Need help on V4's?


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
England, Surrey UK
Are you like, going crazy, becuase you don't understand a V4? Well, here are some Top Tips to help you! :furawatchi:

  • To get a cool character on a V4, you must never let your tamagotchi lose more then one heart.
  • With the clothes shop game, you must be quick, and when you've found all the requested clothes, in the pile, press C. You will then enter the next round.
  • Worried your V4 won't age? Leave it off pause most of the day, and when it goes to sleep, leave it off pause, too. Make sure you know when you'll tama will wake up! A sleeping chart is good for this problem.
  • In jump rope, press AB or even C, when the rope touches your tamas head.
  • Can't get the right skill points? Play Mimic and flag for kindess and fashion, and lots of jump and Shape to get the cleverness skill.
  • Is your V4 too fat? If fireworks blast off at the end of a game, it means you have completed it, and therefore, your tama will have shed a few pounds. More info soon!

Hope I helped. :huh:

I am going to move this topic to the Tips & Tricks forum, treating as a post giving other TamaTalks information you have found from your V4.

However, I am going to ask members not to post questions in your topic because I am afraid these kinds of threads aren't really allowed.

Admin pinned a topic about this in bold at the top of the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum:

If you have a question about a V4, please start a new topic asking for help in the Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners forum.

Thanks for these useful V4 tips :(

Has V4 come out in english language already? Since when? i got to the mall, but

i still see v4s, will it come out in thailand yet? :D :huh: :huh: :lol: ;) :huh: :huh: :lol: ;) :blink: :eek: :D :D ;) :(

when do V4 teenagers wake up? I already know that toddalers wake up at 9:00 though.

All the questions above should be posted in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum as per my original request.

Since no one seems able to stop them selves using this topic as a forum for asking questions I think I had better close it :ichigotchi:

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