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Naruto is alright. I used to be obsessed with it. But, seriously, it's just an anime. o.e

I respect your opinion though. I don't see why people go all, "ZOMG!!! YOU HATE NARUTO?!?!? OMG!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!".

Naruto is alright. I used to be obsessed with it. But, seriously, it's just an anime. o.e
I respect your opinion though. I don't see why people go all, "ZOMG!!! YOU HATE NARUTO?!?!? OMG!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!".
Exactly how I feel -.- Some people are so freaking Obsessed I swear they have Mental problems, they ruin the show for me.

I can separate anime from my life, thankyou -nods-

Naruto isn't really that bad of a show, I guess, but there are shows that are better. I can't stand when people won't watch the openings or endings of the show, nor will they listen to any suggestions I give them. I'll tell them to check out deathnote or even a tiny series that only has 23 episodes, they refuse because all they want to watch is naruto! The closemindedness makes my head explode.

One person said, "Naruto can keep going forever! It won't end cause it's soo cool!!" X_____x Nononono. Shows get LAME when they get too old.

One night my sister and I were watching a movie - we got bored. My sister flipped to thirty-one and it was boring. She flipped up a channel and I didn't even know what the show was until that Toonami guy said 'Now back to Naruto.' My sister and I thought they spelled the name wrong. It got all dumb and we agreed that it is dumb and we are flipping the channel.

Why does everybody let Naruto take over their life? I would personally rather watch a short movie with no words - just beautiful music. My friends talk about it all the time to me and I don't even know who the people are xP

I personaly have only seen adverts. When I satyed with my cousin and I watche Jetix I saw adverts but I just wasn't interested. I personally don't think I would have like it though.


I can't watch at home because the don't air it on didgital T.V. or terestrial.

*follows out the same window*
It's the new DBZ.

That's all I have to say.

dbz and naruto have nothing in common exept there anime

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I will go on my rant now > :(



Will everyone please at least try to respect other peoples opinions?

It drives me insane when people act like everyone has to think the same!!!

Anyways, I'm a total narutard. :)

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I don't know why everyone likes naruto but i dislike it :) it's so like...wierd i don't get it who agrees with me?.
yea and also its very childish to tell strangers what you like and dislike :(
dbz and naruto have nothing in common exept there anime
No, no, no. She/He didn't mean it like that.

DBZ was a very popular and long anime show. That's how Naruto is becoming.

I loved DBZ!^^

Exactly how I feel -.- Some people are so freaking Obsessed I swear they have Mental problems, they ruin the show for me.

I'm a

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I can separate anime from my life, thankyou -nods-Naruto isn't really that bad of a show, I guess, but there are shows that are better. I can't stand when people won't watch the openings or endings of the show, nor will they listen to any suggestions I give them. I'll tell them to check out deathnote or even a tiny series that only has 23 episodes, they refuse because all they want to watch is naruto! The closemindedness makes my head explode.

One person said, "Naruto can keep going forever! It won't end cause it's soo cool!!" X_____x Nononono. Shows get LAME when they get too old.
True, take pokemon for example.

man, I'm replying too much...

DID YOU EVER WATCH IT?!?!?!?! well...when you get near the end but still in the middle kind it gets a lil boring...hey i said little not a lot!!!...but near the end like the runnaway sasuke! omg!he gets his curse mark 2 going!!!...i am a

shall i keep watching shippuden 23 again....ive seen all naruto and still working on shippuden...i need 24...if you find it tell me where pleeeeeeeease!!!!!!! :( :D <---ninja and ninja dog! LOL!!! :angry:

DID YOU EVER WATCH IT?!?!?!?! well...when you get near the end but still in the middle kind it gets a lil boring...hey i said little not a lot!!!...but near the end like the runnaway sasuke! omg!he gets his curse mark 2 going!!!...i am a
shall i keep watching shippuden 23 again....ive seen all naruto and still working on shippuden...i need 24...if you find it tell me where pleeeeeeeease!!!!!!! :D :D <---ninja and ninja dog! LOL!!! :p
Nice name BTW *sarcasm*

The majority of boys at school are Narutards =D So I finally have something in common with them! Aside from it seems Im to high

Flubbernuggets to all you people who hate the show and flame anyone who likes it. Cheers to all those who dislike the show but are nice to the fans. And Ponies for all the fans and free Konoha Headbands!

I DONT!!!! okay i dont want to be rude but its really mean of you to talk about a tv show like that, especially when you kno a lot of ppl like it! that is not okay! if u watch episode one and then watch episode two u wont find it so weird. if u really pay attention. for example: im not going to walk around evrywhere saying inuyasha sucks if i never even gave it a chance and i kno nothing about it! [[i dont think that inuyasha sucks]]

atleast give naruto a try


[[your very lucky i didnt get belistic on u]]

i wear the headband [[i sleep with the headband around my neck]] i wear it in school i wear it a narutard...all i think about is naruto.....i breath naruto ok?

u see, i am obbsessed....ur seeing a person like me, so very obbsessed and u still dont want to give it a try??? thats..thats...a word i wont type.....

try naruto out...please

i wear the headband [[i sleep with the headband around my neck]] i wear it in school i wear it a narutard...all i think about is naruto.....i breath naruto ok?
u see, i am obbsessed....ur seeing a person like me, so very obbsessed and u still dont want to give it a try??? thats..thats...a word i wont type.....

try naruto out...please

Being a Narutard isn't something to be proud of, I'm a fan, but I don't wear my headbands in public (Unless it's for cosplay at a Convention) or live with it all the time. In fact, Naruto is one of my favourite anime series', sure I play the card game, but that doesn't make me a Narutard. But seriously, don't take Naruto like it's a second life, truth be told, most parts in it suck (Filler arcs and some boring arcs with extended long episode fight scenes, or when they make too many things go on at once)

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