Have you anything good to say about my behavior?

Yes. You practiced on your own occasionally.


Now, I shall tell you about our day whilst she mopes and he showers.

Today we woke up to snow. Of course, snow = no school, so, I got to stay home. They didn't get to go outside (I'm not used to the snow, and, so, I didn't want to take the chance), so, after I stayed out there five to ten minutes, I went back inside. A few poops and hungry hearts beckoned to me, but, after some serious feedings and games, they were all good.

(By the way... Dry Snow = Weak Snowball Fight with my neighbor, Taelor.)

On the plus side, I learned how to play sound blocks! I couldn't play it before, and, I can't ever really get past level five, but, I'm learning!

I'm with my Dad right now, as it's his weekend to have me, but, at my Mum's house, there is a Tama Travel Bag that I'm working on. It's just a bag of cute, non essential things. I had to stop because I was |thisclose| to crying while making it (I couldn't get it!), but, I'll explain it when I'm done.

Other than that, we've had a pretty weak day. A bunch of sleep and games is mostly what we've been rocking.

Talk to you later!


Wait. Wait.

Let me wake up Ming. I must have her awake to tell you this.



HEY! I had some good news for you!

What could possibly be great enough that you had to wake me up the second night in a row!?

We're getting a Tama Go!

-_- You've got to be kidding me!

No! Really! It's black and I just ordered it!

Are you... Oh my friggen'... Mother.


Why in the world couldn't you wake up Mitch to tell him that?

Because you've been annoying me all day. It's payback.

Go to sleep Mother.


GAGSG! I'm getting a Tama Go! It's black (and from the new love of my life - EBay). I was surprised we found it so cheap after looking in a few... Other place *coughcough* Amazon and Walmart *coughcough*.

IGNORING THAT, I am really very excited. Seeing as how it can mate with the V5 (yesh!), I am going to buy batteries for my 2 (perhaps 3?) v5's and interchange the marriages! (Meaning I'll get to carry 5 - 6 Tama's to school everyday. -_- oh joy.) It should be here somewhere around Tuesday or Wednesday. Sometime when I come back from school.


Ok, so, I just HAD to take up your time with this announcement, but, I'll let you get on with your day.



- Nae

*in the distance* GAH!!!

WARNING: Due to the nature of this log, and it's many contents, I have split it into two sections.


Section 1: Before the Babies

Hey! So, I know it's a bit early for my log, but, I figured I'd go ahead and post. (I also have nothing else to do before eating lunch)

Tell them the good news.

Oh! That's right! Aside from Mitch turning 3 and Ming turning 2 (all the while evolving into Mimitchi. Perfect care!), which puts them both a year closer to getting married, and, we all know-

We both passed our Pro Debuts!

Oh. Well. Yeah. There's that too.

Correction. I got pro debut before she did.

Oh please! You got it what... Like seconds before I got mine?

Well, yes. As the oldest-

Shut up! You know you're only the oldest because of a slight glitch.

Like I was saying, before I was so rudely inturrupted, as the eldest-

You misspelled interrupted. And, before you said "oldest" not "eldest".

That doesn't matter.

Yeah, it does.

No it doesn't.

Yes. It does.



Ignore them. Anyway, yes, they DID get a pro debut. And, as we speak, I'm taking Ming back to the school to see what happens. *few seconds* So there is a building and floating arrow?

OooohhH! The sweets shop! *clickesh*


I'm playing.

*a minute or two later*

So, in spite of saying I was just going to the sweet shop (where I got 150p for getting 7 sweets), I went to all three. I absolutely DO NOT like the Teacher Game, and, I suck terribly at the music studio..

Which is probably very suckish to admit. Especially since that's where I get all of my music stats. (Speaking of stats, I've got the new ones at the end of this log).

Later on today, hopefully, I'm going to WalMart to find some cute, inexpensive Tama kits/Accessories. I don't think I'll find any for the Tama Go (You crazy T-G collectors), but, I'll try out my luck.


Are you two done yet?

We've kinda been done.

Hm. Really?

Yeah. You've been too busy playing.

Oh. Well. Uhrm. Anyway...


Section Two: After the Babies

So erm. Wow. Wait.



Oh shush! You're just mad because I told you so!

-_- Whatever.

HAR! So, I set them up to play a game (keep in mind she's two and he's three), and, I figured it'd be safe. Well, imagine my surprise when I look up at the crazy sounds the fireworks were making and Ms. Ming and Mr. Mitch were doing a little "somethin'somethin'" behind the curtain! When they got done, out popped two boys! I was a little disappointed, as, I wanted girls (Who I was going to name Pride and Aura). However, I've got to decide on some boys names? (*By the way, can I get a boy and a girl? Is that even possible?)

I think I want to name them after food!

I think not!

*sulks* Why not?

You are not naming my Danny after food!


See! That's what I'm saying! Who said you could name them?

He's mine, isn't he?

How could he not be?

Actually, he's not.

How so?

Erm. No. I own all of you. So, technically, he's mine.

-_- Well, no one asked for the technicalities.

You didn't have to ask, I offered them.

