Need Information of the Fourth Tamagotchi Anime announcement on the Puchigumi Magazine


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2014
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Hi. TacticalMaster from the Tamagotchi Wiki. I need some inormation regarding to the announcement of the new Tamagotchi anime, Go-Go Tamagotchi!.

One of my admin colleagues, Tama-Star Girl, just created a page about the new Tamagotchi anime coming in Spring 2014. She also uploaded an image of a magazine that shows the information. When I tried asking her for the reference citation so it can be fully supported, she said that she only got it from someone else on another website (likely Japanese). She also said it could be from...Puchigumi? "Kindergarten?" Well, so I tried at least telling her about the website source, but she couldn't do anything about it, however. She said the link "disappeared."

Then another of my admin colleagues, Afrokid-tamagotchi, intervened. He reveals that image that Tama-Star uploaded was from Puchigumi. Now I know where it is from now. But the question is: what is that advert in, who published it, and what issue number is the magazine itself?

He at least provided me the link...

...aaaaand, my language barrier. Can't do it. I'm unable to decipher anything that can be an mag issue # or publisher.

So, here's the scoop: What is the issue # of that Puchigumi magazine of that new Tamagotchi anime announcement so that I can reference that for the page about the new Tamagotchi anime? And if possible, the publisher of that advertisement?

Ok so firstly (it's me afrokid-tamagotchi ) I forgot to post I actually found tht the magazine issue isn't listed properly by number but by month here is the cover for the issue that the scoop seems to be revealed. On which is the 3月 issue or march issue (despite it being a march issue the magazines are released a month behind so it's actually the February issue)

As you can see (in the mess of what is puchigumi lol) there is a picture of lovelitchi but next to her in Japanese says vaguely "big scoop on tamagotchi anime" this indicates that this is infact the issue which leaked GO-GO Tamagotchi!

What I showed you however I relised is infact NOT the issue but the 4月 issue which is to be released on the 15th and will most likely give more info on the anime hence the release of trump cards.

Edit: please check this site it may give more I site to the publisher but puchigumi has countless magazines not just it's main one.

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Huh. Still can't read it. My language barrier is sure killing me.

Just what does "月" mean?

Huh. Still can't read it. My language barrier is sure killing me.
Just what does "月" mean?
Sorry I wasn't clear 月 means month so 3月 means march as in the third month therefore each magazine is labelled by month issue and the one who released the news was the march issue released in February.

Sorry I wasn't clear 月 means month so 3月 means march as in the third month therefore each magazine is labelled by month issue and the one who released the news was the march issue released in February.
Well, based on the cover you uploaded with my talk with Tama-Star, I only managed to see 4月 on the left-top side of the cover.

Wait, if 月 means month, doesn't that mean it's the "April?"

Yes April but what I showed you on tamastar's talk page is the NEXT issue containing info supposedly but the cover I have posted on this topic is the one with info which is 3月号 so it's the march issue that contained the information.

Ah, so it's the March issue, right? Thanks!

3月号, so that means March? I get it now!

I went ahead and tried to cite the image that Tama-Star Girl uploaded on the GO-GO Tamagotchi! article page. Well, this is as far as the citation got:

"GO-GO たまごっち! <And followed up by some other words I can't translate>." ぷっちぐみ. DD Mar 2014: (Page Number). Print.
Note: Sections separated by underline

Note +2: Texts colored in red means that section has yet to be completed.

Note +3: I had to use "Copy + Paste" because I don't know how to type Japanese. :/

Note +4: Good thing I actually figured out the text writing of Pucchigumi so I can Copy + Paste that. It was on that cheesy children song on YouTube. :3

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