Need advice on buying a new Tamagotchi


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Active member
Sep 16, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I have a V1 Tamagotchi but it doesn't work right, and I also have a V2. Now I'm wanting to buy a new one and I don't know which version to get. The Wal-Mart here has the V3s and V4s, but I am thinking about waiting on the V4.5s. I really like the "purple lava" design of the 4.5s, and since it's the newest version, I might wait on it. But it will probably take awhile for it to show up, because there isn't a Toys-R-Us or KB Toys near me anymore. Has anyone seen the 4.5s at Wal-Mart or Target? And was the V3 good enough that I should buy one of those before they're all gone, so I don't miss out?

Any advice would be appriciated! :)

I recommend waiting for the V4.5. V3's were fun, but you couldn't get jobs or go to school. No skill points either. V4.5's are available in stores in various states. I haven't seen any in Ohio yet, but I'm still hunting. ;)

This is just my opinion, but I hate V3s. They're demanding, and no matter how good you take care of them, you end up with something ugly. The games are annoying. I love V4s. It is very easy to get the character you want, most of the characters are adorable, the games are fun and quick, and the jobs and mail feature make it a very entertaining Tama. V4.5 is the same with more features, but they don't have all the same characters V4 has. V4.5 is probably better though, but if you just can't wait, go for a V4! ;)

I decided to get a V4 because I couldn't wait for the V4.5. It'll take awhile for the V4.5 to sell throughout the states.

The V4 is fun, too. I like the Asian V4 Designs a lot. (I have the Pink Kuchipatchi one next to me right now)

Almost every one of the V4 characters is cute. (I think the only one that I hate is Tarakotchi ;) )

There's a lot of good characters in the V4.5, too.

See V4.5 Characters here:

Thank you guys so much for the responses. I really appreciate it! :) I think I'm going to wait a few weeks and see if the 4.5s turn up. If not, I'll just get a 4... I'll skip out on the 3s all together!

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