Moving on... We've got to sleep in a few, so, we'll be going. RIGHT Ming?

*grumbling* Right.

Night Night!

Both: Night Night.

Anyway, as you can see, a lot of progress has been made. No matter what Ming wants, I'm not going to name the child Danny. (Too common). Instead, he shall be named Bacon while Mitch's little boy shall be named Cheez! (Get it? Cheese? Get it! *laughing* Ah. I'm too funny for myself).

And they shall be vegetarian!

Oh. Wait. That's gonna be a lot of money. Ohmygoshness.


In support of my getting a black Tama-Go in a few days, I've gone to WalMart and bought an extra figure and face plate. (By the way, if you'd like to sell any, I'd be willing to buy them. I know how much they run for online and in chain stores, so, there is no way I'm giving ANYONE over $7 for one... Ask me later if you're interested.) It's Kuchipatchi! I'm very tempted to open it now, but, there's no point in doing so until I get my T-G, so... Gah!




- Nae


Ming Stats

Full Name: Mingy Caelo Ward (Think of "ding!" like an elevator, only an "m" and not a "d"/Pronounced: Meen-gie Kie-low Wahrd)

Type: Mimitchi

Gender: Female

Age: 3 (She just now turned! As I'm typing this.)

Weight: 32

Hungry: 2/4 hearts

Happy: 2/4 hearts

Stress: 00 (I figure it would be 0 after having a child)

Tone: 774

Rhythm: 429

Original: 477

Music: Latin Music

Generation: 1st

Points: 16480p

Mitch Stats

Full Name: Mitchel Lee Ward

Type: Shimashimatchi

Gender: Male

Age: 3

Weight: 33

Hungry: 1/4 hearts

Happy: 2/4 hearts

Stress: 00

Tone: 634

Rhythm: 442

Original: 419

Music: Latin Music

Generation: 1st

Points: 15770p

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I know, I know. I didn't post yesterday! I'm sitting in 7th period now, and I'm terribly sorry, so I've got a taste for you now. (I'll post more later when I get off of the bus)

Ming and Mitch left, leaving me with two adorable boys. Unfortunately, Ming's pleas for me to not name her son after food touched my heart, and, he has been named Danny. His brother, spawned from Mitch's half, is named Ethan.

I'll have stats for you when I post again when I got home, but, for now, Ethan, unfortunately, seems to frequently be sick. Everytime he poops he's sick and, that worries me because I CANNOT have one twin dying out on me. Now I'm going to have to pay him special attention on the bus to make sure everything is alright with him. (Which I hope it is, because, during school, I've had to have their beeps turned off, and, so, that's why I haven't even really been able to take care of him.

Let me turn the sound on.

So, I've turned his sound on, but, because Danny is almost perfectly fine, I'm not going to bother with him too much. Outside of the occasional poop duty, my attention is soley (sp?) focused on Ethan.

By the way, if my spelling is like crap, I'm on the school computer and, for some reason, they do not have ready spell check, so, I don't know if I'm getting some of the major words correct. (That's not to say that I focus and abuse spell check, it's just nice to have).

Anyway, it seems that they have taken after their father. They are both Kuchitamatchi's, so, I'm guessing that's a good thing. My question is if they are going to stay the same character for the rest of their lives. It's bad enough I can't mate them together (boys or no boys), but, we don't need to mix matching characters in with that.

Oh my goodness... I'm listening to the other children of my class terrorize my teacher. Ah. Nice.

ANYWAY, I just wanted to give you a little slight show of what was to come (including new stats), later. By the time I get home they'll probably all be improved, but, I still wanted to let you know.


- Nae


So, after the scare the other day (with my Tama Go coming in a day early, but, me not being able to get the battery hatch off), I logged off, freaked out.

I get freaked a lot.

Anyway, last night, after I was far away from any internet, I managed to be able to get the battery hatch off, and, now, I have a girl on my Tama Go. I'll post my YT review later, and, after that, I'll post this one. I'm trying to figure out if I want to do it seperate, or, as a part of my log.


I'm going to go ahead and do the stats for you now, because I didn't yesterday.

Danny Stats

Full Name: Daniel Iean Ward

Type: Kuchitamatchi

Gender: Male

Age: 0

Weight: 15

Hungry: 0/4 hearts

Happy: 1/4 hearts

Stress: 61

Tone: 256

Rhythm: 192

Original: 234

Music: Jazz Music

Generation: 2nd

Points: 100500p

Ethan Stats

Full Name: Ethan Azone Ward

Type: Kuchitamatchi

Gender: Male

Age: 0

Weight: 15

Hungry: 2/4 hearts

Happy: 0/4 hearts

Stress: 66

Tone: 196

Rhythm: 169

Original: 163

Music: Latin Music

Generation: 2nd

Points: 10000p

So, those are the stats. I promised them I wouldn't wake them up to do it, and, as my Muther had to go to work early, I was dropped off at a place of Wi-Fi early this morning, which is how I was able to do this. I'm pretty sure you'd like the stats of the T-G, so, let me do that now.

