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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2007
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I have to get needles on tuesday and im really scared, they make me physically sick!

Do any of you hate them as much as me?

Do any of you have any ideas of how i make the the pain less and the stress a whole lot lower?

I had three last year, all for cervical cancer.

Our school gave them to us.

It was horrible.

Just try not to think about the needles.


The first needle I was fine - Just a bit of pain.

The second I got a bit teary. (Though my friend was hysterical)

The third I was hysterical. Hyperventilating, crying etc.. Was horrible.


If you are just getting Hep B or Tetnus or something I'm sure you will be fine. ;]

I had three last year, all for cervical cancer.Our school gave them to us.

It was horrible.

Just try not to think about the needles.


The first needle I was fine - Just a bit of pain.

The second I got a bit teary. (Though my friend was hysterical)

The third I was hysterical. Hyperventilating, crying etc.. Was horrible.


If you are just getting Hep B or Tetnus or something I'm sure you will be fine. ;]
I think im getting tetnus, chickenpox and that cervical cancer one, my sister (who is 26 and tuff as nails) got the cancer one and she even admitted it hurt O_O im not going to be ok.....

I hate needles when I am getting shots, but I don't mind them/like them when I am getting pierced :unsure: I guess I'm just a huge fan of piercings!

My best advice is just DO NOT hold your breath, and make sure that the muscle that is getting the shot stays relaxed. It's amazing how much those two little things can make a world of difference in how much pain you have to go through.

I think im getting tetnus, chickenpox and that cervical cancer one, my sister (who is 26 and tuff as nails) got the cancer one and she even admitted it hurt O_O im not going to be ok.....
Well, I can't give you advice on Tetanus and Chicken-pox but the first Cervial Cancer needle wont hurt. The pain builds up with the more you have.

I got my cervical cancer and Hep B on Thursday. Dont worry, it will be ok, you dont need to worry.

I'm deeply scared of needles.About 2 years ago my dad had surgery,when they put him in the nurse room and gave him shot that helps go to sleep I saw the needle and at first I wanted to barf,my stomach crunched all up,and finally I fainted. I hit the ground so hard it made huge thump sound and got a bump that lasted about 1 month.

i had to get the cervical cancer one and it hurt. but after i got them i was fine. The docter said that all girls think the cancer one hurts more. but just remember ThE MoRe YoU CrY ThE mOrE CaNdY YoU GeT!!

I freak w/ needles too, but I don't think they hurt. Ask the doctor to feel your arm to get the right needle size. Just close your eyes and squeeze really tight xD

I have had MORE than my fair share of needles poked into me over, and over, and over again. I dont mind really, except for the ones they do in your gums at the dentist, those ones have me in tears within seconds. I have gotten needles in every part of my body you can think of so its not a big deal to me. When its going to be done in a spot I know is sensitive, I just think about my son dancing to the Doodlebops XD Obviously you dont have a child, so I would suggest thinking about something cute or something that makes you laugh, literally close your eyes and focus on nothing but that, it helps me get through the dentist needles and the drilling they do lol

Also, on another note, this cervical cancer shot that everyone is getting, you do know that is MAY prevent a FEW types of the human papiloma virus (spelling?) that MAY cause cervical canver, right? I refuse to get it and told my mom what I had read about it and she wont get it for my sister either. Look it up online, and make sure you look for side effects if you do get it. Not saying you shouldnt get it, if you have cancer in your family history, then by all means, go get it, but I just dont see the point if there is no history and I would rather not go get shots that might possibly do nothing -shrugs-

Also, on another note, this cervical cancer shot that everyone is getting, you do know that is MAY prevent a FEW types of the human papiloma virus (spelling?) that MAY cause cervical canver, right? I refuse to get it and told my mom what I had read about it and she wont get it for my sister either. Look it up online, and make sure you look for side effects if you do get it. Not saying you shouldnt get it, if you have cancer in your family history, then by all means, go get it, but I just dont see the point if there is no history and I would rather not go get shots that might possibly do nothing -shrugs-
Well, if you are sexually active it might be a good idea. HPV, of course, is a virus and that virus can turn into cancer though inserting the provirus into your cells genes. This can screw up how the cell divides and when this provirus is inserted it can make your cells divide over and over and over the usual number creating cancer. That's how you get cervical cancer.

The vaccine is for the virus so of course not all types of cervical cancer is from HPV and so you aren't fully protected from all types. They basically chop up virus parts so they can do no harm, inject them and then your immune system finds a way to "eat the up" if you will and so if you really DO get the actual virus it still knows how to fight it. If your immune system fights it, you have less chance of getting the cancer.

I get a shot every three months. I'm used to them by now. I've done the HPV shot. It wasn't as bad as some of you are making it sound :/ It makes your arm sore for about an hour and then it's fine.

Needles have never really bothered me.

I'm deeply scared of needles.About 2 years ago my dad had surgery,when they put him in the nurse room and gave him shot that helps go to sleep I saw the needle and at first I wanted to barf,my stomach crunched all up,and finally I fainted. I hit the ground so hard it made huge thump sound and got a bump that lasted about 1 month.
I have a fear of needles as well. If the doctor trys to give me one I almost beat the doctor up! But piercing needles aren't bad. :)

Wen i was little i had to get shots and i struggled so much that the doctor swerted half of ot in his face.

soooooooooooooooooooooo eney way i HATE shots

The cancer one isn't that bad. It gets easier there more you have jabs. I'm not paticulary afraid of needles I just don't like them. What I hate most is when people say it doesn't hurt. You having a sharp object pierce you skin of coarse it's going to hurt!

The cancer one isn't that bad. It gets easier there more you have jabs. I'm not paticulary afraid of needles I just don't like them. What I hate most is when people say it doesn't hurt. You having a sharp object pierce you skin of coarse it's going to hurt!
The thing is, for some people(myself included), it doesn't hurt. I don't feel shots and piercings anymore. I barely even felt my last tattoo.

It depends on pain tolerance.

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