Naruto Dreams!


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that's funny! (in a way)

i had a dream that itachi was trying to blow up konoha so we were in a car trying to leave. I kept on complaining saying that i was a ninja and could hop from tree to tree and go twice as fast as the car but tsunade chewed me out and told me to stay pu in the car.

Yes...and it was weird. Naruto died happily by Oruchimaru x_x.


Don't ask.

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There was something I didn't tell you.

One of my friends has a step brother(7yrs.old) and he's a strong naruto fan.

He was playing with my friend that he was going and picking up naruto characters in a car and i had also drawn a comic of kakashi getting drunk and singing (too sexy for the catwalk) and swinging his shirt in the air. When they were playing he pretended it was kakashi's birthday and he got drunk at his party and didi teh exact same thing. It's really weird because he hadn't seen my comic and he didn't even know who I was. (M friend says that he's a genious. I think he's phycic)

Holy crap yes o.o

I was in the class and stuff next to Hinata and Gaara, and then I had to do that Transformation Jutsua thing and I turned into Inuyasha (My dreams are weird o_O) Everyone stared at me and stuff, then I walked back as myself (I was Wearing the lefband around thy waste, and I had brown hair that was like Sweet Kandis, Short) Soon that Kakashi dude attacked me but I didnt move, instead I stayed still feeling pain (It hurt alot for a mere dream!) Soon some weird glint in my eyes appear and out of no were Kakashi died. Then I bashed Gaara, but all he did was do that Sand attack thingy. Later Hinata asploded, then Sakura's head blew off. Finally it was only me, Gaara, and Naruto left. Then when my alarm went off (The Radio Station XP) my dream got weird, the Blue Angel's flew in, with a car ontop of a Green Big Cable box. Then I saw stuff like a flying pig.

Then my mom yelled at me to wake up or Id miss the bus XP

Once I dram that all the Naruto characters were in my class.

And so was Edward Elric.

I kept poking Sasuke and he slapped me. *sniff*

And I kept copying Gaara's answers. >=D

I dreamed that Sasuke was in my class and I was always near him for no reason.

No, I've never had a Naruto dream.

Maybe becuase I don't even know the charactors look like. xP

Yeah, I'm guessing that's why.

Watch me, tonight I'll have a dream like that. xD

I had a dream that I went to this orphanage and it was full of Naruto characters. Everyone was picking on me so Gaara stood up for me! (He is so cute!) Then we all grew up together and we all became friends! My mum didn't come to get me! So I stayed there. I had anger-managment problems and Temari was my best friend! I had a boys room coz I kept throwing stuff against the wall. Then me Temari and Gaara went ontop of a hill and sat down and watched the sunset. It looked like my avvie! We went home and I read for a bit, then I came down at breakfast and I got mad because people were annoying me so I tipped over the table and I got told of by the Hokage and all of the Shinobi!

I loved that dream! I had it every night and it continued! Kind of like a t.v programme!

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i always hav naruto dreams i usually dream the episode (the actual episode) and i add myself in there somehow but i am a tottally different person my name isn't even da same and i usally use a anime charrie...dis is da 1 i always am ->

and i usually dream that i am someones sibling lyk i am haku's sister i almost am always dat

I did once. It was weird too.

I was in Konoha and I was by Shino was collecting some freaky bug, and Naruto was right next to me. So me and Naruto started talking for a while, and then something was gonna happen but my alram clock woke me up.

I remember that once I had a dream that Anko and I were hopping from tree to tree and we were on a mission. When we got to the cave that the thing was in that we were supossed to get( I don't remember what it was ) orochimaru was there. it was creepie. Anko grabbed her shoulder and told me to hide. i hid on a cliff thing in the cave and watched as Anko got beat to a bloody pulp. Than Orochimaru looked straight up at me and than looked at kabuto (who was with him) and told him to get me down. the next thing I new he was right behind my and I was back next to orochimaru. Than (even in my dream) i could feel myself fainting but as I was loosing contousness I could hear orochimaru saying "do you think that falling asleep will keep you away from me, you little fool" i don't remember what happened after that but ever since I had that dream, I've felt a strange feeling every time I see soem wiked awesome drawing of orochimaru as fanart.

It's wierd. ;)

Oh yeah.

I also had a dream when Shikamaru, Naruto, and I were on a mission. =DD

Naruto was talking about spit. o_O

I was fixing my nails. xD

And Shika was yawning.

It was weird.


Over the last few days I've had two more Naruto dreams.


Naruto Dream #1: Sakura killed Naruro in a feild of flowers.


Naruto Dream #2: Kiba was bored, he was sitting in a white room yawning a drooling 0_0...

Nope, but I did dream a inuyasha dream I was racing him cross country on a farm and we tied HA! (in ur face inuyasha)

This is sooooo wierd!

Last night my friend said she had another naruto dream!

She said that there was this boy in school (his name is allen, they are friends) was dressed as konkuro and the puppet thing was holding her by her kneck and he said "the reason you can't defeat me is bacause you lack.... love for me!" than he like starangled her and she woke up.

Over the last few days I've had two more Naruto dreams. 

Naruto Dream #1: Sakura killed Naruro in a feild of flowers.


Naruto Dream #2: Kiba was bored, he was sitting in a white room yawning a drooling 0_0...
What's up with Naruto dying in a happy place in your dreams? Once my friend had a dream that she had to rescue Kakashi and she had to talk to talking penguins.

What's up with Naruto dying in a happy place in your dreams? Once my friend had a dream that she had to rescue Kakashi and she had to talk to talking penguins.
I don't just happens (my dreams are always stupid and/or weird).

I had a yu-gi-oh (worste possible show) dream once......that i kille yu gi and stole pegasus's eye....( i was 8 or 9) I also had an inuyasha dream. Sesshomaru was like attacking i was running ad then there was a flyin monkey....and inu was laughing scarilly...then zombies appeared!!!!!!!!! Then iavrille lavignes song "girlfriend" was playing and sesshomaru turned into avrille and chased with a knife.... and naruto and sasuke came.....then i woke up!!!!!!!!!!! Weirdest possibe dream ever!

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