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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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In Your Computer
I was wondering how can I get Nazotchi?

Can i get him by not feeding my tamagotchi snacks?



There is a rumor that you can get a Nazotchi by not feeding your tamagotchi any snacks. No one knows if it is true because no one has ever gotten a Nazotchi before.

Now people are saying that Nazotchi is a non-playable character which means that you will never be able to obtain that character on your tamagotchi. The only time you will see it is if you connect with other characters your tama version doesn't recognize.

But, experiment! You never know what character you can get. Who knows? You may be the first one to get a Nazotchi!


well, you could debug... but your tama might break. debugging worked for me, but it might not work for you... :ichigotchi:

You won't be able to get a Nazotchi, unless you connect and it's to a different version. You can also debug your tamagotchi and search for it. I've tried not feeding it any snacks, but when it was about to evolve into an adult, it just turned into a furawatchi. :)

Mabey it's a charcter that you can only get when you debug your tamagotchi.

Iv'e been wondering how toget nazotchi too.

Thank you,

I know you was mad.

Like if you v2 character that is not a v3 a picture of Nazotchi

ex: Ichigotchi is not on a v3 so they will show Nazotchi is in the friend's :D

the only way i know of is to debug you tamagot chi pick the charcter then earse the pencil marks and download

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