Naughty gift exchange


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It happens, you'll find yourself thinking they're the most important thing in your life. That actually sounds a little scary....

I remember once that Rex had lost a game to Honey. She felt kinda bad to see him crying, so she went over to give him a gift. Rex was so happy... until he opened the box. It turned out to be Honey's poop. Talk about rubbing salt in his wound! Maybe she was getting revenge on him for sending her a skull a few hours earlier. She became sick as a result. Eeep!

Mean little devils aren't they. I call the poop and cost a gag gift. The ghost is a snake or something in the US version btw. Also as they get older you will get cooler gifts. My brother got a pencil from my Tama and the little guy sits at a desk and writes a little Thank You note. Soooo cute!!!


LOL I'm 24. Hehe. Don't have a boyfriend at the moment though so I need something to cling to. LOL

Mine kept giving my sister's tama poo. But then Carl gave him a piece of cake. It was sweet.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: HUH, what da ya mean?
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how do i get a picy above >TAMANEWBIE< :ph34r:

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Hello, I am new here. I am so happy to find an active forum for Tamagotchi fans to exchange advice, stories and tips.
Anyway, this is going to sound a little bit rude, so forgive me...

Well, I have two very cute little tamagotchi pets and connected them this evening, hoping that they would become friends etc...

I was so thrilled when my little boy tamagotchi (Basil) jumped over the screen to see my little girl tamagotchi (Pika) to give her a gift; but to my horror Basil gave Pika a poo! :angry: Seriosuly!! Pika wasn't very happy at all about this and Neither was I!

So I decided to start another connection to see if he would do it again. This time he gave her a gift that turned out to be some kind of ghost that I think frightened Pika. :angry:

Can anyone tell me if their pets do this?! Have I got a michevious Tamagotchi on my hands?! LOL :angry:

Thank you for reading my post.

how long hav u had your tamagotchis?

If you want your tamas to exchange nice gifts you could go down to the book icon, select presents select either item or food ( depending on what you want to give) select something good, select yes when it says wrap? and then yes again when it asks sure? Then connect with another tama and they sholud give the gift you wrapped. If not give them a time out and you will get a training point.

Hope this helps! :huh:

I guess you are new (yeah like not even a day old)

SO please don't bump up old topics its kind of annoying and will drive people nutso!

how do you post things





NO MORE.... :furawatchi:


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