Neighbor hood pool - Haunted


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One time I saw a little man on the windowsill. I was hallucinating.
I saw the girl from the ring when I was hallucinating.. O_O'

And she was crawling really weirdly.. It was like a crab walk with her back arched.. o_O_o'

Someone is not Crazy just because they are afraid. Let it go

And oh mai...Weird.

I dont think there is a ghost though =/

Were you talking to me kk? Well, anyways, I didn't say she was crazy. I was basically just saying that the concept of a pool being haunted sounded ridiculous to me.

Were you talking to me kk? Well, anyways, I didn't say she was crazy. I was basically just saying that the concept of a pool being haunted sounded ridiculous to me.
I *kinda* agree . >8|

I think my neighbor hood pool is haunted. Last week at around 3:00 pm I went to the pool and over to the deep end. Every time I went under water I heard screaming and crying. I assumed it was just the other kids playing around. Then I went about 3 days later around 8:30pm ( the sun doesn't really set here till about 9 ) and I was the only one there but the life guards . I heard the same screaming B) So I went home , because I was scared. and today when we were driving to the pool my mom was like 'you see that?' and I looked and it was a cementary , right behind our neighbor hood pool! so I said "why is that here?" . She told me that it was illegal to move it or something . When she dropped me off , I went and looked at the grave stones ( there were only like 6, not a big grave yard ) and I saw the name "harriet Marson" on one of them. so next time I go i'm gonna be like "harriet!? you here!?"
O.O Freaky!

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