Nerd Love!


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Jun 3, 2008
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Ok, I totally like this guy named Caleb. I think he is adorable but my friends think otherwise. He is nice, sweet, and HILARIOUS! We talk all the time and we even have a club of me, my bff, him, and his bff and we are great friends. I would tell him i like him, but he's one of those guys who's dad is a preacher and seems like he won't have a crush until College. But I can't help but liking him! Have you ever crushed on a nerd? And what should I do?!?!? ;) :lol: :huh: :huh:

I wish crush topics were banned.


Tell him how you feel.


No I have NEVER fell in love with anybody.

How is he considered a nerd?

Anyways, don't listen to your friends thoughts about him, because your own thoughts about him are your own thoughts. I suggest that you tell him you like him. ^^

Hmmm...interesting...maybe something will turn up. :D

Make sure you keep talkin' to him. :D It will most likely get him to increase his feelings torwards you. :D

And you don't have to tell him just yet...tell when you feel is necessary. :D

Don't make fun of her, it's not that easy. :angry:


Well anyways do you think he likes you?

Like Miss Matchmaker said, it's not that easy to tell somone you like them. Sometimes it can make the friendship akward after telling a close guyfriend that. But, kuchipatchiluva, if you feel he is someone you can trust, and share stuff with. Tell him how you feel, trust me, it may be a good idea, and it could get you somewhere... :lol: :furawatchi: ;)

Ok, I totally like this guy named Caleb. I think he is adorable but my friends think otherwise. He is nice, sweet, and HILARIOUS! We talk all the time and we even have a club of me, my bff, him, and his bff and we are great friends. I would tell him i like him, but he's one of those guys who's dad is a preacher and seems like he won't have a crush until College. But I can't help but liking him! Have you ever crushed on a nerd? And what should I do?!?!? :furawatchi: :lol: ;) :huh:
ZOMG i think I know him..... Freaky. Describe what he looks like.

I haven't had a crush on a nerd before. I suggest you drop hints, that's what I do to let crushes know I like them.

He he yeah I'm in your situation too...

So I'm crushing on a nerd too, Evan Schulte's the name. He's very smart and cute..but he's very short. But he's very athletic, so he's skinny and short..but strong! Ha ha, it's confusing.

What I'd reccommend you to do is just be yourself! Maybe one day just be like 'wouldn't it be weird if we were bf and gf' and just see what he says :marumimitchi: If you have to flirt, do it subtly.

Good luck!


*sigh* I hate how everyone always has to call people names. Listen, I get called a nerd in school because I'm the smartest person in our grade and I don't like it and I get really mad when people think they're so perfect that they can say that other people are nerds.

Ok, well, anyways. I wouldn't tell him you liked him. You don't need to be dating at your age. Just stay friends with him.

I used to like a nerd. Well I dont think he's a nerd really. He was just funny in a weird way. He moved to North Carolina and me and everybody else were so sad!! But we keep in touch with him. We always email him and he replys.

i think crushing on a nerd is a good thing because if you like him and everybody else hates him, you have no compitition!!! he's all yours!!!

i have a thing for guys with glasses...maybe that's why?

Zomg there is a guy named Caleb at my school...


Just tell him. Simple as that.

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