Azora Stats

Full Name: Azona Seraphina Ward

Type: Belltchi

Gender: Female

Age: 0

Weight: 10

Hungry: 0/5

Happy: 0/5

Train: 0

Friendship: 0/6

Character: 2

Points: 360p

Generation: 1st

As you can so, things are not going to well for anyone. Also, I've started up a Familitchi, so, I'll get those stats to you later. I'm still waiting on them to wake up, but, since they're due to wake up sometime soon (I hope), I'll just post later.


- Nae

So. Uhm. Yeah. We're gonna start this off while mum is off enjoying her ice cream.

*coughcough* and watching the Social Network *coughcough*

ANYWAY... I'm back now, and, you've just spoken to Danny and Zora.

Mum! Why must you call me that!?

Because you're 1. And can't go to the restroom by yourself. That's why.


Whatever. Stop being such a whiny-

Too far.

Oh whatever. You're just saying that cause you know Mum is going to make you marry her.


MOVING ON, I've got three new Tama's to introduce to you. They're part of the Fama Tama, so, they won't take long, but, they really want to join the convo, so...

Ward Family Stats

Left Tama: Azaza Adelia Ward (Female) (Tororotchi)

Center Tama: David Tyler Ward (Male) (Mousetchi)

Right Tama: Nicholas Breeny Ward (Male) (Ahirukutchi)

Just give the rest of our stats later on. What's up party people!?

Excuse her. Anyway, what's up Danny?

Yeah, yeah. Nothing's going on with him, what's this I hear about Danny and I getting married?

(*Aren't they so entertaining*) Really, it's nothing, Zora.

Isn't that what you told our parents before you married them?

*whisper yells* Ethan!

Why is no one answering my question?

Maybe because there are no party people here?


*peeks out from under loose cover* What!?

What is this I'm hearing about marrying Danny? Nothing against you Daniel, you're great, but... UHM!?

Uhm Well You See... And, Mitch, sorry, Ethan, I told you parents they were going to be together. They can deny it all they want, but, I told them. Check.


Well nothing.

Answer my question!

Well, you'll be married to Danny while Ethan there gets Zaza.

AWWW!!! What did I ever do to you!?

I beg your pardon?

You can beg all you want, but, it's not getting you anywhere. Mum!

No buts about it. You're who I put together.

But he's boring!


His father was too.


*to Zora* Is it just me or is this getting good?

Yeah it's getting pretty... Hey! I wouldn't plan on laughing at me, Mr. Lonely.

She says it as if I WANT to get married...


So, instead of confusing you any longer with their arguments, I just wanted to say hey! I'm going to be post my T-G review sometime soon, but, that'll be good. I'll finish the Fama stats, later, as I'm incredibly tired, and, we've got to start preparing for the sleet that's supposed to come tomorrow.

Meaning we must grab everything for the yards and bring it in. We'd leave it out, only, things are still thawing out from the snow and ice last Thursday.


So, I'm going to go now. If I don't have anything put up until tomorrow, or the day after, so be it.


- Nae

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So, I've been really, really sick lately, which, explains for the lack of log yesterday. Not too much happened that you're out of the loop, but, quite a bit did happen. (By the way, I'm at school, so, I don't really have the detailed new stats that you're looking for, and, the Tama's aren't going to say much, if they say anything at all)

So, guess what Zora grew into? Well, first it was a Shelltchi, which, y'know was all good with me. It was perfectly fine, she reminded me of the beach, and, it was pretty cool. However guess what she transformed into... Violetchi. (GRRR!)

Now, I know some of you are giong to think me crazy, but, there is plenty of reason I don't like her. For one, she always seems to be perfect; She's the goal of everyone and she's too adorable. That's why I don't like her. I can't stand the Tama's that are just UP THERE perfect... It grates on my nerves.

However, just because the character she's become disgusts me (Urhm... Thanks?) doesn't mean she does, and, I love her all the same. Although, I'm going to start referring to her character as V. Sorry hun!

No problem, mum.

So, moving on, the Fam has still not grown up. Meaning they're still all in their toddler/children forms, and, it sucks.

Which is horrid, because, my Ethan is aging so much faster than my Danny, who is one, (Who is supposed to marry Zora, who is already 3), and, I've worked to perfectly get Danny and Zora's friendship up there, and, if the matchmaker comes bbefore they can be married, I may just have to accpet, because, I never like turning the MM away, which, then, means tthat I will be out several arranged marriages which will, in turn... Make me... Upset, very much.

Ethan, by the way has already gone through his Nonopotchi stage, which is where Danny is at now, and, is at his Androtchi time in life.

Which, I guess, means they aren't twins anymore. And that really sucks eggs.

So you see my dilema?

On, the bright side... Wait. There isn't one.

We're keeping the hope, no?

(And, by the way, Danny ended up being younger because his time accidentally reseted, and, that ended in me having to put it right again [He was sleeping during the day and staying awake during the night]. As a result of that, it hindered his growth, making it crappy for me to have to care for him.)

*I've gotten my camera charged, and, I'm going to take all of my recent pictures and videos off and make the new videos, so, I'll have the pictures and possible video up then.*


- Nae
